- PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 1/20: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of the show, including Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry for the World Title

  • ️Tue Jan 17 2012


WWE Smackdown review
Jan. 20, 2012
Taped 1/17/12 in Las Vegas, Nev.
Aired on SYFY
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist

- The show opened with a video package detailing last week’s main event and the major moment of the match. They also showed Daniel Bryan’s “how much do you love me?” comment to AJ from earlier in the show, so they’re really helping the viewer put two and two together here.

- Smackdown Open.

- Inside the arena in Las Vegas, fireworks shot off and the camera panned the crowd. Daniel Bryan was introduced to the live crowd. He walked to the ring in a sour mood. Michael Cole said Bryan had been “emotionally ripped apart,” and talked about his match tonight for the title with Mark Henry. Once in the ring, Bryan grabbed a microphone. He said tonight’s show is aptly named “Sin City Smackdown,” because it’s exactly what Big Show did to his girlfriend last week – committing a sin, that is. He pointed out the weight difference between the two and said Show bowling over AJ was intentional and that Show only pretended to be sorry. He accused Show of crying crocodile tears. Bryan accused Show of being bitter because his World Title reign was the shortest in history, a mere 45 seconds. He said Show never lived that title loss down. He called Show a “bitter, selfish, vengeful freak.”

Bryan paused and then continued, saying AJ sustained head trauma, a cervical sprain, and her career is in jeopardy. He claimed AJ insisted on being with him at ringside. He said she put herself in harm’s way because she loves him. He said no one has ever said that to him before. He said he had a great admiration for her as well, and once again dedicated his match to her, saying in spirit, she will be in his corner. Turning his attention to Mark Henry, he said he’s not afraid of him. He said Show isn’t here tonight as the crowd rained down chants of “you suck.” Bryan said it’s a good thing Show is absent since he can’t be held responsible for what he’d do. He told Show to do the right thing and quit before he inevitably hurts another victim. Another really good Bryan promo.

- The announcers discussed the situation on commentary and Cole called Bryan’s accusations “ludicrous,” saying it was Bryan who brought AJ to ringside. Josh Mathews wished AJ a speedy recovery.

- Backstage, they had a whole gambling set-up, with Santino, Zeke Jackson, Hornswoggle and Alicia Fox at a table. Aksana was dressed up for Teddy Long. They had the roulette wheel there too. I guess “Smackdown Roulette” just doesn’t have the same pizazz as “Raw Roulette.” Long explained the wheel and Aksana asked if they could have a pillow-fight match. Cody Rhodes walked up and said his own brother once spun the wheel and landed on a Vegas Showgirls match. He compared Goldust’s outfit to Aksana’s and said he’s the last hope for the Rhodes family. Rhodes spun the wheel, and it landed on “Player’s Choice.” Long explained that Rhodes can pick his opponent for his match, which is next. Rhodes surveyed the room, then picked Zeke Jackson (with goatee and hair). Jackson smiled, but Rhodes said he wasn’t pointing to him. He pointed to the table again and there was Santino…but in fact Rhodes had pointed to the left of Marella…to Hornswoggle. Horny looked despondent as they went to break.

[Commercial Break]

- They showed the Vegas skyline.

- Cody Rhodes came out for his match, then Hornswoggle did the same. Rhodes attacked Horny in the aisle, but before he could do any more damage, Justin Gabriel ran out and took it to Rhodes. Gabriel got a mic and told Rhodes to pick on someone his own size, like himself. Rhodes accepted.


Slight “Justin” chant as Gabriel landed a dropkick. Horny stayed at ringside to cheer on Hornswoggle. Mathews talked about how Rhodes was goaded into the match by an opportunistic Gabriel. That was an odd remark for a babyface announcer. Rhodes with a right hand that put Gabriel on the mat for two. Inverted DDT with an elbowdrop by Gabriel after working out of a rest-hold. Kick to the face put Rhodes down in the corner. He went for the 450 splash, but Rhodes crawled away. Rhodes tried an Alabama Slam, but Gabriel countered with a roll-up for two. Backslide for two as well. Springboard cross-body by Gabriel for a very near-fall. Rhodes countered a corner mount and dropped Gabriel over the top rope. Cross Rhodes for the win.

WINNER: Rhodes, at 3:43. Impressive outing from Gabriel, who went toe-to-toe with the Intercontinental Champion.

- Mark Henry was backstage with Teddy Long at the wheel. Long told Henry to spin the wheel to see what kind of match he and Bryan would have tonight. Henry called “Sin City Smackdown” the worst concept he ever heard, then somehow blamed Long for putting AJ in harm’s way – and tonight, Bryan will be in harm’s way. Henry refused to spin, making Long do it since it was his idea. The match was a lumberjack match – only two spaces away from a pillow fight! Henry was happy with a lumberjack match and told Long that Bryan would enter the Hall of Pain tonight.

[Commercial Break]


I have no idea why WWE hasn’t utilized this stipulation more for their tag matches, especially since the end of tag matches always seem to turn into this anyway. Cole said Rosa spun the wheel on earlier in the day for it to land on a Tornado match. The Usos went for the first cover after a double-team. Jey Uso was tossed out of the ring, allowing Primo and Epico to double-team Jimmy inside the ring. Jimmy held onto the ropes on a whip and turned the tide just in time for Jey to re-enter the fray. Splashes by the Usos in the opposite corner as Cole said they talked to Rikishi, the father of the Usos, backstage earlier in the day. Rosa yelled at one of the Usos outside the ring, allowing Primo to run Jey into the apron. Splash off the top rope by Jimmy onto Epico, but Primo broke up the pin and hit the Backstabber for the win.

WINNERS: Primo and Epico, at 2:39. So if the Usos aren’t the number one contenders for the Tag Titles, I’d like to see what tag team is!

- Bryan vs. Henry is the main event tonight, and it’s for the World Title.

- Plus, Sheamus takes on Wade Barrett later on.

[Commercial Break]

- Royal Rumble Flashback: 2011, with Alberto Del Rio edging out Santino for the win.

- Aksana and Long were backstage. Aksana talked about her love for pulling and yanking – slot machines, folks. Sheamus walked up and Long said it was time to find out what kind of match he’d be having against Wade Barrett. Aksana did the honors, and it landed on a Tables Match. Sheamus said it was okay with him, because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Long and Aksana continued to flirt after Sheamus walked away.

- Next was a dance-off. Why do they always feel the need to do dance-offs on gimmick shows like this? Lilian Garcia introduced Brodus Clay. He danced his way to the ring, along with the Funkettes. They did their thing in the ring, then fireworks shot out of the ring posts. The official competition will take place next.

[Commercial Break]

- Vickie Guerrero walked out after the break. She said she was Clay’s opponent in this dance-off and would show the fans that she can jiggle when she grooves (amongst other things). Vickie did the “Elaine” from Seinfeld. She told Clay, “that’s how you do it.” Clay got to move to his own theme music and had Cameron and Naomi dance with him too. He did the “whole body jiggle” that he added to his repertoire on Raw this week. Lilian took a poll of the crowd and Brodus won easily. Guerrero claimed she was the better dance and demanded they hit her music again. They did, so she danced some more. Out of nowhere, William Regal’s music hit and he walked out with a mic. Cole couldn’t contain his giddiness this entire segment. Regal told the fans not to laugh at this “poor, unfortunate lady.” He put an arm around Vickie as she blew her nose on William’s handkerchief. He ushered Vickie out of the ring, then Brodus grabbed a mic. Clay called Regal into the ring to dance, or was he a “funky chicken”? “Regal” chant as he asked for his music. He did some dignified dancing with a smile on his face. Clay did his running cross-body in the middle of the dance, called “Aw, Funk It,” according to Cole. Crowd actually booed that, but they got behind Clay again when he got the mic and implored someone to call Regal’s mama. WWE has done worse comedy, but Cole’s forced laughter made it worse.

- Barrett vs. Sheamus in a Table’s Match is next.

[Commercial Break]

- They showed shots of the fountains outside the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas.


Barrett took the fight to Sheamus early on, but Sheamus turned it around and clobbered Barrett with forearms. The two continued brawling until Sheamus grabbed Barrett by the head and ushered him over the top rope. Tables lined the side of the barricade. Barrett turned the tide outside the ring and grabbed a table near the announce desk. Sheamus tossed Barrett onto the desk, then set up the table. Sheamus tried a powerslam through the table, but Barrett slipped out and ran Sheamus shoulder-first into the ring post. Someone finally mentioned Barrett’s recent history in a Tables Match against Randy Orton, and it was Cole. Back in the ring, Barrett gave Sheamus a big boot, but Sheamus only went over the top rope and onto the apron, not through a table. Barrett ended up on the apron and attempted to suplex Sheamus over. Sheamus instead clubbed Barrett’s chest with forerarm shots. Sheamus got a running start and ran into Barrett, but Barrett cleared the table and hit the announce desk. Sheamus tried to bring a table into the ring, but Barrett rammed it into Sheamus. At ringside, Barrett gathered the table and put it into the ring. He tossed Sheamus into the ring, then set up said table. Sheamus countered Barrett and nailed Barrett with Irish Hammers. Powerslam by Sheamus…right next to the table. That was dumb. Sheamus put Barrett on the table then went to the top, but Barrett got off the table and met Sheamus. Sheamus headbutted Barrett off and Sheamus fell off the top, but made it over the table. Back-breaker by Sheamus as the table was set up in the corner. Sheamus set up Barrett for the High Cross, but Jinder Mahal ran out. Sheamus knocked him off the apron, but Barrett grabbed Sheamus and threw him through the table for the win.

WINNER: Barrett, at 6:41. Surprised they’re keeping Mahal vs. Sheamus going, given Sheamus’ convincing win over Mahal last week.

After Barrett headed to the back, Mahal set up a table in the corner. He went to powerslam Sheamus through the table, but Sheamus backdoored him and gave him the Brogue Kick. Sheamus then slammed Mahal through the table, Mark Cuban-style. And this, in a nutshell, is why heels can’t get over. Mahal would’ve built more heat by putting Sheamus through the table, but I guess they couldn’t make Sheamus look vulnerable long enough. And now, whatever Mahal gained by costing Sheamus the match is lost by Sheamus standing tall.

[Commercial Break]


Before the match, the wheel spun backstage, and the men had to engage in a flag match. Mathews called this the first flag match in Smackdown history. The crew set up the flags as the announcers talked about the rules. They also aired an inset retort by DiBiase, addressing Hunico and Camcaho’s complaints from the previous week. He said the two men can have a party of their own after the match…a pity party. Once the bell sounded, DiBiase landed an inverted sit-out powerbomb. He went for the American flag, but Hunico grabbed him and slammed him off the buckle. He went for the Mexican flag, but DiBiase put Hunico on his shoulders and gave him the Electric Chair. Hunico back-dropped DiBiase over the top and to ringside, with authority. Hunico climbed the rope to grab the flag, but didn’t appear tall enough. DiBiase, at the last second, shoved Hunico off and onto Camacho. DiBiase crawled to the American flag. Hunico tried to stop him, but fell victim to Dream Street. DiBiase was able to grab the flag for the win.

WINNER: DiBiase, at 2:23. Solid match for the time given. Hunico has done a really nice job in these short matches as of late.

- Daniel Bryan was talking to Kaitlyn backstage. The announcers talked over their conversation and previewed Mark Henry vs. Bryan in the main event.

[Commercial Break]

- Switchfoot’s “Dark Horses” is the official theme of the Royal Rumble, and Cole thanked them for it.

- The Raw Rebound aired.

- Drew McIntyre stood backstage with Teddy Long. Long said Mac just keeps running out of luck. Long said he’s going to let McIntyre go, and fired him. McIntyre was despondent when Santino Marella walked up. He asked Long to reconsider the firing. Marella said people are saying his win over “Drew McIntosh” a few weeks ago was luck. He made a bunch of Vegas-related puns and threatened to give McIntyre “the craps.” Long agreed with his new assistant, and McIntyre spun the wheel. It was a blindfold match. McIntyre thanked Long for reconsidering and said he’d see Marella out there. Marella laughed and said McIntyre won’t see anything…it’s a blindfold match. Marella closed his eyes and walked out of camera-shot, leading to a bunch of sounds as if he ran into something.

- Mark Henry was shown warming up backstage. He challenges for the World Title tonight.

[Commercial Break]

- Another shot of the Vegas skyline was shown.

- They showed Rumble highlights from the WWE ’12 video game.


McIntyre was already in the ring. Marella pulled out a blindfold for his Cobra as well. Mathews said Santino told him he would bring more Divas to Smackdown as part of his assistant role. Marella used the crowd to pint him toward McIntyre, but missed on a Cobra try. McIntyre heard Marella hit the ropes and tackled him through the ropes and to ringside. McIntyre punched the post thinking it was Marella. The guys made their way back into the ring. Charles Robinson almost took the Cobra and while he was avoiding Santino, McIntyre peeked, but missed a running boot. Santino again used the crowd and this time the Cobra connected for the victory.

WINNER: Marella, at 2:09. If you’re going to do this kind of match, Santino is pretty much the perfect guy to do it with.

- Next is the World Heavyweight Championship match. It’s also a Lumberjack match.

- Lumberjacks came out, including Zeke Jackson, Trent Barreta, Tyson Kidd, Cody Rhodes, Curt Hawkins, Tyler Reks, Ted DiBiase, the Usos, Yoshi Tatsu, Heath Slater, and others.

[Commercial Break]

- A commercial hyped Randy Orton’s return to Smackdown next week. More Lumberjacks shown at ringside: McIntyre (not fired yet I guess), Hunico, Camacho, Justin Gabriel, Sheamus, Primo, Epico.


Henry barked at Barreta before he got into the ring. Henry took off his t-shirt and tossed it at Bryan after formal ring introductions and once the bell rang. Bryan was thrown to the apron and told the lumberjacks (Barrett and Gabriel among them) not to touch him. Henry headbutted Bryan down. Bryan slid under the ring and Bryan pushed Reks. He lectured the men from the apron and Henry jumped him as soon as Bryan entered the ring. Henry stepped on Bryan’s chest with both feet. Bryan fought out of the corner and was headbutted back down. Hard shot to the chest by Henry. “All day long!” he shouted. “Daniel Bryan” chant. Henry sent Bryan to ringside, where he was thrown back in by Barrett. He asked what they were doing and Barrett responded, “I’m doing my job.” They went to break with Bryan sitting in the corner at 2:58.

[Commercial Break]

Back at 5:54 of the match, with Henry giving Bryan a monster beal out of the corner. Bryan tried to fight back and chopped Henry. Running dropkick in the corner by the champion and Henry was down to his knees. Kick to the head of Henry for a two-count. Henry powered out and Bryan fell through the ropes. He and the Lumberjacks stared at each other and they began to slowly advance on him, leading him to get back in the ring. Henry, given time to recover, had his way with Bryan. He even turned Bryan inside-out with a clothesline. Henry press slammed Bryan out of the ring. What sounded like an edit had Cole point out that Bryan raked the eyes of Henry as he performed the move. A brief attack on Bryan occurred outside the ring. Bryan dropkicked Henry out of the ring. They ganged up on Henry but Bryan kicked away at them. Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, Wade Barrett and Ezekiel Jackson attacked Bryan in the ring. No bell here. Henry shrugged off the Lumberjacks and peeled them off of Bryan back in the ring. He picked Bryan up for the World’s Strongest Slam, but Rhodes kicked Henry. All the lumberjacks got in the ring and a big brawl ensued. Still no bell. Henry was down in the ring and Bryan skulked away with his title. Henry was able to roll out of the ring.

WINNER: No Contest (no bell), around 11:30 (timed until the end of the show).

Backstage, Long caught up to Brayn. Long asked what the meaning of this was. Bryan said 30 guys were trying to beat him up out there and asked if Long was going to have him fight on the moon next. Long said no, but at the Royal Rumble, Bryan would face Henry and Big Show in a Triple Threat Match for the title inside a Steel Cage. The camera lingered on Bryan’s reaction to that news before fading out.

What do you think? If you saw this show, we invite you to send your thoughts. Send your name, hometown, a 0-10 score rating the quality of the show, your picks for best and worst segments, and then a brief paragraph of thoughts on the show that we can publish in the Reader Reax segment later tonight or tomorrow. Send to

Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to