- PARKS' WWE SMACKDOWN REPORT 5/3: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of Friday night show, including Daniel Bryan vs. Ryback, Kane vs. Dean Ambrose

  • ️Tue Apr 30 2013


WWE Smackdown review
May 3, 2013
Taped 4/30/13 in Detroit, Mich.
Aired on SyFy
By Greg Parks, PWTorch Columnist (Twitter: @gregmparks)

- WWE Open.

- The opening video package featured clips from Monday’s main event six-man tag match.

- They opened inside the arena with the camera panning a good-sized crowd. Ryback entered the arena first. As he came to the ring, the announcers were shown on-camera and Michael Cole assured viewers that John Cena would be healthy enough to wrestle at Extreme Rules. Ryback got the mic and said he knew Cena was hurt, which is why he didn’t tag with him against The Shield. After all, it was Cena who lost that match. He said Cena was limping like a weak, pathetic animal after the match. He said the bigger, stronger and faster always beat the weak. He ended with his catchphrase, “Ryback rules.” It’s certainly not as catch as “Feed Me More,” which I suppose is the point for his heel character.


Bryan tried to stick-and-move early on. More kicks, but Ryback chopped Bryan in the corner. Bryan did a lot of directing traffic early on, and ended up hitting a suicide dive on Ryback. The crowd was very into Bryan, or at least, chanting “yes!” Back in the ring, Ryback kneed Bryan in the corner. Bryan countered a suplex and landed more kicks. Ryback lifted Bryan over his head and dumped him to ringside. They went to break at 3:49 of the match.

[Commercial Break]

Back at 6:40 of the match. Beal out of the corner by Ryback. It was all Ryback in the ensuing few minutes. JBL claimed the longer this match goes, it actually favored Bryan. Bryan came back with kicks to the leg, getting Ryback down to one knee. Thesz Press by Ryback, but Bryan beautifully turned it over into a half Boston crab. Bryan hit Ryback with a running clothesline, and in real-time, looked like they headbutted each other in a painful manner, but Bryan didn’t sell it. He kept working the leg of Ryback. Bryan to the top, where he landed a missile dropkick for a near-fall at 10:00. Bryan went for a kick, but Ryback caught the leg and readied for a powerbomb. However, both men tumbled over the top rope while still in the move. Bryan climbed the apron and leapt into Ryback’s arms. Ryback then rammed Bryan spine-first into the ring post. Ryback picked Bryan up and powerbombed him. He did it a second time. Next was the running clothesline, and that connected. Shell Shock finished the match.

WINNER: Ryback, at 12:31. I was interested in seeing this one, as Dave Meltzer Tweeted earlier in the day that this was said to be Ryback’s best match yet, which could be interpreted as damning with faint praise. The first part of the match was “kick, kick, power move,” but the rest was really nice. Send Ryback on a house show run with Bryan.

- The announcers talked about the opening match from Raw. We also saw clips of said match, as well as Alberto Del Rio setting up the stipulation for his Extreme Rules match.

- Renee Young was with Ricardo Rodriguez backstage. Rodriguez was so excited about winning Monday, he spoke quickly in Spanish, then kissed Young. Del Rio walked in and tried to calm Rodriguez down.

- Fandango is in action next.

[Commercial Break]


No entrance for Long Island Iced Z. Ryder landed some offense early on and went for a cover :23 in. Fandango side-stepped a dropkick attempt and kicked Ryder’s head several times. Fandango delivered forearms to the back of Ryder’s head. He went outside the ring and kicked Ryder in the head as Ryder was tangled in the ropes. Ryder slammed Fandango’s head into the mat when Fandango put his head down. Ryder continued his aggressiveness and hit the Broski Boot. Ryder couldn’t capitalize as Fandango dodge the Rough Ryder and hit him with a Russian Leg Sweep, then a legdrop off the top rope.

WINNER: Fandango, at 2:19. Yep, he’s going to be on Raw and Smackdown every week as long as WWE can keep this “Fandango-ing” thing going. Is he still feuding with Chris Jericho?

After the match, Fandango pronounced his name correctly for all the fans. The finish of the match was replayed as well.

- Kaitlyn was walking backstage with roses in her arms. She came upon Natalya and Great Khali. Nattie asked her if it was from the same guy who got her the hat on Raw. Kaitlyn read the note and the secret admirer said he’d reveal himself soon. Khali told Kaitlyn to just relax. He also told her to take deep breaths. He said if she needs any other advice, don’t stress, just come to him. He said some other things too, but I transcribed what I could make out.

- Kane vs. Dean Ambrose is still to come tonight.

- Plus, we’ll see how John Cena celebrated World Wish Day.

[Commercial Break]

- The exterior of the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit was shown.

- Some of the John Cena Make-A-Wish segment from Raw was shown, as well as the video package that preceded it. There was also some behind-the-scenes footage from Raw that wasn’t shown Monday night.

- The announcers talked about WWE’s history with the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

- Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger joined Renee Young backstage. Colter considered Young as part of the “lamestream media” for missing his “personal act of bravery” Monday night, instead focusing on him losing. He said that some on Twitter said his performance on Raw was inspiring and that he was a role model for going out there despite being sick. He complained about Rodriguez winning the match and said he could go to the police, but tonight, he’s going to rectify the situation. He called Rodriguez an illegal immigrant and said he’d get his win back tonight, and he’ll do it without cheating.

- Ricardo Rodriguez and Alberto Del Rio came to the ring. Rodriguez was still full of pep. Cole talked about Rodriguez being excited and said he should be, “…he’s fighting a man in a fishing vest.” JBL called attention to Rodriguez’s Zubaz pants before break.

[Commercial Break]

- Dolph Ziggler, A.J. Lee, and Big E. Langston were at the commentary table after break, with only Ziggler wearing a headset.


Colter slapped Rodriguez to start, but Ricardo grabbed Zeb’s beard, then kicked him in the leg. He rode Zeb like a horse until Jack Swagger got on the apron. Colter raked the eyes of Ricardo. Right hands by Colter, who then taunted Del Rio. Ziggler questioned Colter’s stamina. Rodriguez planted a right hand on the face of Colter. As he was about to go after Colter in the corner, Swagger interfered for the disqualification.

WINNER: Rodriguez, via DQ, at 1:44. I found this match to be wholly unnecessary. I mean, the match on Raw that spawned this one was bad enough.

During the post-match, Del Rio came to the aid of Rodriguez. Teddy Long came out and turned the match into a tag match. It has to be a rib that even with Booker in charge, it seems to always be Long who comes out to still make tag matches.

[Commercial Break]


The match was joined in progress out of break. Swagger missed a running shoulder charge in the corner and Del Rio tagged in. Tilt-a-whirl back-breaker by Del Rio. Cross arm-breaker applied by Del Rio, but Ziggler and Langston interfered. Langston was about to set up for a big move, but Long came out and made it a Triple Threat tag match.

WINNERS: Del Rio and Rodriguez, via DQ, 1:15 shown. Boy, Long really wants a result from the inconsequential Colter vs. Rodriguez match.


Langston delivered some blows to Del Rio and gave him a belly-to-belly throw. Shoulder charge in the corner by Langston connected. Big splash in the corner by Ziggler for two. Del Rio tossed Ziggler in the air, and Dolph landed chest-first on the mat. Both men struggled to catch their breath. Neck-breaker by Ziggler. Langston tagged in, and he shrugged off some brief Del Rio offense. Back-drop by Langston on Del Rio. Ziggler missed a corner splash this time. Superkick by Del Rio, then a back-stabber to Jack Swagger. Del Rio punched Colter and low-bridged Langston. He also clotheslined Ziggler over the top rope. It was just Colter and Del Rio left. Before he could get his hands on Colter, Ziggler DDT’d Del Rio for two, saved by Rodriguez. Cole reminded us that there are no DQs under Triple Threat rules. Then why have tags? Del Rio locked in the Cross arm-breaker on Ziggler for the tapout win.

WINNERS: Del Rio and Rodriguez, at 5:49. Of all the guys in this match, it was Ziggler, the champion, who tapped out. Just thought that was worth pointing out again.

- A graphic was shown for the Triple-Threat match at Extreme Rules.

- In a dark area of the arena, the camera caught the sound of a beating. The Shield showed up on the shaky cam with them talking trash about The Undertaker and Kane. Dean Ambrose said justice is putting a raging monster (Kane) down. Seth Rollins said they put Taker down and by the end of the night, Kane will believe in The Shield. They set the camera down, and it showed Bryan lying on the floor, coughing after the attack perpetrated by The Shield.

[Commercial Break]

- Referees were helping Bryan to his feet backstage following the attack by The Shield.


Orton briefly got the better of Sandow, but Sandow baited him into the corner where he took over offensively. Jumping knee-drop for two at 1:23. Orton put Sandow down with a few clotheslines and a powerslam. Sandow brought Orton throat-first across the top rope, then knocked him off the apron and into the barricade. They cut to break at 2:41 of the match.

[Commercial Break]

Back at 5:43, with Orton landing a back suplex. Sandow kicked out the knee, though, and DDT’d Orton for two. Side Russian leg sweep from Sandow, followed by two Elbows of Disdain. Sandow hit the ropes and was met by an Orton dropkick. Back body-drop followed that. Rope-assisted DDT, then an RKO from Orton.

WINNER: Orton, at 8:05. An okay showing for Sandow. His loss means virtually nothing, as this match will be forgotten by next week.

Big Show came out as Orton celebrated. Show said Orton is amazing to watch compete, but he’s not much of a team player. Show said if Orton had tagged him at Wrestlemania, they would’ve beaten The Shield. Sandow attacked the distracted Orton and gave him his neckbreaker finisher. Show laughed maniacally on the ramp. Show said that was so funny, but at Extreme Rules, there will be nothing funny about what he’ll do to Orton. They replayed the Sandow attack and the Show laugh.

- Kane was exiting the trainer’s room backstage, presumably checking on Bryan. Matt Striker came out of nowhere and asked Kane for an update on Bryan’s condition. Kane just said he’d make The Shield pay for what they did to Bryan and his brother. He said sooner or later, they’ll get him down and make sure he stays down. But he’ll take down as many of them as he can. He said they’re going on a journey to hell.

[Commercial Break]

- Cole thanked Airbourne for “Live it Up,” the official theme to Extreme Rules.

- Oh dear. Josh Mathews was in the ring for an arm wrestling contest between Sheamus and Mark Henry. Henry came out first. As he did, they showed clips of Henry beating Tensai and Brodus Clay in a tug-of-war, then taking on Sheamus. Chad Patton gave instructions. Henry demanded the referee towel off Sheamus’s hands. Some more gamesmanship by Henry ensued. Once they locked up, it was an intense battle. It was kind of funny watching Mathews looking on intently in the background. Sheamus came close to winning, but Henry came back and won. He had a huge smile on his face after the victory. Mathews declared Henry the winner, but Sheamus took the mic. Sheamus said Henry has the stronger right arm, but doesn’t think he has the stronger left. I can only imagine where Sheamus would’ve gone with that “stronger right arm” comment were this the Attitude Era. Sheamus challenge Henry to a lefty vs. lefty match-up. Henry was about to leave and Sheamus called him scared. That brought Henry back in. “Let’s go Sheamus” chant. Crowd has been engaged all night, and it hasn’t sounded like the obvious piped-in crowd noise that WWE has used previously.

Sheamus played some mind games before they locked up this time. Sheamus kept shaking as the adrenaline coursed through him and Henry told him to “cut it out.” As they were ready to go, Sheamus punched Henry and Brogue Kicked Henry. “That’s what I do, fella!” he shouted at the fallen Henry. Not very babyface-like, but Sheamus has been booked uniquely in that way in the past.

- They showed The Shield taking out The Undertaker last week on Smackdown.

- Next, Kane faces Dean Ambrose.

[Commercial Break]


Kane had to fight off The Shield before the bell even rang. He threw Roman Reigns over the announce table and clotheslined Seth Rollins over the barricade. Finally, Kane entered the ring and the referee called for the bell to start the match. Kane dished out right hands to Ambrose at the outset. At ringside, he dropped Ambrose throat-first across the barricade. Reigns was still down behind the announce table. Rollins finally propelled himself back to the ringside area. Short-arm clothesline by Kane to Ambrose. Kane sent Ambrose again to ringside and they went to break 1:51 into the contest.

[Commercial Break]

Back at 4:48 of the match with Ambrose in control. During the break, Ambrose brought Kane’s leg down over his shoulder, allowing him to go on offense. Ambrose worked the leg of Kane. Kane’s leg was wrapped around the ring-post by Ambrose as Reigns and Rollins looked on, having recovered from the early beating served to them. Ambrose went to the top, but Kane slammed him down. Kane kept Ambrose away from the side of the ring where the other Shield members stood. Sidewalk slam for two shy of 8:00 into the match. Kane to the top, and he connected on a clothesline. Chokeslam on Ambrose, but Kane was still feeling the effects of the earlier leg attacks. He gave the throat-slash gesture and tried the Tombstone. Rollins got on the apron and Kane booted him off. Ambrose was clotheslined over the top as Kane again fought off Reigns. Back in the ring, Ambrose was waiting and took out the knee. Side headlock by Ambrose, then he slammed Kane head-first into the mat. That gave him a three-count.

WINNER: Ambrose, at 9:58.

Kane basically challenged the rest of The Shield to come into the ring to get him. JBL begged for him to get out of the ring. Instead, The Shield attacked and Kane tried to fend them off on his own. Kane fought free and was going to double chokeslam Rollins and Ambrose when Reigns speared him. Kane was put on the shoulders of Reigns, and he was powerbombed to the mat. Ambrose took the tag titles that Kane brought to the ring. Rollins and Ambrose held them over Kane and raised them over their heads. The show closed on Kane lying unconscious in the ring.

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Greg Parks has been covering WWE Smackdown for since January of 2007. Follow him on Twitter @gregmparks for live Tweeting during Raw, Impact, and PPVs, as well as other bits of wisdom. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome, and can be sent to