Laser Equipment Gallery

Photos of Various Laser Systems,
Power Supplies, and Components

Version 6.40 (28-Apr-24)

Copyright © 1994-2024
Samuel M. Goldwasser
--- All Rights Reserved ---

For contact info, please see the Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Email Links Page.

Reproduction of this document in whole or in part is permitted if both of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. This notice is included in its entirety at the beginning.
  2. There is no charge except to cover the costs of copying.


The Laser Equipment Gallery (LEG) is a collection of pages associated with Sam's Laser FAQ which provides thumbnails and links to full size photos of a variety of specific pieces of laser equipment including interior and exterior views and closeups. Additional wings will be added as I receive new photos so check back here frequently.

Please see the LEG Contributors Guide if you have material that would enhance this collection.

Due to its size, the Laser Equipment Gallery is NOT part of the Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ or Sam's Laser FAQ distributions and is not resident at all of these sites. See: Home and Mirror Site Locations or the Laser Equipment Gallery Link Page for other sites with these collections of documents.

Note that there are hundreds of additional photos of lasers in Sam's Laser FAQ and that's where new photos now tend to be added, especially when I have acquired or tested these lasers and there is extensive descriptive text to go with them.

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation (financial or otherwise) with any of the contributors of these photos and receive nothing directly in return for providing them at selected Sam's Laser FAQ sites (nor for the considerable time it takes to format them into these pages) despite the fact that this is essentially free advertising where the equipment is being offered for sale. I do this as a service to the users of Sam's Laser FAQ. However, see: Please Don't Scrap Your Unwanted or Broken Lasers or Laser Related Equipment and Parts! since I am always looking for contributions of all kinds to enhance these documents. :-)

Gallery notes:

  1. As a result of variations in the performance of digital cameras (and their users!) and computer monitors, the color rendition of some photos, especially those of the glowing discharge of gas lasers and laser beams in general, may not totally accurately reflect reality. Keep this in mind if attempting to use color as a guide in diagnosing a sick laser.

  2. The Web pages addressed by the links below may be slow to load due to the large number of images even though they are only thumbnails. To view the full size photos, click on the 'View ID" or its thumbnail.

Laser Equipment Gallery Lobby

Note: All links to Sam's Laser FAQ under the Laser Photos tree take you to the version resident at this site - not necessarily from where you originated! Use the "Back" button of your browser to return there.

  • Go to Sam's Laser FAQ Welcome Page.
  • Go to Sam's Laser FAQ Table of Contents.