Sunlight Foundation Reporting Group

We're moving

By Sunlight Reporting Group Dec 6, 2013 5:37 p.m.

Look around and say ta-ta to the somewhat worse for wear furnishings surrounding this story: We at Sunlight's Reporting Group are packing up our trenchcoats and fedoras, our pencils and notebooks and surfing on over to join the rest of our Sunlight colleagues on the foundation's main blog.  Beginning next week, that's where you'll find all of our work. And we'll be starting off with a literal and figurative bang, so you'll definitely want to check us out on Monday.

Not to worry faithful readers: The same URL that you've already got bookmarked will take you there and any RSS feeds you've got automatically will transfer over. But if you have any problems, email us here.

For the foreseeable future, this site will remain live for those who want to check out some of our trackers in the carousel above. But all of our new writing will appear on the main blog. You'll also be able to enjoy and be enlightened by posts from Sunlight's labs, policy and communications teams there but if you want to filter for just the Reporting Group's posts, you can do that here, or by signing up for our RSS feed.

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Happy Thankgiving! How does campaign cash affect the food on your plate?

By Nancy Watzman Nov 26, 2013 11:35 a.m.

Thanksgiving is nearly upon us, with President Barack Obama scheduled to deliver the annual stay of execution for the National Thanksgiving Turkey on Wednesday. But on Capitol Hill, there's less goodwill: An end to the impasse on the farm bill is not in sight. Last year at this time we reported that Congress had let the massive bill that governs farm programs as well as food programs for the needy expired months before the holiday; this year is much the same, with little hope of the lawmakers -- who are off on their own holiday recess -- coming to agreement come December let alone by Thanksgiving Day.

Where there's controversy, there's political money, and agribusiness continues to pour campaign contributions into the coffers of the members of Congress who matter most:  So far this election cycle, top recipients of donations from agricultural services companies, according to Sunlight's Influence Explorer  were Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Okla, who happens to be chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, and Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. He serves on the Senate Agriculture Committee but, perhaps more to the point, he happens to be the Senate Republican leader. He's also facing a tough reelection fight next year that's likely to make him especially grateful for contributions.

MORE: See Party Time's list of fundraisers for members of the House Agriculture Committee and the Senate Agriculture Committee.

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