Ruskin To-day – Ruskin Today is an informal network devoted to promoting wider knowledge and understanding of the ideas of the great Victorian writer, reformer and artist, John Ruskin (1819-1900).

Ruskin To-Day is an informal organisation that exists to celebrate the life and ideas of the artist, critic and social reformer John Ruskin (1819-1900). It brings together the activities of the many different societies, academic institutions and individuals who share an interest in Ruskin and in the many different aspects of his work. This website serves as a noticeboard to draw attention to the many Ruskinian events that take place across the world.


Tim Parry-Williams “Dinner Service” photo courtesy@brandonfew

Visual literacy charity The Big Draw, together with the Prize founders and sponsors, The Guild
of St George, are delighted to present the 7th John Ruskin Prize. Entrants were asked to
explore the theme “From the Eye to Hand”. From an entry of nearly three thousand the winners
1st Prize £3000: Tim Parry-Williams “Dinner Service”
 2nd Prize: £2000: Sarah Casey “Weather Eye”
 Highly Commended: Julie Heaton “It Had to Be So”
 Highly Commended: Kathryn Poole “Ford”

 The Alan Davidson Under 26 Prize: £1000: Alice Goehrs – 120 m² de geste dans le
vaste (120 m² of gesture in the vastness)
 The Alan Davidson Under 26 Highly Commended: Hannah MacCaig “Redwood”
 The International Prize £1000: Aleksandra Czuja “Disappear”
 The International Prize Highly Commended: Eamon O’Kane “Baum Test Series”
 Innovation Prize £500: Carali McCall “Running Restraint” (Live performance) 2024

Sarah Casey “Weather Eye”

The John Ruskin Prize, organised by Parker Harris, under the administrative umbrella of The
Big Draw, is supported by The Trinity Buoy Wharf Trust.

“All Great Art is Praise”

A celebration in words and music of the 200th Birthday of John Ruskin, 1819-1900


Michael Palin and Dan Draper


Richard Edgar-Wilson

Coull Quartet:

Roger Coull (violin)

Philip Gallaway (violin)

Jonathan Barritt (viola)

Nicholas Roberts (cello)

Composer, and realiser of Ruskin’s words:

Sarah Rodgers

Visuals devised by Gavin Mackinnon-Little

Performance devised and directed by Robert Hewison

The evening at the Royal Academy was recorded on 8 February 2019

It is introduced by Rebecca Salter, now President of the Royal Academy

A recording of Sarah Rodgers’ “The King of the Golden River”, with Richard Edgar-Wilson and the Coull Quartet, is available at Sarah Rodgers, “Music for Tenor and String Quartet” SOMMCD 222