Level 6: #43 – Rusty & Co.
Discussion (37) ¬
November 7, 2012, 2:26 pm | # | Reply
Personally, I wonder how the vamp will get past the “Person not doing anything against their alignment” problem.
November 8, 2012, 5:33 pm | # | Reply
That’s only an issue with Charm spells and effects. Dominate spells and effects allow you to assume direct control over the target’s actions.
November 9, 2012, 3:18 am | # | Reply
Super D&D nerd here:
Charm effects causes those affected to treat someone as if they were your best buddy; they don’t actually have any caveats for alignment. A paladin might very well fall prey to a Charm where their best buddy seems to be in a dire situation and asks for a minor evil ( a sacrifice on the paladin’s part) in order to get their buddy out of the situation.
Whereas dominate effects specifically preclude the dominator from issuing commands counter to ethos (not merely alignment mind you, but a Paladin’s Code of Conduct specifically counts) prompts an additional will save immediately.
November 7, 2012, 5:15 pm | # | Reply
Not insane, merely adequate (if we’re dealing with regular D&D 3.x). It gets a poor progression and, though Wisdom is a Paladin’s spellcasting ability score, they don’t get enough out of more than a 14 to really bother. What raises it to “adequate” is the Charisma modifier, if they manage to get a decent one (which Madeline probably did, judging by how badly she dumped Intelligence).
The real trouble with Dominating a Paladin is the Code of Conduct, which will probably allow frequent retries on the Will save.
matt w
November 7, 2012, 11:12 pm | # | Reply
Of course Madeline has a good Charisma modifier. I mean, look at her.
November 8, 2012, 2:42 am | # | Reply
No, see, her dumpstat is Int, like most Paladins. She’s probably got a decent Wisdom.
I sure as hell make most of my paladins Int-dumpstats.-
November 8, 2012, 12:02 pm | # | Reply
She clearly has good Strength and probably Constitution as well. The only things she can afford to dump are Intelligence and Dexterity, and she can’t afford to dump Dexterity as hard. Of the ability scores she uses, Wisdom is the one she can afford to have the lowest.
November 8, 2012, 10:11 pm | # | Reply
Anyone who have seen her fight know that dexterity /cannot/ be her dump stat.
And her wisdom is probably quite high, too, if only for the perception required to fight blindly like she does in her combat trances.
Finally, she is so adorable that her charisma is probably a three-digit number.
November 8, 2012, 5:42 am | # | Reply
Does that shovel come with the chrome plating option?