인공위성연구소(SaTRec) - Satellite Technology Research Lab

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Launched in August 1993, KITSAT-2 was Korea’s second satellite and the first domestically developed and manufactured satellite.

Upon returning to Korea, the researchers who led the KITSAT-1 project worked with domestic research teams to conduct the entire development process independently at SaTReC, from mission analysis, design and manufacture, to testing.

KITSAT-2 carried out missions such as earth observation and space plasma measurement. Experience gained from the KITSAT-2 project gave domestic researchers confidence in satellite research as they independently developed solutions for the various challenges involved in satellite development.

- To improve the KITSAT-1 system and acquire independent development capabilities
- Maximum utilization of domestically manufactured components
- To test domestically developed experimental modules
- To promote the development of the domestic space industry

Orbit 800 km circular sun-synchronous orbit (inclination 98.57o)
Size 352x356x670 mm
Weight 47.5 kg
Power Rating Max. 30 W
Attitude Control Method Gravity-gradient stabilization, magnetic torquer, < 5 deg pointing accuracy
(Transfer Speed)
Uplink (145 MHz frequency band): 9600bps
Downlink (436 MHz frequency band): 9600bps
Main Computer OBC186(80C186)
Payloads CCD Earth Imaging System (CEIS)
Next Generation Small Satellite Computer
High Speed Modulation Experiment Device
Digital Store and Forward Communication Experiment (DSFCE)
Low Energy Electron Detector (LEED)