Audio Clips - Linus Pauling and the International Peace Movement - Special Collections & Archives Research Center - Oregon State University

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Audio Clips

23 clips, 46:40 total

"The Quick and the Dead, The Atom Bomb."
"The Quick and the Dead, The Atom Bomb." 1950.
Written and Directed by Fred W. Friendly.  View all information.
  1. A Dramatization of the First Atomic Bomb Test. (4:13) - Fred W. Friendly
"Science and the Modern World."
"Science and the Modern World." May 15, 1957.
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.  View all information.
  1. A New Hazard to Mankind from Fallout Radiation. (1:20) - Linus Pauling
  2. Life Expectancy Changes from Radiation Exposure. (1:59) - Linus Pauling
"No More Peace! A Musical Written, Produced by, and Starring Members of the Caltech Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering."
"No More Peace! A Musical Written, Produced by, and Starring Members of the Caltech Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering." December 25, 1958.
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena.  View all information.
  1. Pauling Song. (2:55) - Chemistry-Biology Stock Company
"Women's Club."
"Women's Club." 1960.
Produced by WNTA-TV, New York.  View all information.
  1. The Importance of a Testing Ban. (3:55) - Ava Helen Pauling
  2. The Grim Realities of Nuclear War. (1:37) - Ava Helen Pauling
  3. Pressing for a Peace-time Economy. (1:31) - Ava Helen Pauling
"Linus Pauling on Fallout and Nuclear Warfare."
"Linus Pauling on Fallout and Nuclear Warfare." July 10, 1960.
Produced by Verve Records.  View all information.
  1. The Reality of Congenital Defects Caused by Radiation Exposure. (1:03) - Linus Pauling
  2. A Quantitative Description of the Fearsome Capabilities of Nuclear Weapons. (3:55) - Linus Pauling
  3. The Capacity to Destroy the Earth Five Times Over. (1:34) - Linus Pauling
  4. The Promise of a World Without War. (1:31) - Linus Pauling
"Break Thru."
"Break Thru." 1967.
Produced by Anglican and United Churches.  View all information.
  1. Science and International Law. (0:56) - Linus Pauling
"Century of the Atom."
"Century of the Atom." 1971.
Produced by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.  View all information.
  1. Pioneering Work on Nuclear Fission (2:18) - Otto Hahn
  2. Rethinking the Nucleus (2:40) - Otto Frisch
  3. Producing a Chain Reaction (1:43) - Herbert Anderson
  4. The Search for Element 94 (1:27) - Glenn T. Seaborg
"To Fermi - with Love."
"To Fermi - with Love." 1971.
Produced by the Argonne National Laboratory.  View all information.
  1. The First Nuclear Chain Reaction (part 1) (4:41) - Jay Andre, Herbert Anderson, Crawford H. Greenewalt, Norman Hilberry
  2. The First Nuclear Chain Reaction (part 2) (1:51) - Jay Andre, Herbert Anderson, Arthur Holly Compton
  3. The Trinity Nuclear Test (0:54) - Jay Andre
  4. Oppenheimer Declared a Security Threat (0:27) - Jay Andre
"Linus Pauling, Crusading Scientist."
"Linus Pauling, Crusading Scientist." 1977.
Produced for NOVA by Robert Richter/WGBH-Boston.  View all information.
  1. Early Lectures on Peace. (2:12) - Linus Pauling
  2. Pauling's Evolution as a Spokesman for Peace. (1:22) - Linus Pauling
"Talk of the Nation."
"Talk of the Nation." January 19, 1996.
Produced by National Public Radio.  View all information.
  1. The Paulings' Peace Work. (0:36) - Alexander Rich