Making the case for the Rockaway Beach Branch - Second Ave. Sagas

  • ️@2AvSagas
  • ️Tue May 08 2012

Having seen the ROW on Google Maps and Earth and soforth (I live in the Netherlands and have never even been near NYC so take it for what you will) but i`d be glad to give my 2 cents.

Now first and foremost i`m pro-subway…

2nd. Doing nothing with property like that is stupid…

With that cleared uplet me go into my plan. and for that I will first split the line into 5 parts The street area (Liberty Ave – Atlantic Ave), The Suburban area (Atlantic Ave to Park Lane South), The Park Area (Park Lane South to Union Turnpike), the Rego Park area and Queens Bloulevard connection (Union Turnpike – Connection with Queens Blvd Line) and the abandoned upper level at Roosevelt Ave – Jackson Heights.

First let me dispel the park idea. Now it would be an awfull, noisy and rather unattractive park. It would either be noisy, People`s back yards or and then Forest park… Wich was a park already and Rego Park who have Flushing Meadows and Forest Park nearby…
I just don`t see it becoming a popular park Especially not at the park deprived north end were there is an active Elevated Subway Junction (constant train wheel screetching on a steel structure, yes great for relaxation) while below there are busy streets…
The only way to preserve the peace and quiet and the peoples along the ROW`s privacy is to put up (sound-)walls… Yes great park…

You see, the reason the High Line works is because of how high it is it`s grid defying nature giving plenty of quiet spaces along the way, and it also helps it goes straight trough buildings almost encapsulating it and greatly reducing noise.

In Queens you don`t have that luxury since it`s low rise construction andthe line doesn`t defy the grid but follows it. Either that or you look straight into someon`s backyard or it`s a park already or there are enough and better parks nearby.

And these sound walls is why I also think the subway plans are gonna work. You know all those people and buisnisses who build on the ROW? expell them and chase rent put said rent into a special pot for new adhesive rails, and quiet train axels and soundwalls and the like where requred (and IF anything`s left it can go into the other stuff concerning the subway).
“it makes so much noise” well thank`s to your “Generous donation`s” it doesn`t anymore so qit you`re moaning, your property prices will go up cause there is a great connection to Manhattan now. They put there stuff on ground that isn`t theirs. Sothat is the risk you take.

As for the connection to the Queens Blvd line After Metropolitan Ave I`d dive under and tunnel under Rego Park and connect with the train running over the Queens Blvd Line and into the abandoned upper level at Roosevelt Ave, altough on weekend only. And with that, let`s talk about service patterns.

I think that extending any Queens Blvd line to Rockaway Park. For example the M service (with a service to Roosevelt on weekeinds when that train doesn`t run below the boulevard).

I think this sould then also make the park people happy because people from Ozone Park and South Woodhaven will be able to get onto the subway (possibly using their bikes as people use their car less because they have the subway, freeing up roadspace for people on bikes) get on the subway, exit at Forest Park and bike there to their heart`s content. Wich over here in the Netherlands is also a common way to commute. People have an old bike at home wich they don`t mind getting stolen, park it at a station all day, take the train to work and have another rusty old bike at the station near work to get from the station to work, either tat or they use folding bikes they can take with them on the train) also be a great way to promote cycling in the area.

As for demand. It isn`t just the transit demands for Rockaway Park, JFK Airport and Manhatten. Last I cheked The A train didn`t juststop at only 207th St and 149th St – Grand Concourse in The Bronx before continuing to Manhattan. South rego Park as a big market, as Has Union Turnpike (with Forest Park) Jamaica Ave (interchange With Jamaica line El), At Atlantic Ave (big Street) 101st Ave (same reason) and Libery Ave (again, same reason) plus they interchange with bus-lines).

And who says both the bike path and the subwayand bike path can`t co-exist? the line from Liberty Ave to 91st Ave is 4 trakcs and since I can`t see Expesses running on this line just have the bike path on the outside trakways were the station platforms will be also will also be, fence the subway off properly were there is no station (so no flimsy chainlink). Fence the bike path off were ther is (horizontally to that the back sides of platforms will be bike path and the wider front area (side facing the track that is) will be wating area you could continue this succsessfully until about Atlantic Ave where 98th St as a local suburb street that is safe enough to cycle down can get you to Forest Park.

But then again What do I know?