Aviation Support Ships AV AVP AVS

Most recent update: March 25, 2015.

Many auxiliaries were created by converting existing ships; others were built new but starting with an existing design; the balance were both designed and built for their purpose.  In this table, the grey cells identify the second and third categories - the ships that were purpose-built.  There are some gaps in the data, particularly for the conversions: if anyone has any corrections or additions to offer, please send them to me at

Type # Original Name Built by Hull # Ship Type or US Govt. Design US Govt. # Built Converted by Name After Conversion LDT LOA Delivered as an AV Disposition Seaplane Tenders (AV) AV 1 Wright A.I.S.C. 680 Balloon Tender AZ 1 1920     5,400 448 2-Dec-26 San Clemente (AG 79) 1944, scrapped 1948 AV 2 Jason Maryland Steel 122 Collier AC 12 1913     9,090 540 21-Jan-30 Scrapped 1936 AV 3 Jupiter Mare Island NSY   Collier AC 3 1913   Langley 9,090 540 11-Apr-37 Langley (CV 1) 1922-1937, lost off Java 1942 AV 4 Curtiss New York Ship 418           9,090 540 15-Nov-40 Scrapped 1972 AV 5 Albemarle New York Ship 420           9,090 540 20-Dec-40 Corpus Christi Bay (ARVH 1) 1966, scrapped 1975 AV 6 Patoka Newport News SB 248 Oiler AO 9 1919     5,400 448 10-Nov-39 Scrapped 1948 AV 7 Currituck Philadelphia NSY             9,090 540 26-Jun-44 Scrapped 1972 AV 8 Sea Arrow Moore Dry Dock 195 C3 MC 51 1941 Moore Dry Dock Tangier 8,510 492 25-Aug-41 Sold 1961 as Detroit, scrapped 1974 AV 9 Exchequer Ingalls Pascagoula 254 C3 MC 64 1941 Ingalls Pascagoula Pocomoke 8,510 492 18-Jul-41 Scrapped 1962 AV 10 Chandeleur Western Pipe 64 C3-S-A2 MC 173 1942 Western Pipe   8,510 492 19-Nov-42 Scrapped 1971 AV 11 Norton Sound Todd Los Angeles 61           9,090 540 8-Jan-45  AVM 1 1951, scrapped 1988 AV 12 Pine Island Todd Los Angeles 62           9,090 540 26-Apr-45  Scrapped 1972 AV 13 Puget Sound Todd Los Angeles 63         Salisbury Sound 9,090 540 26-Nov-45  Scrapped 1972 AV 14 Kenneth Whiting Todd Tacoma 50 C3-S-A1       Kenneth Whiting 8,510 492 8-May-44 Scrapped 1962 AV 15 Hamlin Todd Tacoma 51 C3-S-A1       Hamlin 8,510 492 26-Jun-44 Scrapped 1972 AV 16 St. George Todd Tacoma 52 C3-S-A1       St. George 8,510 492 24-Jul-44 To Italy 1968 as Andria Bafile (A 5314), scrapped 1995 AV 17 Cumberland Sound Todd Tacoma 53 C3-S-A1       Cumberland Sound 8,510 492 21-Aug-44 Sold 1971, scrapped AV 18 Townsend Todd Tacoma 54 C3-S-A1               Cancelled AV 19 Calibogue Puget Sound NSY                   Cancelled AV 20 Hobe Sound Charleston NSY                   Cancelled Aviation Base Ships (AVB) AVB 1 Unnamed Dravo Pittsburgh   Landing Ship LST 32 1943   Alameda County 1,625 328 28-Sep-57 To Italy 1962 as Anteo (A5306) AVB 2 Unnamed Boston NSY   Landing Ship LST 1154 1949   Tallahatchee County 1,625 328 3-Feb-62 Scrapped 1970 AVB 3 Young America Ingalls Pascagoula 1160 C5-S-78 MA 224 1970 Todd Galveston Wright 8,106 602 14-May-86 Prepositioned (ROS-5) in Baltimore MD AVB 4 Great Republic Ingalls Pascagoula 1158 C5-S-78 MA 222 1969 Todd Galveston Curtiss 8,106 602 18-Aug-87 Prepositioned (ROS-5) in Port Hueneme CA Seaplane Tenders, Small (AVP) AVP 1 Lapwing Todd Brooklyn   Minesweeper AM 1 1918 Pearl Harbor NSY   950 188 1-Sep-32 Scrapped 1946 AVP 2 Heron Standard Sbldg.   Minesweeper AM 10 1918     950 188 27-Jan-36 Scrapped 1946 AVP 3 Thrush Pusey & Jones   Minesweeper AM 18 1919 Mare Island NSY   950 188 22-Jan-36 Sold 1946 as Semper Paratus, sank 1951 AVP 4 Avocet Baltimore DD   Minesweeper AM 19 1919     950 188 22-Jan-36 Scrapped 1946 AVP 5 Teal Sun SB   Minesweeper AM 23 1918     950 188 22-Jan-36 Scrapped 1946 AVP 6 Pelican Gas Engine & Power   Minesweeper AM 27 1918     950 188 22-Jan-36 Scrapped 1946 AVP 7 Swan Alabama DD   Minesweeper AM 34 1919     950 188 22-Jan-36 Scrapped 1946 AVP 8 Gannet Todd Brooklyn   Minesweeper AM 41 1919     950 188 22-Jan-36 Torpedoed and lost 1942 AVP 9 Sandpiper Philadelphia NSY   Minesweeper AM 51 1919     950 188 22-Jan-36 Scrapped 1946 AVP 10 Barnegat Puget Sound NSY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 3-Jul-41 Sold 1962 as cruise ship Kentavros, scrapped 1986 AVP 11 Biscayne Puget Sound NSY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 3-Jul-41 AGC 18 1944, to USCG 1946 as Dexter (WAVP 385), sunk as target 1968 AVP 12 Casco Puget Sound NSY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 27-Dec-41 To USCG 1949 as WAVP 370, sunk as target 1969 AVP 13 Mackinac Puget Sound NSY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 24-Jan-42 To USCG 1949 as WAVP 371, sunk as target 1969 AVP 14 Childs New York Ship   Destroyer DD 241 1920 Philadelphia NSY   1,215 314 14-Jul-38 AVD 1 1940, scrapped 1946 AVP 15 Williamson New York Ship   Destroyer DD 244 1920 Philadelphia NSY   1,215 314 29-Oct-20 AVD 2 1940, scrapped 1946 AVP 16 George E. Badger Newport News SB   Destroyer DD 196 1920 Philadelphia NSY   1,215 314 28-Jul-20 AVD 3 1940, scrapped 1946 AVP 17 Clemson Newport News SB   Destroyer DD 186 1919     1,215 314 29-Dec-19 AVD 4 1940, scrapped 1946 AVP 18 Goldsborough Newport News SB   Destroyer DD 188 1920 New York NSY   1,215 314 26-Jan-20 AVD 5 1940, scrapped 1946 AVP 19 Hulbert Norfolk NSY   Destroyer DD 342 1920 New York NSY   1,215 314 27-Oct-20 AVD 6 1940, scrapped 1946 AVP 20 William B. Preston Norfolk NSY   Destroyer DD 344 1920 New York NSY   1,215 314 23-Aug-20 AVD 7 1940, scrapped 1946 AVP 21 Humboldt Boston NSY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 10-Jul-41 AG 121 1944, to USCG as WAVP 372 1949, scrapped 1970 AVP 22 Matagorda Boston NSY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 16-Dec-41 AG 122 1944, to USCG as WAVP 373 1949, sunk as target 1968 AVP 23 Absecon Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 28-Jan-43 To USCG as WAVP 374 1948, to Vietnam 1972 as Tham Ngu Lao (HQ 03) AVP 24 Chincoteague Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 14-Apr-43 To USCG as WAVP 375 1948, to Vietnam as Ly Thoung Kiet (HQ 05), to the Philippines as Andres Bonifacio (PF 7) 1975, struck 1986 AVP 25 Coos Bay Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 16-May-43 To USCG as WAVP 376 1948, sunk as target 1968 AVP 26 Half Moon Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 15-Jun-42 AGP 5 1944, to USCG as WAVP 378 1948, scrapped 1970 AVP 27 Mobjack Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 17-Oct-43 AGP 7 1944, to C & G S as Pioneer, 1946, scrapped 1967 AVP 28 Oyster Bay Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 17-Nov-43 AGP 6 1944, to Italy as Pietro Cavezale (A 5301) 1957, scrapped 1994 AVP 29 Rockaway Associated Sbldrs. 29 Minesweeper         1,766 312 6-Jan-43 AG 123 1944, to USCG as WAVP 377 1948, scrapped 1973 AVP 30 San Pedro Associated Sbldrs. 30 Minesweeper         1,766 312 15-Mar-43 AGS 30 1944, sold 1971 AVP 31 Unimak Associated Sbldrs. 31 Minesweeper         1,766 312 31-Dec-43 To USCG as WAVP 379 1948, scuttled as reef 1989 AVP 32 Yakutat Associated Sbldrs. 32 Minesweeper         1,766 312 31-Mar-44 To USCG as WAVP 380 1948, to Vietnam 1971 as Tran Nhat Duat (HQ 16) AVP 33 Barataria Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 13-Aug-44 To USCG as WAVP 381 1948, scrapped 1971 AVP 34 Bering Strait Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 19-Jul-44 To USCG as WAVP 382 1948, to Vietnam as Tran Quang Khai (HQ 15) 1971, to the Philippines as Diego Silang (PF 9) 1975, struck 1986 AVP 35 Castle Rock Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 8-Oct-44 To USCG as WAVP 383 1948, to Vietnam as Tran Binh Trong (HQ 17) 1971, to the Philippines as Francisco Dagohoy (PF 10) 1975, struck 1986 AVP 36 Cook Inlet Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 5-Nov-44 To USCG as WAVP 384 1948, to Vietnam as Tran Quoc Toan (HQ 02) 1971, to the Philippines as a parts hulk 1975 AVP 37 Corson Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 3-Dec-44 Sunk as a target 1966 AVP 38 Duxbury Bay Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 31-Dec-44 Scrapped 1966 AVP 39 Gardiners Bay Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 11-Feb-45 To Norway 1958 as Haakon VII (A 537), scrapped 1974 AVP 40 Floyds Bay Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 25-Mar-45 Scrapped 1960 AVP 41 Greenwich Bay Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 20-May-45 Scrapped 1967 AVP 42 Hatteras Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312   Cancelled 1943 AVP 43 Hempstead Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312   Cancelled 1943 AVP 44 Kamishak Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312   Cancelled 1943 AVP 45 Magothy Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312   Cancelled 1943 AVP 46 Matanzas Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312   Cancelled 1943 AVP 47 Metomkin Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312   Cancelled 1943 AVP 48 Onslow Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 22-Dec-43 Scrapped 1961 AVP 49 Orca Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 23-Jan-44 To Ethiopia 1962 as Ethiopia (A 01) AVP 50 Rehoboth Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 23-Feb-44 AGS 50 19--, scrapped 1970 AVP 51 San Carlos Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 21-Mar-44 AGOR 1 19--, to Greece 1971 as Hephaistos (A 413) AVP 52 Shelikof Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 17-Apr-44 Sold 1960 as cruise ship Kypros, sunk 1981 AVP 53 Suisun Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 13-Sep-44 Sunk as target 1966 AVP 54 Timbalier Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 24-May-46 Sold 1960 as cruise ship Rodos, scrapped 1989 AVP 55 Valcour Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 5-Jul-46 AGF 1 19--, scrapped 1978 AVP 56 Wachapreague Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 17-May-44 AGP 8 19--, to USCG 1946 as McCulloch (WAVP 386), to Vietnam as Ngo Kuyen (HQ 06) 1972, to the Philippines as Gregorio de Pilar (PF 8) 1975 AVP 57 Willoughby Lake Washington SY   Minesweeper         1,766 312 18-Jun-44 AGP 9 19--, to USCG 1946 as Gresham (WAVP 387), scrapped 1973 Aviation Stores Ships (AVS) AVS 1 Ward Doullot & Williams   Cargo Liner   1921 Pearl Harbor NSY Supply 13,250 412 25-May-45 Briefly IX 147, sold 1947 AVS 2 City of Elwood Doullot & Williams   Cargo Liner   1921 Pearl Harbor NSY Fortune 13,250 412 25-May-45 Briefly IX 146, scrapped 1970 AVS 3 William G. McAdoo Kaiser Perm. No. 2   EC2-S-C1 MCE 443 1942 Todd Seattle Grumium 4,023 442 25-May-45 Briefly AK 112, IX 174, scrapped 1970 AVS 4 James Rowan Kaiser Perm. No. 2   EC2-S-C1 MCE 1730 1943 Gen. Engineering Allioth 4,023 442 3-May-45 Briefly AK 109, IX 204, scrapped 1964 AVS 5 Gwinnett (AK 185) Butler Superior   C1-M-AV1 MC 2116 1944 Port Houston IW Gwinnett 2,411 339 25-May-45 Briefly AG 92, to France 1946 as Sainte Helene AVS 6 Nicolett (AK 199) Globe SB   C1-M-AV1 MC 2153 1944 Samuelson SY Nicolett 2,411 339 25-May-45 Briefly AG 93, to France 1948, scrapped 1970 AVS 7 Pontotoc (AG 94) Leathem D. Smith SB   C1-M-AV1 MC 2160 1944   Pontotoc 2,411 339 25-May-45 Briefly AG 94, to France 1946 as Taurus AVS 8 Jupiter (AK 43) Federal SB   C2 MC 17 1942   Jupiter 7,293 459 31-Jul-45 Scrapped 1971