The Susrijo Institute of Paramedical Technology and Optometry
Under the University of Kalyani
SKY'- Skill Development, Knowledge Development and Youth Development
Under the University of Kalyani
The institute is under the management of Susrijo Charitable Trust. The Trust is duly registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 (2 of 1882) & Income Tax Act, 1961. Susrijo Charitable Trust is registered under Govt. of West Bengal. It has also received grant exemption u/s 80G(5) (VI) of Income Tax Act 1961 and registration u/s 12AA of I.T. Act 1961.
About the Institute
The Susrijo Institute of Paramedical Technology and Optometry is designed as one of the best institutes under the University of Kalyani. It aims to become a centre of excellence by providing high quality education, training and technological orientation to individuals for acquiring extensive skills in the field of Allied and Healthcare Professions so that they can enrich their lives by achieving lucrative career options and/or being self-employed. It is all about experiential learning and building an ever-expanding knowledge base involving knowledge partners and communities.
Our Vision: SKY'- Skill Development, Knowledge Development and Youth Development.
Our Mission: To provide trained, qualified and skilled professionals in the field of Allied and Healthcare Professions and to groom unskilled to skilled.
Student Placement
Imran Khan
(2019-20 DMLT) working in Bajitpur primary Health care centre (Govt)
Pobitra Chakraborty
(2020-21 DOS) working as optometrist in Sri Krishna healthcare, Santipur.
Tanmoy Banerjee
(2020-21 DMLT) working as medical laboratory technician in Maldaha medical College.
Sneha Dutta
(2020-21 DMLT) working as Laboratory Technician in Shibarati Eye Care & Nursing Home, RANAGHAT
Md Jiad Ali Biswas
(2019-20 DMLT) working in B.C. Roy centre for paediatric science, Beliaghata.
Shubhra Karu
(2020-21 DMRT) working in Sreerampur paramount hospital as radio technician.
Kawsar Ali
(2019-20 DMLT) working under NTEP (National tuberculosis eradication program) in diamond harbour (Govt).
Budhhadev Paul
(DPT 2019-20) working in ILS hospital Howrah
Parag Adhikary
(DMLT 2020-21) working in Neotia Getwel multispeciality hospital, Siliguri.
The Susrijo Institute of Paramedical Technology and Optometry
► Highly Educated and Well-qualified Faculty.
► Interactive and Stimulating Learning environment.
► Wi-Fi Environment with Elaborate Computer Lab.
Director's Message
Mr. Subir Goswami
Susrijo Institute of Paramedical Technology and Optometry is a dynamic Paramedical and allied healthcare science based academic Institution whose primary focus is Skill Development, Knowledge Development and Youth Development (SKY).
Campus Amenities
Hostel facilities :
Apart from day scholars, students who are willing to reside here may avail hostels. There are separate hostel facilities for Boys and Girls. Hostels are out campus but very near to the Institute.
Sports facility :
: There are proper arrangement of indoor & outdoor sports and games facilities. There is a vast open ground for outdoor activities. This perfect blend of learning and co – learning activities ensures all – round grooming of every student.
Social and Cultural Activities:
Our curriculum is framed to aim holistic development of each student. So students must participate in various social and cultural programs designed as part and parcel of curriculum. So we have our ‘SKY CLUB’ to groom students accordingly.
Common rooms:
There are separate common rooms for boys and girls with indoor game facilities.
All Faculty
Sabyasachi Nandy
Lecturer (M.Sc. ) Konar
Guest Faculty (M.Sc. )
Priya Ghosh
Lecturer (B.A. LL.B. )
Saikat Bhattacharya
Guest Faculty (D.R.O.(Call )
Shibu Ram Das
Lecturer (D.P.T. )
Md.Saruwar Jatlm
Guest Faculty (B.M.LT )
Guest Faculty (B.M.LT )
Or.Srilekha Bhattacharlee
Lecturer ( Physiology )
Sanchita Basu
Lecturer (B.Opl. )
Rajshekhar Chakraborty
Lecturer (MCA )
Dr.SUmitra Basu
Lecturer (8.0.S )
Dr. Arijit Kumar Chatterjee
Principal(Ph.D. in Biochemistry)
News and Event
Available Courses
Diploma in Optometry Scie...
Duration: 2 years + 6 months compulsory internship
Diploma in Medical Labora...
Duration: 2 years + 6 months compulsory internship
Diploma in Medical Radiol...
Duration: 2 years + 6 months compulsory internship
Diploma in Physiotherapy ...
Duration: 2 years + 6 months compulsory internship
Diploma in Operation Thea...
Duration: 2 years + 6 months compulsory internship
Diploma in Dental Techniq...
Duration: 1 year
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