Arabian Nights

One Thousand and One Nights[1] (千夜一夜物語[2] Sen'yaichiyamonogatari?), often also known as the Arabian Nights (アラビアンナイト[2] Arabian Naito?), is an object that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a storybook, containing a collection of several classic tales. Accordingly, all of these tales were told by a nobleman's daughter, Scheherazade, to the selfish King Shahryar, over the course of one thousand and one nights, hence the name. The stories include "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp", "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", and "The Adventures of Sinbad".[2]


While appearing as a regular storybook, the stories found within the Arabian Nights have spawned an alternate reality, the world of the Arabian Nights. In this world, which is composed of all the book's stories, the places and characters from these tales are real and brought together, making this reality a reflection of the stories themselves.


Sonic and the Secret Rings[]

In Sonic and the Secret Rings, one of the book's characters, the Erazor Djinn, began absorbing the Arabian Nights' inscriptions, thereby absorbing the book's power itself, with the intention of taking control over the world of the Arabian Nights and eventually Sonic's world as well. As a result, the world of the Arabian Nights began to vanish and the Arabian Nights storybooks' pages began to turn blank. If the Erazor Djinn brought an end to the world of the Arabian Nights, the book's stories would be lost forever.

To stop Erazor, Shahra left to find the "Legendary Blue Hedgehog", who was foretold could save the Arabian Nights. In the real world, Sonic the Hedgehog met Shahra, who believed Sonic was the one meant to save the Arabian Nights. After presenting the threat the Erazor Djinn posed, Sonic ventured into the world of the Arabian Nights.

After many ordeals which left over half of the Arabian Nights' pages blank, Sonic defeated Erazor. Then, by using the evil genie's own Magic Lamp, Sonic made Erazor restore the Arabian Nights' stories back to normal. With the Arabian Nights at peace, the story about Aladdin and the Magic Lamp written in the book was changed into Sonic and the Secret Rings, as the world of the Arabian Nights recognized Sonic's participation in its stories.

Real world background[]

The Arabian Nights is directly taken from the real-life storybook, One Thousand and One Nights, where the Arabian Nights was the book's title when first shown in English language in 1706. It features a collection of several stories gathered from West, Central, South Asia and North Africa, with the tales themselves tracing back to ancient and medieval Arabic, Persian, Indian, Egyptian and Mesopotamian folklore and literature, and has been over centuries in the making.

The main stories concerns a King Shahryar and his new bride. The king is shocked to discover that his brother's wife is unfaithful; discovering his own wife's infidelity has been even more flagrant, he has her executed: but in his bitterness and grief decides that all women are the same. Shahryar then begins to marry a succession of virgins, but then executes them each morning before they are given a chance to dishonor him. Eventually, the vizier cannot find any more virgins. Scheherazade, the vizier's daughter, offers herself as the next bride and her father reluctantly agrees. On the night of their marriage, Scheherazade begins to tell the king a tale, but does not end it. The king is thus forced to postpone her execution in order to hear the conclusion. The next night, as soon as she finishes the tale, she begins a new one, and the king, eager to hear the conclusion, postpones her execution once again. This cycle then keeps going on for 1,001 nights. In the end, King Shahryar decides to spare her life altogether and they live the remainder of their lives in happiness.


  • The real world book was written in Arabic, based on a compilation of local legends that are of Persian, Indian, and Egyptian origin. The letters in the Arabian Nights as seen in the game are not Arabic.
  • The door leading into Erazor Djinn's chamber is presented on the Arabian Nights' book cover.


Concept artwork[]

Sonic and the Secret Rings


Sonic Channel - World Book Day 2021. Art by Yui Karasuno.


Sonic and the Secret Rings

See also[]


  1. Sonic Team (20 February 2007). Sonic and the Secret Rings. Wii. Sega. Cutscene: Erazor Appears. "Erazor: One hundred of the One Thousand and One Nights have already been wiped clean! And soon, the rest shall join them, night by night."
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Sonic and the Secret Rings (Wii) Japanese instruction booklet.

Playable characters Sonic (Darkspine Sonic) · Tails* · Knuckles* · Amy* · Shadow* · Cream* · Silver* · Blaze*
Non-playable characters Shahra · Erazor (Alf Layla wa-Layla) · Shahryar · Ali Baba · Sinbad · Solomon · Uhu · Kri Ma Djinn · Pri Ma Djinn · Cheese* · Omochao* · Big
Worlds Lost Prologue · Sand Oasis · Dinosaur Jungle · Evil Foundry · Levitated Ruin · Pirate Storm · Skeleton Dome · Night Palace
Party Mode Attractions Treasure Hunt · World Bazaar · Tournament Palace · Genie's Lair · Pirates Coast
Mini-games Aim! Big Crossbow · Aim! Color Balloon · Aye, aye Captain! Pirate Flag · Cross! Balance Race · Fire! Marksman · Fly! Ptero-Rider · Fore! Putt-Putt · Get 'em! Parasol Diving · Go! Mine Cart Race · Grab it! Bubble Hunt · Grab it! Kri Ma Djinn · Hit it! Home Run · Hit it! Parasol Ball · Hold it! Treasure Haul · Knockdown! Balance Battle · Look up! Skydiving · Play! Violin · Pull on it! Carpet · Put it out! Big Fire · Recognize! Treasure Box · Reel! Battle Fishing · Roll it! Heavy Ball · Row! Canoe Race · Row! Canoe Salvage · Row! Canoe Survival · Seek! Edge Race · Shine on! Kri Ma Djinn · Sink 'em! Pirate Ship · Spike! Fruit Catch · Spill! Weight Puzzle · Spin! Cogwheel Relay · Spin! Propeller Race · Spin! Safe Dial · Spin! Steel Survival! · Spot! Pitch Black · Stay Tight! Big Balloon! · Thrust! Bone Knight · Watch out! Trap · Whack! Giant Stakes · Whack! Hatchet
Enemies Blue Ma Djinn · Gargoyle Djinn · Golem Djinn · Green Ma Djinn · Rafflesia Djinn · Red Ma Djinn · Skeleton Djinn · Slime Djinn
Bosses Sand Scorpion · Captain Bemoth · Ifrit Golem · Erazor Djinn · Alf Layla wa-Layla
Playable characters Charge Jump · Crouch · Grind Step · Grinding · Homing Attack · Speed Break · Time Break · Wall Shuffle
NPCs Darkness Slash · Darkness Spark · Spirit Blast
Gimmicks and obstacles Air Launcher · Burner · Catapult · Dash Panel · Flying Pot · Giant spear · Hourglass · Iron ball · Jump Carpet · Jump Panel · Thorn Spring · Triceratops · Vine · Zip Line
Items Cage · Dinosaur egg · Fire Soul · Genie Egg · Medal · Pearl · Rich Pearl · Rich Ring · Ring · Soul · World Ring (Blue Ring, Green Ring, Purple Ring, Red Ring, Water Blue Ring, White Ring, Yellow Ring)
Voice actors English Jason Griffith (Sonic, Shadow) · Bella Hudson (Shahra, Blaze) · Peter Cormican (Erazor) · Mike Pollock (King Shahryār, Eggman) · Amy Palant (Ali Baba, Tails) · Dan Green (Sinbad, Knuckles) · Richard Will (King Solomon) · Lisa Ortiz (Amy) · Rebecca Honig (Cream, Omochao) · Pete Capella (Silver)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) · Kōji Yusa (Shadow) · Mai Nakahara (Shahra) · Masashi Ebara (Erazor) · Chikao Ōtsuka (King Shahryār, Eggman) · Ryō Hirohashi (Ali Baba, Tails) · Nobutoshi Canna (Sinbad, Knuckles) · Fumito Yamano (King Solomon) · Taeko Kawata (Amy) · Sayaka Aoki (Cream) · Etsuko Kozakura (Omochao) · Nao Takamori (Blaze) · Daisuke Ono (Silver)
Music Songs "Seven Rings In Hand" · "Let the Speed Mend It" · "The Wicked Wild" · "The Palace That Was Found" · "No Way Through" · "The White of Sky" · "Unawakening Float" · "Poison Spear" · "Blue on the Run" · "How It Started" · "It Has Come to This" · "Worth a Chance"
Albums Sonic and the Secret Rings Game Soundtrack · Seven Rings In Hand: Sonic and the Secret Rings Original Sound Track
Other Arabian Nights · Auto Running · Diehard Challenge · Djinn · Drifting · Experience Point · Flame of Judgment · Magic Lamp · Shahra's Ring · Skill · Sonic and the Secret Rings: Prima Official Game Guide · Sonic and the Secret Rings Strongest Strategy Guide · Sonic Maze Craze · Soul Gauge · World of the Arabian Nights