Egg Flame

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Superheaters within these fans' bodies produce an endless stream of flame blown forth at hapless targets. Known for their hot tempers, even their fellow robots tend to keep their distance.

— Description, Sonic Unleashed[1]

The Egg Flame[1] (エッグフレイム[2] Eggu Fureimu?) is an enemy that appears in Sonic Unleashed. They are a mass-produced, fan-based Badnik created by Dr. Eggman. These robots are able to blow pillars of highly intense flames at their foes.


The Egg Flames are bipedal robots with torsos in the shape of flat cylinders. They have a pair of small stubby legs on the bottom of their torsos and long segmented arms on the side of them. Sitting on the top of their torsos are two round orange lights, serving as their eyes. They are mainly colored red with black highlights, and have a yellow "belly" with a flamethrower in the middle.


The Egg Flames can be encountered in both the daytime and nighttime Action Stages/Stages of Sonic Unleashed. In the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version the Egg Flames appear in Savannah Citadel Day Act 1 and Cool Edge Night Act 1, while in the Wii/PlayStation 2 version the Egg Flames appear in Dragon Road's daytime Stage, Cool Edge nighttime Stages and Shamar Night Act III: Valley of Spirits.

In battle, the Egg Flames attack whenever they spot Sonic by periodically spewing fire for several seconds. In daytime stages, touching the flames will damage the player. Egg Flames can be easily destroyed by one hit with the Homing Attack. In the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version, getting hit by the Egg Flame in nighttime stages will set Sonic the Werehog ablaze and his health will drop until it wears off after a short while, the player loses a life or he touches water. Additionally on that version, whenever the Egg Flames are knocked away from their original position, they will dance around for a few seconds before resuming their attack. The Egg Flames don't have a lot of health, allowing the player to easily destroy them with a few attacks.

In the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version, in the nighttime Action Stages, the player can use the Egg Flames' attack against other enemies. By grabbing an Egg Flame, the player can use the Egg Flame's fire breath by pressing PSTriangleButton/XboxY while controlling the direction Sonic is facing with the analog stick. Enemies hit by the Egg Flames' breath are set ablaze and will run around in pain while continuously taking damage until they are defeated.

The Egg Flames' breath can also be used to unlock paths throughout Cool Edge by using it to melt frozen shrouds around doors and frozen pillars. In certain parts of Cool Edge where the Egg Flame is required to proceed through the stage, should the player accidentally destroy it or throw it off of the stage, another one will spawn at its original location.

In the mobile version of Sonic Unleashed, the Egg Flames appear in Level 8 - Spagonia Night. In gameplay, they are implanted on parts of buildings and will try to burn Sonic the Werehog with their flames to knock him off of the rails he can climb.


The Egg Flame have hot tempers so great that even their fellow robots keep away from them. They also appear to have a somewhat playful side, humorously dancing around in a ballerina-like fashion every now and again.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

The Egg Flames each possess a superheater that allows them to blow pillars of flames at such high temperatures that they can instantly melt and/or vaporize solid ice layers.


Concept artwork[]

Sonic Unleashed


Sonic Unleashed (Mobile)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Sonic Team (18 November 2008) Sonic Unleashed. Xbox 360. Sega. Area/level: Bestiary. "Eggman's Machinery 019/030: Egg Flame"
  2. Sonic Team (19 February 2009) Sonic Unleashed. Xbox 360. Sega. Area/level: Bestiary. "Eggman's Machinery 019/030 (Japanese): エッグフレイム"

Playable characters Sonic (Super Sonic, Werehog) · Gaia Colossus
Non-playable characters Apotos Alexis · Anastasia · Eric · Gregorios · Hot Dog Vendor · Ice Cream Vendor · Lambros · Lucas · Milos · Sandra
Spagonia Aida · Barbara · Ciccio · David · Denise · Dora · Elio · Federica · Franco · Gigi · Hot Dog Vendor · Ippolita · Irma · Josef · Lilli · Lucia · Marcantonio · Mauro · Natalia · Otto · Professor Pickle · Professor Pickle's Assistant · Raimondo
Mazuri Ana · Essie · Gwek · Hog Dog Vendor · Kofi · Kwami · Kwod · Yawa · Yaya
Chun-nan Chun · Hot Dog Vendor · Hualin · Jinlin · Lin · Shuifon · Wang · Yilin · Zonshen
Holoska Hot Dog Vendor · Jari-Pekka · Jari-Thure · Marketa · Sarianna · Ursule
Shamar Ara · Dimah · Ehsan · Erhan · Hizir · Hot Dog Vendor · Iman · Labib · Latif · Layla · Mufid · Musaid · Raniya · Sa'id · Sadiq · Safi · Samia · Sammar · Shadi · Utba · Yasmine
Empire City Boss · Brenda · Charles · Def Big · Elizabeth · Hot Dog Vendor · Li'l Kate · Louie Montaine · Robert
Adabat Hot Dog Vendor · Jamal · Kaeo · Nagi · Rudi · Teanchai
Eggmanland EF-DC1998 · EF-MD1991 · EF-XB2006 · Hot Dog Vendor
Misc. Amy · Chip · Dark Gaia (Perfect Dark Gaia) · Dr. Eggman · Tails · SA-55 · Su · Uh · Wentos
Town Stages Apotos · Mazuri · Spagonia · Chun-nan · Holoska · Shamar · Empire City · Adabat · Eggmanland
Action Stages Windmill Isle · Savannah Citadel · Rooftop Run · Dragon Road · Cool Edge · Arid Sands · Skyscraper Scamper · Jungle Joyride · Eggmanland · Tornado Defense
Enemies Badniks Aero-Cannon · Aero-Chaser · Egg Blizzard · Egg Burst · Egg Fighter · Egg Fighter: Knight (Electric shield, Spring shield) · Egg Fighter: Shield (Electric shield, Spring shield) · Egg Fighter: Sword · Egg Flame · Egg Launcher (H) · Egg Launcher (H+V) · Egg Launcher (V) · Egg Shackle · Egg Shooter · Egg Typhoon · Gold Aero-Cannon · Interceptor · Little Fighter · Mole Cannon · Spinner · Thunder Ball · Thunder Spinner
Dark Gaia's Minions Big Mother · Cure Master · Dark Bat · Dark Bat Sniper · Dark Eel · Dark Fright · Deep Nightmare · Evil Flower · Fire Master · Fright Master · Killer Bee · Lightning Master · Little Rex · Nightmare · Power Master · Red Fright · Red Killer Bee · Red Rex · Thunder Bat · Titan
Bosses Egg Beetle · Egg Cauldron · Egg Devil Ray · Egg Dragoon · Egg Lancer · Dark Gaia · Dark Gaia Phoenix · Dark Guardian · Dark Moray · Perfect Dark Gaia
Sonic Air Boost · Cartwheel · Crouch · Foot Sweep · Grind Step · Grinding · Homing Attack · Hop · Jump Dash · Lightspeed Dash · Slide · Skydiving · Sonic Boost · Sonic Drift · Spin Jump · Stomp · Quick Step · Wall Jump
Werehog Attack · Dash · Double Jump · Grab · Guard · Unleashed Mode · Wall Shuffle
Misc. Boost · Drill Attack · Super Sonic Boost · Turbo Boost
Skills Straight attacks Donkey Kick Combo · Double Axle Combo · Double Kick Combo · Feral Were-Hammer · Knuckle Sandwich Combo · Sho-Hog-Ken · Unleashed Knuckle Sandwich · Vertical Were-Hammer · Were-Hammer · Werewheel Rush
Hook attacks Earthshaker · Egg Scrambler · Feral Wild Whirl · Rolling Kick Combo · Sho-Claw-Ken · Ultimate Wild Combo · Unleashed Wild Combo · Wereclap · Wild Whirl · Wild Whirl Were-Hammer
Aerial attacks Aerial Claw Slash · Aerial Claw Slash and Spin · Aerial Piledriver · Crescent Moon Strike · Diving Bodypress · Flying Double-Punch · Flying Double-Punch Crush · Hurricane Combo · Shooting Star Combo · Typhoon Combo
Special attacks Comet Punch · Missile Punch · Spinning Needle Attack · Tricky Tornado Uppercut · Triple Wild Claw · Were-Claw Charge · Were-Cyclone · Were-Rush · Were-Tornado · Wild Werewhip
Gimmicks and obstacles Balloon · Blue spring · Bobsled · Bomb · Buoy · Check Point · Conveyor Belt · Crane Lift · Crank · Dash Panel · Dash Rail · Dash Ring · Door · Egg Spring · Fountain · Grind Rail · Hanging vine · Hint Ring · Horizontal Bar · Hourglass · Icicle · Iron ball · Jump Selector · Laser field · Lever · Movable box · Moving Crate · Rainbow Ring · Ramp · Reaction Plate · Snowblower · Spike Trap · Spikes · Spring · Spring Pole · Switch · Thorn Spring · Trick Jump Panel · Wide spring · Zip Line
Items General 1-Up · Art Book · Audio System · Blue Tea · Bookshelf · Boss Gate · Chaos Orb · Container (Explosive crate, Steel Container, Wooden Container) · Crystal Ball · Dark Gaia Force · Edible item (Apple, Banana, Canned Juice, Chai, Chili dog, Donut, Sundae Supreme) · Gaia Gate · Gaia Key · Goal Ring · Gift · Gramophone · Green Tea · Key Stone · Lovely Ring · Maiden Statue · Old Necklace · Pick-Me-Up · Pretty Bouquet · Power Shield · Record · Red Tea · Ring · Shield Charge · Souvenir · Super Ring · Sun/Moon Medal · Super Claw · Super Ring · Turquoise Tea · TV · Videotape · Violet Tea · White Tea · Yellow Tea
Level Up Items Air Boost Shoes · Light Speed Dash Shoes · Stomping Shoes · Wall Jump Shoes
Voice actors English Jason Griffith (Sonic, Werehog, Pickle's Assistant) · Amy Palant (Tails) · Lisa Ortiz (Amy) · Dan Green (Ice Cream Vendor, Pickle) · Anthony Salerno (Chip) · Mike Pollock (Eggman, Zonshen) · Christopher Collet (SA-55)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) · Tomokazu Seki (Werehog) · Chikao Otsuka (Eggman) · Chō (Pickle) · Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) · Taeko Kawata (Amy) · Ryōko Shiraishi (Chip)
Music Songs "Endless Possibility" · "Dear My Friend"
Albums Planetary Pieces: Sonic World Adventure Original Soundtrack
Other Auto Running · Boost Gauge · Boost Gauge · Chao · Chaos Emerald · Chaos Energy Cannon · Chun-nan's Treasure · Collection Room · Combo · Critical Attack · Don Fachio · Dr. Eggman's chair · Earth · Egg Dragoon · Egg Fleet · Egg Mobile · Entrance Stage · Exorcisms · Experience Point · Freeze · Gaia Manuscripts · Gaia Temple · Gaia Temple guardian · Hallowmoon · Health Gauge · Ibanga · Lah · Miles Electric · Mission · Real-Time Interaction · Ring Energy Gauge · Shield Gauge · Shop (Counter of Dreams 2, Eggshop, Flying Fish Beach Shop, Golden Trading Company, Josef's, Surfside Seagull Sundries, Traveling Salesman Wentos, Treeshade, Ursule's Trading Post, Wang's Emporium) · Shuttle loop · Sonic: Night of the Werehog · Sonic World Adventure (manga) · Spagonia University · SPD · Tornado-1 · Rank · Time of awakening · Unleashed Gauge

Playable characters Sonic (Super Sonic, Werehog) · Gaia Colossus
Non-playable characters Apotos Alexis · Anastasia · Eric · Gregorios · Ice Cream Vendor · Lambros · Sandra
Spagonia Barbara · Ciccio · David · Denise · Dora · Federica · Gigi · Ippolita · Josef · Lucia · Mauro · Natalia · Otto · Professor Pickle · Professor Pickle's Assistant · Raimondo
Mazuri Ana · Essie · Gwek · Kofi · Kwami · Kwod · Yawa · Yaya
Chun-nan Chun · Hualin · Lin · Shuifon · Yilin · Zonshen
Holoska Jari-Pekka · Jari-Thure · Marketa · Sarianna · Ursule
Shamar Ara · Dimah · Ehsan · Erhan · Hizir · Iman · Labib · Latif · Layla · Mufid · Musaid · Raniya · Sa'id · Sadiq · Safi · Samia · Sammar · Shadi · Utba · Yasmine
Adabat Jamal · Kaeo · Nagi · Rudi · Teanchai
Misc. Amy · Chip · Dark Gaia (Perfect Dark Gaia) · Dr. Eggman · Tails · SA-55
Villages Apotos · Mazuri · Spagonia · Chun-nan · Holoska · Shamar · Adabat
Stages Windmill Isle
Enemies Eggman's Machinery Aero-Cannon (Gold Aero-Cannon) · Aero-Chaser · Egg Blizzard · Egg Burst · Egg Fighter · Egg Fighter: Knight (Electric shield, Spring shield) · Egg Fighter: Shield (Electric shield, Spring shield) · Egg Flame · Egg Launcher (H) · Egg Launcher (H+V) · Egg Launcher (V) · Egg Shackle · Egg Typhoon · Interceptor · Mole Cannon · Spinner · Thunder Ball · Thunder Spinner
Dark Gaia's Minions Big Mother · Dark Bat · Dark Bat Sniper · Dark Fright · Dark Master · Deep Nightmare · Fire Master · Fright Master · Killer Bee · Lightning Master · Little Rex · Nightmare · Red Fright · Red Killer Bee · Red Nightmare · Red Deep Nightmare · Red Rex · Red Titan · Spike · Thunder Bat · Titan
Bosses Egg Beetle · Egg Devil Ray · Egg Dragoon · Egg Lancer · Dark Gaia · Dark Gaia Phoenix · Dark Guardian · Dark Moray · Perfect Dark Gaia
Moves/Techniques Sonic Air Boost · Cartwheel · Crouch · Grind Step · Grinding · Homing Attack · Hop · Jump Dash · Lightspeed Dash · Slide · Skydiving · Sonic Boost · Sonic Drift · Spin Jump · Stomp · Quick Step · Wall Jump
Werehog Attack (Left-handed, Right-handed, Two-handed) · Dash · Double Jump · Grab · Guard · Unleashed Mode · Wall Shuffle
Misc. Boost · Drill Attack · Super Sonic Boost · Turbo Boost
Skills Beatdown · Claw Charge · Crescent Moon Strike · Earthshaker · Wereclap · Were-Hammer · Were-Claw · Were-Wallop · Wild Claw · Wild Whirl
Gimmicks and obstacles Balloon · Blue spring · Bobsled · Bomb · Buggy · Buoy · Check Point · Conveyor Belt · Crane Lift · Crank · Dark Energy Force Field · Dash Panel · Dash Rail · Dash Ring · Door · Fountain · Giant spear · Grind Rail · Hanging vine · Hint Ring · Horizontal Bar · Icicle · Iron ball · Jump Selector · Laser field · Lever · Movable box · Moving Crate · Rainbow Ring · Ramp · Reaction Plate · Snowblower · Spike Trap · Spikes · Springboard/Spring · Springpole · Star Post · Switch · Thorn Spring · Trap Spring · Trick Jump Panel · Wide spring · Zip Line
Items 1UP · 5 Ring Bonus · 20 Rings · 100 Count Ring · Big 50 Ring · Boss Gate · Chaos Orb · Container (Steel Container, Wooden Container) · Dark Energy Key · Dark Gaia Force · Gaia Gate · Goal Ring · Hidden Treasure Ring · Item Capsule · Moon Medal · Moon Tablet · Planet Tablet · Ring · Sun Medal · Sun Tablet · Super Ring
Voice actors English Jason Griffith (Sonic, Werehog, Prof. Pickle's Assistant) · Amy Palant (Tails) · Lisa Ortiz (Amy) · Anthony Salerno (Chip) · Mike Pollock (Eggman, Zonshen) · Christopher Collet (SA-55) · Dan Green (Ice Cream Vendor, Prof. Pickle)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) · Chikao Otsuka (Eggman) · Chō (Prof. Pickle) · Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) · Taeko Kawata (Amy) · Tomokazu Seki (Sonic the Werehog) · Ryōko Shiraishi (Chip)
Music Songs "Endless Possibility" · "Dear My Friend"
Albums Planetary Pieces: Sonic World Adventure Original Soundtrack
Other Auto Running · Boost Gauge · Boost Gauge · Chaos Emerald · Chaos Energy Cannon · Chun-nan's Treasure · Combo · Critical Attack · Dr. Eggman's chair · Earth · Egg Dragoon · Egg Fleet · Egg Mobile · Exorcisms · Experience Point · Freeze · Gaia Manuscripts · Gaia Temple · Gaia Temple guardian · Hallowmoon · Health Gauge · Miles Electric · Orb Result · Real-Time Interaction · Ring Energy Gauge · Shield Gauge · Shuttle loop · Sonic: Night of the Werehog · Sonic Unleashed: Prima Official Game Guide · Sonic World Adventure (manga) · Spagonia University · SPD · Tornado-1 · Rank · Time of awakening · Unleashed Gauge