Designed for urban combat, this heavyweight vehicle can walk on four powerful legs. It is equipped with balancers on its ankles to stabilize the weak center of gravity in its suspension.
The Egg Walker was a rather large vehicle, much bigger than Tails, with the Eggmobile as its cockpit. It had four massive legs with a blue balancer on the ankle each. At the top of the mech, on each side of the Eggmobile, there were two missile launchers.
Features and abilities[]
The Egg Walker was equipped with a large arsenal of weaponry, including missiles, flamethrowers, and bombs. Due to its massive size, it could create shockwaves on the floor by making a powerful stomp with one of its legs. Its balancers also helped it stabilize the weak center of gravity in its suspension.[1] However, the vehicle was not free of flaws: the shockwaves it created would make these balancers vulnerable to attack, causing it to lose its balance when these were hit.[2]
In Sonic Adventure, when his attempt to destroy Station Square using a missile failed, Dr. Eggman used the Egg Walker as a last-ditch attempt to defeat Tails. However, he was defeated. Humiliated, the doctor flew away in his Eggmobile as the residents in Station Square began cheering the fox.
The battle takes place in the Casino District of Station Square. Different sets of Rings can be found from either the center of the road or behind parked cars. Right after the start, the Egg Walker launches missiles towards the player. After a certain amount, the Egg Walker starts moving back and forth in the area while dropping bombs around it. After a while, Robotnik then activates flamethrowers to burst large flames into the air while the Egg Walker keeps moving.
If the player gets near to the Egg Walker, Robotnik activates one of four legs to do small shock waves. At first, he only uses one leg at the time. When this happens, the gloving part of the knee becomes the Egg Walker's weak spot. The player has to perform Tails Attack/Rapid Tails Attack to hit the weak spot and make the whole vehicle fall down for a limited amount of time in order to hit the cockpit. After taking one hit, the Egg Walker gets up and leaps to the other side of the area to repeat its pattern. However as the player keeps doing damage, Robotnik will use more than two or three legs to do shock waves and the player has to hit all three weak spots to make the Egg Walker fall down. However if the Egg Walker is moving while doing shock waves, Tails is unable to hit the weak spots.
After doing five hits, Tails destroys the Egg Walker.