Levitated Ruin

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Levitated Ruin (レビテイテッドルーイン Rebiteiteddo Rūin?) is the fifth World in Sonic and the Secret Rings. It is a collection of ruins of towns built on the back of giant flying manta-like fossils (referred to as Rukh by Ali-Baba) flying in the atmosphere.


This stage is set in the sky, as Sonic runs between a series of ancient Rukhs whilst looking for Sinbad the Sailor. Strong winds blow during this stage and they will push Sonic back unless he is running very quickly. One of the stages primary gimmicks is when Sonic runs through the air along a materializing pathway whilst chasing a gargoyle. After completing the zone's primary mission, Sonic finds Sinbad locked in a cage. A secondary mission then opens up, in which Sonic starts out in a central tower and uses zip lines to access four other towers. Once reaching the top of each, a mirror is used to destroy one of the locks on Sinbad's cage, and Sonic is warped back to the center where he can then head in a different direction.

Big's cameo[]

As you approach the lever to switch the second mirror, you will need to use the brake for a few seconds. You’ll see Big trying to keep his balance on top of a random tower in Mission 5.


  • The materializing pathway gimmick later served as inspiration for a similar gimmick that was used in Sonic and the Black Knight's Dragon's Lair, as well as Sonic Colors' Starlight Carnival.
  • This is the only stage in Sonic and the Secret Rings without a vocal BGM.
  • This place is almost certainly based off of Angel Island, as they are both floating islands and it is also where Sonic meets Knuckles/Sinbad for the first time.
  • The Rukh in this stage are likely named after the Roc of Arabic folklore, a gigantic bird capable of carrying elephants and sometimes called the rukh in Persian. The Roc is a creature usually involved in the story of Sinbad.
    • Though the rukh are named after giant birds, they resemble more like manta rays.


Concept artwork[]







Levitated Ruin icon



Big's Cameo 8 (SATSR)

Big's Cameo 9 (SATSR)



SatSR LR 01

SatSR LR 02

SatSR LR 03

SatSR LR 04

SatSR LR 05


Name Artist(s) Length Music track
"High and Broken" Fumie Kumatani 4:27



Sonic and the Secret Rings - Levitated Ruin - 4K HD 60 fps

Playable characters Sonic (Darkspine Sonic) · Tails* · Knuckles* · Amy* · Shadow* · Cream* · Silver* · Blaze*
Non-playable characters Shahra · Erazor (Alf Layla wa-Layla) · Shahryar · Ali Baba · Sinbad · Solomon · Uhu · Kri Ma Djinn · Pri Ma Djinn · Cheese* · Omochao* · Big
Worlds Lost Prologue · Sand Oasis · Dinosaur Jungle · Evil Foundry · Levitated Ruin · Pirate Storm · Skeleton Dome · Night Palace
Party Mode Attractions Treasure Hunt · World Bazaar · Tournament Palace · Genie's Lair · Pirates Coast
Mini-games Aim! Big Crossbow · Aim! Color Balloon · Aye, aye Captain! Pirate Flag · Cross! Balance Race · Fire! Marksman · Fly! Ptero-Rider · Fore! Putt-Putt · Get 'em! Parasol Diving · Go! Mine Cart Race · Grab it! Bubble Hunt · Grab it! Kri Ma Djinn · Hit it! Home Run · Hit it! Parasol Ball · Hold it! Treasure Haul · Knockdown! Balance Battle · Look up! Skydiving · Play! Violin · Pull on it! Carpet · Put it out! Big Fire · Recognize! Treasure Box · Reel! Battle Fishing · Roll it! Heavy Ball · Row! Canoe Race · Row! Canoe Salvage · Row! Canoe Survival · Seek! Edge Race · Shine on! Kri Ma Djinn · Sink 'em! Pirate Ship · Spike! Fruit Catch · Spill! Weight Puzzle · Spin! Cogwheel Relay · Spin! Propeller Race · Spin! Safe Dial · Spin! Steel Survival! · Spot! Pitch Black · Stay Tight! Big Balloon! · Thrust! Bone Knight · Watch out! Trap · Whack! Giant Stakes · Whack! Hatchet
Enemies Blue Ma Djinn · Gargoyle Djinn · Golem Djinn · Green Ma Djinn · Rafflesia Djinn · Red Ma Djinn · Skeleton Djinn · Slime Djinn
Bosses Sand Scorpion · Captain Bemoth · Ifrit Golem · Erazor Djinn · Alf Layla wa-Layla
Playable characters Charge Jump · Crouch · Grind Step · Grinding · Homing Attack · Speed Break · Time Break · Wall Shuffle
NPCs Darkness Slash · Darkness Spark · Spirit Blast
Gimmicks and obstacles Air Launcher · Burner · Catapult · Dash Panel · Flying Pot · Giant spear · Hourglass · Iron ball · Jump Carpet · Jump Panel · Thorn Spring · Triceratops · Vine · Zip Line
Items Cage · Dinosaur egg · Fire Soul · Genie Egg · Medal · Pearl · Rich Pearl · Rich Ring · Ring · Soul · World Ring (Blue Ring, Green Ring, Purple Ring, Red Ring, Water Blue Ring, White Ring, Yellow Ring)
Voice actors English Jason Griffith (Sonic, Shadow) · Bella Hudson (Shahra, Blaze) · Peter Cormican (Erazor) · Mike Pollock (King Shahryār, Eggman) · Amy Palant (Ali Baba, Tails) · Dan Green (Sinbad, Knuckles) · Richard Will (King Solomon) · Lisa Ortiz (Amy) · Rebecca Honig (Cream, Omochao) · Pete Capella (Silver)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) · Kōji Yusa (Shadow) · Mai Nakahara (Shahra) · Masashi Ebara (Erazor) · Chikao Ōtsuka (King Shahryār, Eggman) · Ryō Hirohashi (Ali Baba, Tails) · Nobutoshi Canna (Sinbad, Knuckles) · Fumito Yamano (King Solomon) · Taeko Kawata (Amy) · Sayaka Aoki (Cream) · Etsuko Kozakura (Omochao) · Nao Takamori (Blaze) · Daisuke Ono (Silver)
Music Songs "Seven Rings In Hand" · "Let the Speed Mend It" · "The Wicked Wild" · "The Palace That Was Found" · "No Way Through" · "The White of Sky" · "Unawakening Float" · "Poison Spear" · "Blue on the Run" · "How It Started" · "It Has Come to This" · "Worth a Chance"
Albums Sonic and the Secret Rings Game Soundtrack · Seven Rings In Hand: Sonic and the Secret Rings Original Sound Track
Other Arabian Nights · Auto Running · Diehard Challenge · Djinn · Drifting · Experience Point · Flame of Judgment · Magic Lamp · Shahra's Ring · Skill · Sonic and the Secret Rings: Prima Official Game Guide · Sonic and the Secret Rings Strongest Strategy Guide · Sonic Maze Craze · Soul Gauge · World of the Arabian Nights