Sonic Frontiers: The Music of Starfall Islands

Playable characters Amy* · Knuckles* · Tails* · Sonic (Super Sonic (Super Sonic 2* (Super Sonic Cyber*)))
Non-playable characters Ancients (Crane, Dragon, Elder, Master King*, Snake, Tiger) · Animals* · Big · Eggman · The End · Koco (Elder Koco, Hermit Koco, Impact Form*, Koco Device*, Lookout Koco*, Map Koco*, Master Koco* (Master King Koco*), New Koco, Skill Piece Koco*) · Sage
Stages Open Zone areas Kronos Island · Ares Island · Chaos Island · Rhea Island · Ouranos Island
Cyber Space themes Green Hill · Chemical Plant · Sky Sanctuary · Eternal Highway
Cyber Space stages 1-1 · 1-2 · 1-3 · 1-4 · 1-5 · 1-6 · 1-7 · 2-1 · 2-2 · 2-3 · 2-4 · 2-5 · 2-6 · 2-7 · 3-1 · 3-2 · 3-3 · 3-4 · 3-5 · 3-6 · 3-7 · 4-1 · 4-2 · 4-3 · 4-4 · 4-5 · 4-6 · 4-7 · 4-8 · 4-9 · 4-A* · 4-B* · 4-C* · 4-D* · 4-E* · 4-F* · 4-G* · 4-H* · 4-I*
Fishing Spots Western · Northern · Eastern  · Southern
Challenges Kronos Island M-001 · M-002 · M-003 · M-004 · M-005 · M-006 · M-007 · M-008 · M-009 · M-010 · M-011 · M-012 · M-013 · M-014 · M-015 · M-016 · M-017 · M-018 · M-019 · M-020 · M-021 · M-022 · M-023 · M-024 · M-025
Ares Island M-026 · M-027 · M-028 · M-029 · M-030 · M-031 · M-032 · M-033 · M-034 · M-035 · M-036 · M-037 · M-038 · M-039 · M-040 · M-041 · M-042 · M-043 · M-044 · M-045 · M-046 · M-047 · M-048 · M-049 · M-050 · M-051 · M-052 · M-053 · M-054
Chaos Island M-055 · M-056 · M-057 · M-058 · M-059 · M-060 · M-061 · M-062 · M-063 · M-064 · M-065 · M-066 · M-067 · M-068 · M-069 · M-070 · M-071 · M-072 · M-073 · M-074 · M-075 · M-076 · M-077 · M-078
Ouranos Island M-079 · M-080 · M-081 · M-082 · M-083 · M-084 · M-085 · M-086 · M-087 · M-088 · M-089 · M-090 · M-091 · M-092 · M-093 · M-094 · M-095 · M-096 · M-097 · M-098 · M-099 · M-100 · M-101 · M-102 · M-103 · M-104 · M-105
The Final Horizon* M-106 · M-107 · M-108 · M-109 · M-110 · M-111 · M-112 · M-113 · M-114 · M-115 · M-116 · M-117 · M-118 · M-119 · M-120 · M-121 · M-122 · M-123 · M-124 · M-125 · M-126 · M-127 · M-128 · M-129 · M-130 · M-131 · M-132
Story quests Family Gathering · Spring is in the Air · SOS Backup · Koco Roundup · The Best Defense · Mechanical Collectible · Bridge the Gap
Island Mysteries Turn the statue to open the gate · A Grave Mystery · Drain the water to move on · Match the colors · Hacking Mission (Chaos Island, Ouranos Island #1, Ouranos Island #2) · Pinball · Melody relic
Enemies Open Zone areas Balloon · Banger · Bubble · Capture · Cyclone · Defensive weapons* · (Buzzer · Moto Bug · Spinner · Thunder Spinner) Eagle · Hopper · Jellyfish · Shell · Sniper · Soldier · Wolf
Cyber Space stages Buzz Bomber · Buzzer · Chopper · Crabmeat · Eggrobo · Grabber · Missile Eggrobo · Moto Bug · Spinner* · Thunder Spinner*
Bosses Guardians Asura · Caterpillar · Excavator · Fortress · Ghost · Kunoichi · Master Ninja · Ninja · Red Pillar · Shinobi · Shark · Silver Hammer · Spider · Squid · Strider · Sumo · Tank · Tower
Titans Giganto · Wyvern · Knight · Supreme
Misc. The End
Moves/techniques General Aerial Boost (Air Boost Cancel Stomp) · Attack · Boost (Power Boost) · Cartwheel · Climb · Crouch · Dodge · Double Jump · Drift · Drop Dash · Grab · Grind Step · Grinding · Homing Attack (Homing Attack Cancel Stomp) · Homing Dash · Jump Stomp · Light Dash · Lock on · Parry (Continuous Parry, Perfect Parry*) · Side Step · Skydiving · Slide · Spin Attack · Spin Jump · Stomp · Wall Jump · Wall Run (Boosted Wall Run)
Skills Air Trick · Auto Combo · Card Attack* · Card Float* · Card Spin* (Infinte Card Spin*) · Card Spin Boost* · Card Stomp* · Charged Wrench Attack* · Combo Attack* · Cross Slash · Cyblaster* · Cyclone Boost* · Cyclone Cannon* · Cyclone Kick · Cyhammer* · Cyknuckle* · Cyloop · Drill Spin Attack* · Drill Spin Boost* · Fly* · Glide* (Infinite Glide*) · Grand Slam · Heat Stomp* · High Card Jump* · Homing Attack · Homing Shot · Jump (Double Jump) · Loop Kick · Multi-lock* · Parry (Break Parry*, Debuff Parry*, Poison Parry*) · Phantom Rush · Quick Cyloop · Recovery Smash · Sonic Boom · Spike Stomp* · Spin Dash · Spin Slash · Stomp Attack · Wall Climb* · Wild Rush · Wrench Attack*
Misc. Dark Shot · Homing laser · Light Shot
Gimmicks and obstacles Accelerator Gun · Ancient gate · Ancient light panel · Balloon · Bee · Black wall · Blue blob · Bomb · Bomb Block* · Box · Bumper · Cannon · Car · Cloud · Chaos Engine · Dash Panel · Dash Ring · Dash Rail · Drift Dash Panel · Egg Spring · Energy bullet · Fan · Flipper · Four-way Cannon · Grind Rail · Hang Glider · Harmonic rod · High-speed warp tube · Hint Ring · Horizontal Bar · Hourglass · Iron ball · Jump Panel · Laser field · Mine* · Mirror · Movable box · Pole Elevator · Portal Gate · Propeller Spring · Pulley · Rainbow Ring · Red wall* · Ring Gate · Ring Shooter · Skateboard · Spikes · Spring · Spring Pole · Star Post · Statue · Sling Shot · Switch · Target sphere · Trick Jump Panel · Wall Jump Block · Warp Point · Wide spring · Zip Line
Items Open Zone items Chaos Emerald · Container (Steel, Wooden, Unbreakable) · Gold Card (3 Gold Cards) · Koco capsule · Machine part · Memory Token · Number Ring* · Portal Gear · Purple Coin · Red Star Ring · Ring · Seeds (Blue Seed of Defense, Red Seed of Power) · Silver Moon Ring* · Skill Piece · Sound Memory · Star piece · Super Ring · Time Bonus* · Treasure Token · Vault Key
Fishing Spot items Acorn (Silver acorn) · Alligator · Ancient tablet · Anglerfish (Flashy anglerfish) · Barracuda · Clownfish · Black bass · Carp · Crab · Chopper · Clownfish · Coelacanth (Golden coelacanth), Crayfish, Flying fish, Goldfish (Platinum-golden fish) · Egg Memo · Giant isopod (Red giant isopod) · Goal Plate · Gourami · Flounder · Hammerhead shark (Polka-dot hammerhead shark) · Item Box · Loach · Marlin · Medaka · Moray eel · Nishiki koi · Oarfish · Octopus (Blue-ringed octopus) · Poison dart frog (Big rainbow colored frog) · Pufferfish · Red stingray · Ring · Seeds (Blue Seed of Defense, Red Seed of Power) · Salmon (King salmon) · Scrolls (Elder Koco's scroll, Hermit Koco's scroll) · Seahorse · Seeds (Blue Seed of Defense, Red Seed of Power) · Snapping turtle · Spring (Red spring, Yellow spring) · Squid · Starfish (Black starfish) · Star Post · Stingray · Sunfish (Striped sunfish) · Tadpole  · Tin can (Red can) · Tire · Treasure box (Golden treasure box) · Tuna · Twig
Voice actors English Roger Craig Smith (Sonic) · Mike Pollock (Eggman, The End; male voice) · Colleen O'Shaughnessey (Tails) · Cindy Robinson (Amy, The End; female voice) · Dave B. Mitchell (Knuckles) · Kyle Hebert (Big) · Ryan Bartley (Sage) · Airi Ōtsu (Koco)
Japanese Jun'ichi Kanemaru (Sonic) · Kotaro Nakamura (Eggman) · Ryō Hirohashi (Tails) · Taeko Kawata (Amy) · Nobutoshi Canna (Knuckles) · Takashi Nagasako (Big) · Megumi Hayashibara (Sage) · Gara Takashima/Hōchū Ōtsuka (The End) · Airi Ōtsu (Koco)
Music Songs "I'm Here" · "Undefeatable" · "Break Through It All" · "Find Your Flame" · "Dear Father" · "Vandalize" · "I'm With You" · "One Way Dream" · "Database" · "Flowing" · "Déjà vu" · "Escape the Loop" · "Enjoy this World" · "All Reality" · "Ephemeral" · "Arrow of Time" · "No Pain, No Gain" · "Maybe If..."* · "Blood Flow"* · "Another Passage"* · "Dropaholic"
Unlockable songs "Open Your Heart" · "It Doesn't Matter" · "Live and Learn" · "Escape from the City" · "Sonic Heroes" · "Seven Rings In Hand" · "Let the Speed Mend It" · "Knight of the Wind" · "Fist Bump" · "Moonlight Battlefield" · "Reach for the Stars (Re-Colors)"
Albums Sonic Frontiers - Main Theme EP · Sonic Frontiers Original Soundtrack Stillness & Motion · Sonic Frontiers: The Music of Starfall Islands · Sonic Frontiers Expansion Soundtrack Paths Revisited
Other Action Chain Challenge · Ancients' planet · Boost Gauge · Bottomless pit · Chaos Emerald Vault · Chili dog · Combo · Corkscrew · Cyber Cage · Cyber corruption · Cyclone* · D3-COY · Death Egg · Death Egg Robot · Digitized state · Egg Base · Egg Device · Egg Mobile · Fast travel · Fishing Rod · Fortune Cards* · Grind Shoes · Hammerspace · Health Gauge · Hologram Tails* · Infinite Boost · Life · Loop · Main Story · Mission · Open Zone · Outfit · Oxygen Gauge · Phantom Light · Piko Piko Hammer* · Platform · Portal · Rank · Real-Time Interaction · Rocket Boost* · Side Story · Skill Point · Skill Tree · Slot machine · Sonic Frontiers: Digital Art Book with Mini Digital Soundtrack · Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Convergence · Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence · Starfall · Starfall Islands · Time Attack · Time Over* · Trial* · Trial Tower* · Tornado · Totem pole · Tunnel · Unnamed Shellcracker mecha

*Appears in The Final Horizon exclusively
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