Best Open Source Python CAD Software for Linux
- ️Tue Feb 18 2025
Browse free open source Python CAD Software for Linux and projects below. Use the toggles on the left to filter open source Python CAD Software for Linux by OS, license, language, programming language, and project status.
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a parametric 3D CAD modeler
This is an official mirror of FreeCAD. Code and release files are primarily hosted on and mirrored here. FreeCAD is a general purpose feature-based, parametric 3D modeler for CAD, MCAD, CAx, CAE and PLM, aimed directly at mechanical engineering and product design but also fits a wider range of uses in engineering, such as architecture or other engineering specialties. It is 100% Open Source and extremely modular, allowing for very advanced extension and customization. FreeCAD is based on OpenCasCade, a powerful geometry kernel, features an Open Inventor-compliant 3D scene representation model provided by the Coin 3D library, and a broad Python API. The interface is built with Qt. FreeCAD runs exactly the same way on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux platforms.
DXF2GCODE: converting 2D dxf drawings to CNC machine compatible G-Code
DXF2GCODE is a tool for converting 2D (dxf, pdf, ps) drawings to CNC machine compatible GCode. Windows, Linux, and Mac support by using python scripting language.
TexGen is a geometric textile modelling software package to be used for obtaining engineering properties of woven textiles and textile composites. Citing TexGen We would be grateful if you could acknowledge use of TexGen where appropriate and suggest using one of the following references: L P Brown and A C Long. "Modelling the geometry of textile reinforcements for composites: TexGen", Chapter 8 in "Composite reinforcements for optimum performance (Second Edition)", ed. P Boisse, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2021, ISBN: 978-0-12-819005-0. Lin, H., Brown, L. P. & Long, A. C. 2011. Modelling and Simulating Textile Structures using TexGen. Advanced Materials Research, 331, 44-47. To reference version 3.13.0 please use: Louise Brown, mike-matveev, & georgespackman. (2023). louisepb/TexGen: TexGen v3.13.1 (v3.13.1). Zenodo.
Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS
NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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Libre Mechanics it’s an Open Knowledge project created to offer a useful platform of information related with the development and research of Mechanical Engineering themes and similar fields, higly related with the use of Open Source and Software Libre tools. Here you will find a wide variety of projects, publications and scientific material available as references for developing their own projects, also guides and tutorials that allow you to take advantage of free software tools available today. The four principal lines of work are: Design Analysis and Simulation Automation and Robotics Development
Free and open source pattern design software
Seamly2D enables the design, reuse, and remix of digital sewing patterns for creating bespoke-fit, specialty-sized, and ready-to-wear-sized clothing. Users have the right to utilize, sell, share, and distribute their patterns in any way they choose. * Downloads: * Support: * Code: * License: GPLv3+
An easy and flexible mathematical programming environment for Python.
PyMathProg is a Python reincarnation of AMPL and GNU MathProg modeling language, implemented in pure Python, connecting to GLPK via swiglpk. Create, optimize, report, change and re-optimize your model with Python, easily integrate database, plotting, etc.
Software for electromagnetic simulation
MaxFem is an open software package for electromagnetic simulation by using finite element methods. The package can solve problems in electrostatics, direct current, magnetostatics and eddy-currents. Since version 0.4.0, MaxFEM requires Python 3. We have moved the installers to the MaxFEM website (see below). In order to improve MaxFEM, we will require you to fill out a simple form before downloading them.
CAD Application entire developed in Python
PythonCAD is a CAD package written, surprisingly enough, in Python using the PySide2 interface and python3. The PythonCAD project aims to produce a scriptable, open-source, easy to use CAD package (Cross Platforms)
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Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
Our primary goal is to create a great, full featured, 3D CAD environment for Blender for use by engineers, designers, drafters, architects, etc. based on the OpenCascade toolkit.
Linux TinyCad, or LiniCad, is a tiny CAD used for educational purposes. It is written in Python/Tk and its goals are to be as programmatically easy and small as possible.
This application is intended to be a tool for easy, almost automatic, creation and calculation of gear transmission finite element models. It consists of a geometry and mesh generator based on GMSH and a finite element model based on GETFEM++.
Precise gear geometry generator for spur and helical gears
A python gear generator that serves as CAE/CAD-preprocessor for involute gears based on pythonOCC. It allows for the computation of dynamic properties and the creation of exact geometries from a minimal input set. PyGear can simulate the tool geometry and kinematics of standard gear hobbing tools to generate precise flank, tooth root and tip geometries. Disclosure: the software is open-source and free to use thanks to support received from, the easy-to-use AI crypto bot trading platform. SmithBot didn't exert any influence on the project.
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SAMoCAD - its program to create simple drawings, partially supports DXF. Main features: - create simple objects (line, arc, circle) - create complex objects (text, dimensions) - edit drawn objects - save drawing to SVG format - output drawing in PostScript format - export/import content DXF files (primitives LINE, CIRCLE, ARC, TEXT, DIMENSION) Program written in Python 2 and use the library Tkinter. Program requires no installation, but you need install Python 2.7 or later on your PC. Run file SAMoCAD.pyw to run the program. Its very old version of program!!! For more information see
Open Source Planar Linkage Mechanism Simulation and Synthesis Software
Software script assembly to be executed on cnc machines and robots to build, maintain and replicate open source fablab. Here software meets hardware.
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A designer’s program for describing parts of the building
Buildes is an integrated development environment that assists the user in creating building information. It reads a text (session) file from which it compiles the information. It then allows the user to browse, analyze and export the resulting building knowledge. The compilation system is written in pure Python. The building components created are rendered in PythonOCC. The GUI is written using PyQt.
dedalo is a 2d cad drawing software written in python3.
dedalo is a 2d cad drawing software written in python3. It is licensed under the GPLv3. Dedalo features: layers, snaps (endpoint, intersection, midpoint), line, polyline, rectangle, delete, polygon, rectangle, arc, circle, points, text, spline, freehand drawing. Move, scale, rotate, offset, cut, extend, hatch, dimension, copy. English, italian languages SVG read-write. Not all features all fully supported. For more information a user manual is provided(pdf format, italian).
FAST is an Analysis and Simulation Toolbox (FAST) for Fuel Cells (FC) FAST-FC is the doctorate work of David B. Harvey and was developed with support from the U.S. DOE, Ballard, and Queen's University. Derivative works of FAST-FC include FC-APOLLO which is a forked branch of this project intended to capture the code state at the exit of the funded DOE project. FAST-FC is the open and active community branch. FAST-FC is developed and maintained by the original creator and developer, David B. Harvey. Features of FAST-fc include transport of gases and liquids, multi-step reaction kinetics, transient and steady state operation for performance and durability, and scalable dimensionality from 1D - 3D domains. Future development work is on-going in FAST-fc and our strategic development schedule includes membrane degradation, improved liquid water transport models through the application of pore networks, and extension to stack-level simulation.
The OpenMultiphysics project is the home for community-driven development of application integration technologies designed to aid in the design and implementation of multiphysics simulation capabilities. Design and development in this project is driven by the Consortium for Open Multiphysics. Feel free to visit us at our GitHub site as well:
OpenNum lets you distribute solvers with a nice graphical interface
Typically, to program a GUI is time consuming and requires experience with graphic libraries. OpenNum lets you create a graphical interface adapted to your solvers by simply editing an XML configuration file. More specifically, OpenNum lets you · to collect a hierarchical dataset, · to call any executable file and · to visualize scalar and vector fields, plot graphs or show simple plain text files. It also has other useful utilities specifically designed for numerical simulation packages: · it allows managing a centralized materials dataset; · it can read several finite element mesh formats and several field formats.