
Armorist - Spheres of Power Wiki

Ultimate Spheres of Power

Armorists are among the most direct masters of the spheres, and indeed, tend to see magic as only the first step in resolving a situation. Their ability to call forth whatever equipment a situation requires makes them more flexible than many of their opponents realize.

Role: Armorists are masters of combat who use items, rather than simple brute force, to dominate their enemies.

Alignment: Any

Hit Die: d10

Starting Wealth: 5d6 x 10 gp (average 175 gp). In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.

Class Skills: The armorist’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features

Table: The Armorist

Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Max Bonus Caster Level Magic Talents
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Bound equipment (+1), casting, spell pool, summon equipment +0 +0 (1) 0 (+2)
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Arsenal trick +0 +1 1
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Armor training, bound equipment (+2) +1 +1 1
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Arsenal trick +1 +2 2
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Bind implement, bound equipment (+3, 2x) +1 +2 2
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Arsenal trick +2 +3 3
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Armor training, bound equipment (+4) +2 +3 3
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Arsenal trick +2 +4 4
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Bound equipment (+5) +3 +4 4
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Arsenal trick, boost equipment, bound equipment (x3) +3 +5 5
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +7 Armor training, bound equipment (+6) +3 +5 5
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +8 Arsenal trick +4 +6 6
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +8 Bound equipment (+7) +4 +6 6
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +9 Arsenal trick +4 +7 7
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +9 Armor training, bound equipment (+8, 4x), quick summons +5 +7 7
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +10 Arsenal trick +5 +8 8
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Bound equipment (+9) +5 +8 8
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Arsenal trick +6 +9 9
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Armor training, bound equipment (+10) +6 +9 9
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Arsenal trick, bound equipment (5x), infinite arsenal +6 +10 10


Weapon and Armor Proficiency

An armorist is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).


An armorist may combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. An armorist is considered a Low-Caster. (Note: All casters gain 2 bonus talents and a casting tradition the first time they gain the casting class feature.)

Spell Pool

An armorist gains a small reservoir of energy she can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to her class level + her casting ability modifier (minimum 1). This pool replenishes once per day after roughly 8 hours of rest.

Magic Talents

An armorist gains a magic talent at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, according to Table: The Armorist.

Summon Equipment (Su)

An armorist may spend a spell point as a swift action or move action to conjure a weapon, shield, or suit of armor into her hands or directly onto her body, which stays for 1 minute per class level before disappearing.

The armorist must be proficient with the weapon or type of shield or armor to summon it, and in the case of exotic weapons, she must have studied a pre-existing version of the weapon for at least 1 week. This weapon, shield, or suit of armor is masterwork quality, and while antimagic barriers may prevent the armorist from summoning these items, the items themselves are not considered magical creations and so may not be dispelled. Ranged weapons come with 50 pieces of basic ammunition.

When summoning armor, the armorist may also summon the suit directly onto a willing touched target’s body as a standard action. When summoning armor onto her own or another target’s body directly, their current armor disappears in favor of the new armor until the duration is over and the old armor returns. Dismissing a piece of summoned equipment is a free action.

Summoned equipment is always considered masterwork quality and gains a +1 enhancement bonus for every 3 armorist levels the creator possesses, to a maximum of +6 at 18th level. These bonuses may be traded for special abilities according to Table: Bound Equipment. A piece of summoned equipment cannot have higher than a +5 enhancement bonus; enhancement bonuses beyond this amount must be traded for special abilities.

Bound Equipment (Su)

An armorist gains a bond with a specific weapon, shield, or suit of armor that is far greater than with her other summoned equipment. Bound equipment is summoned and treated just like summoned equipment, except it does not cost a spell point to summon, cannot be used by anyone other than the armorist herself (the item’s magic does not function in another’s hands), comes with limitless ammunition, and disappears 1 round after leaving the armorist’s hands. She gains another piece of bound equipment at 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level, and may bond implements beginning at 5th level.

Bound equipment is masterwork quality, and gains a +1 enhancement bonus for every odd armorist level possessed. A piece of bound equipment’s enhancement bonus cannot exceed +1, +1 per 3 armorist levels (maximum +5); all enhancement bonus beyond this must be traded for special abilities.

An armorist may give her bound weapon special abilities from Table: Bound Equipment, trading enhancement bonus for other benefits. Bound equipment cannot be enchanted through any other means than gaining armorist levels and must retain at least a +1 enhancement bonus. Bound implements use the rules presented in the Magic Items chapter, granting the armorist enhancement bonuses to her caster level with one sphere, chosen when the implement is created. A piece of bound equipment may be an implement or a weapon/shield/suit of armor, but not both at the same time.

Once a piece of bound equipment has been selected, or once its special abilities have been chosen, they may only be changed if the armorist spends 8 hours (1 day) meditating to dismiss the old piece of bound equipment and create a new piece of bound equipment to take its place.

The armorist’s bound equipment can be damaged and sundered, but always returns to full health the following day.

A bound double-weapon must divide its enhancement bonuses and special abilities between the two ends (for example, a +5 bound quarterstaff could have a +3 bonus on one end and a +2 bonus on the other). Alternatively, the armorist may bind each end of the double weapon as a separate piece of bound equipment, thus granting full bonuses to each half. If one end of the double weapon has no bonuses, it is still considered masterwork.

Author's Note: A bound implement may take any shape a normal implement could (e.g. as a held item, magic item slot, or slotless).

Wiki Note: Most of the following abilities can be found on one of these pages:

Table: Bound Equipment

Weapon Special Ability Enhance. Bonus Value Shield Special Ability Enhance. Bonus Value Armor Special Ability Enhance. Bonus Value Implement Special Ability Enhance. Bonus Value
Advancing +2 bonus Arrow catching +1 bonus Anti-ballistic +1 bonus Abjuring +3 bonus
Agile +1 bonus Arrow deflection +2 bonus Anti-spell +2 bonus Aggressive +1 bonus
Anchoring +2 bonus Bashing +1 bonus Benevolent +1 bonus Aiming +1 bonus
Arcing +1 bonus Blinding +1 bonus Bolstering +1 bonus Alerting +3 bonus
Avalanche +1 bonus Clangorous +1 bonus Brawling +3 bonus Bloodhound +2 bonus
Benevolent +1 bonus Deflecting +1 bonus Deathless +1 bonus Capacitance +2 bonus
Blast vessel +2 bonus Focusing +4 bonus Energy resistance (10, one element) +3 bonus Carved +1 bonus
Corrosive +1 bonus Fortification (heavy) +5 bonus Energy resistance, improved (20, one element) +4 bonus Equitable +1 bonus
Corrosive Burst +2 bonus Fortification (light) +1 bonus Energy resistance, greater (30, one element) +5 bonus Extra sphere +1 bonus
Courageous +1 bonus Fortification (moderate) +3 bonus Focusing +4 bonus Girding +2 bonus
Cruel +1 bonus Ghost touch +3 bonus Fortification (heavy) +5 bonus Macabre +1 bonus
Cunning +1 bonus Grinding +1 bonus Fortification (light) +1 bonus Magic talent +2 bonus
Decisive +2 bonus Impervious +1 bonus Fortification (moderate) +3 bonus Mesmerism +3 bonus
Defending +1 bonus Merging +2 bonus Ghost touch +3 bonus Reaving (normal) +1 bonus
Destructive focus +1 bonus Mirrored +1 bonus Grinding +1 bonus Reaving (greater) +3 bonus
Destructive focus, greater +2 bonus Ramming +1 bonus Invulnerability +3 bonus Sanguine +1 bonus
Dimensional +4 bonus Reflecting +5 bonus Impervious +1 bonus Sunset +1 bonus
Distance +1 bonus Spell resistance (13) +2 bonus Mind buttressing +2 bonus Sustaining +2 bonus
Driving +1 bonus Spell resistance (15) +3 bonus Mirrored +1 bonus Vital +2 bonus
Entangling +1 bonus Spell resistance (17) +4 bonus Shadow warded +1 bonus Watchful +2 bonus
Fey-Forged +1 bonus Spell resistance (19) +5 bonus Stanching +1 bonus Wellspring +1 bonus
Flaming +1 bonus Spell dodging +2 bonus
Flaming Burst +2 bonus Spell resistance (13) +2 bonus
Frost +1 bonus Spell resistance (15) +3 bonus
Ghost touch +1 bonus Spell resistance (17) +4 bonus
Howling +1 bonus Spell resistance (19) +5 bonus
Hungry +1 bonus Supplying +1 bonus
Hypochondriac +1 bonus Titanic +3 bonus
Icy burst +2 bonus
Impervious +1 bonus
Invisible +3 bonus (+4 firearms)
Keen +1 bonus
Leaping +1 bonus
Menacing +1 bonus
Merciful +1 bonus
Mighty cleaving +1 bonus
Preventative +1 bonus
Quenching +1 bonus
Radiant edge +2 bonus
Reposition +3 bonus
Returning +1 bonus
Shadow wake +1 bonus
Shadowstrike +2 (+3 ranged)
Shock +1 bonus
Shocking burst +2 bonus
Speed +3 bonus
Thundering +1 bonus
Throwing +1 bonus
Umbral edge +1 bonus
Vicious +1 bonus
Vorpal +5 bonus
Windblast +2 bonus
Wounding +2 bonus

Arsenal Trick

At 2nd level and every even-numbered level thereafter, the armorist gains an arsenal trick, representing the ways she has chosen to focus her study of equipment and its uses. Unless otherwise specified, an individual arsenal trick can only be gained once.

Additional Binding (requires bound equipment)

The armorist may bind an additional piece of equipment.

Ammunition Specialist

When the armorist summons a ranged weapon or calls a bound ranged weapon, she may summon non-basic ammunition. If it is a firearm it can be summoned with paper alchemical cartridges. Additionally, the armorist may summon up to 10 gp per armorist level of specialist ammunition; this ammunition replaces pieces of normal ammunition such that the summoned amount is still 50.

This arsenal trick can be taken twice. If taken a second time, increase the value of summoned non-basic ammunition to 25 gp per armorist level.

Arms of the Outer Planes

The armorist adds anarchic (+2), axiomatic (+2), holy (+2), and unholy (+2) to the list of special abilities she may add to her bound and summoned weapons.

Battle Magician (requires armorist 5)

The armorist’s implements gain the exacting and meditation special abilities.

Bloody Equipment

All the armorist’s bound and summoned weapons gain the blood dowsing special ability. The armorist adds thirsty (+1) to the special abilities she can add to her bound or summoned weapons. Blood stored in a piece of bound equipment with either blood dowsing or thirsty perseveres even if the equipment is dismissed and resummoned.

Bonded Boost (requires armorist 10, boost equipment class feature)

The armorist may boost their bound equipment. The armorist may use the same action to both summon a piece of bound equipment and boost that piece of bound equipment.

Bound Companion (requires natural materials or horseman’s materials)

The armorist gains an animal, plant, or vermin companion, treating her armorist levels as druid levels for that purpose.

Champion [CotS]

The armorist gains a Champion feat of her choice as a bonus feat (see Champion Feats). She must meet the prerequisites of the feat. This arsenal trick can be gained multiple times.

Chaotic Armament [WM]

Add chaos buffer to all bound and summoned armor and shields. Add wild critical to the properties you may add to your bound and summoned weapons.

Combat Feat

The armorist may select a combat feat as a bonus feat. She must meet the prerequisites for this feat. This arsenal trick can be selected multiple times, choosing another combat feat each time.

Combat Implementation (requires armorist 6, bind implement class feature)

When the armorist creates a bound weapon they may allow that bound weapon to also function as an implement. The bound weapon grants its enhancement bonus to one sphere while wielded (chosen when the bound equipment is created) as well as to attack and damage rolls, and the bound weapon can be given implement special abilities, although its combined enhancement and weapon/implement special abilities still cannot exceed its total bonus as a bound weapon.

Combat Talent [CotS]

You gain a bonus combat talent. This arsenal trick may be taken more than once, granting an additional talent each time.


The armorist gains an item creation feat of her choice. She must meet the prerequisites to gain an item creation feat in this manner. She may gain this arsenal trick multiple times. Each time it is selected, she gains another item creation feat.

Customized Bond [EO2]

The armorist gain the Customized Bond feat as a bonus feat (see Practitioner Feats). She must meet the feat’s prerequisites to select this arsenal trick.

Cut Magic

The armorist adds dispelling (+1), dispelling burst (+2), and skeptical (+1) to the list of special abilities she may grant their bound and summoned weapons. The armorist can store her own spell points into weapons with dispelling or dispelling burst as part of the process of summoning them.

Cut Minds

The armorist adds conscription (+3) to the list of special abilities she can add to bound and summoned weapons, and jamais vu (+2) to the list of special abilities she can add to bound and summoned armor. If she is wielding this equipment, she may use her own Mind sphere save DC in place of the save DC listed in these special abilities.


The armorist adds dancing (+4), flying (+5), and animated (+2) to the list of special abilities she may add to her bound and summoned weapon and shields, respectively. A bound weapon or shield with the dancing, flying, or animated special ability does not disappear until after it has finished its 4 rounds of independent action.

Dark Materials

The armorist’s bound and summoned weapons gain the tenebrous special ability. Her bound and summoned armor gains the shaded and shadow special abilities. The armorist may choose to give its bound and summoned weapons the shade-hexed special ability.

Energy Equipment

The armorist adds brilliant energy (+4) and plasma blade (+3) to the list of special abilities she may add to her summoned and bound weapons.

Extradimensional Storage (Sp)

The armorist gains the Extradimensional Storage Warp sphere talent, even if she does not possess the Warp sphere. She may use her armorist level as her caster level for this ability if it is higher, and she may choose to summon items from her extradimensional storage with the same action and with the same rules (such as replacing one suit of armor with another) as her other summoned equipment.

She may take this arsenal trick twice, which upgrades her spell-like ability to have the effect of two purchases of Extradimensional Storage.

Fighter Armor Training (requires armor training or greater armor training, armorist 3)

The armorist gains the Advanced Armor Training feat, treating her armorist levels as fighter levels when meeting its prerequisites and determining its effects. She may take this arsenal trick multiple times, but this does not allow her to take Advanced Armor Training more than the feat usually allows (once per 3 fighter levels).

Greater Armor Training (requires armorist 3)

The armorist’s armor check penalty is reduced by 1 (minimum 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by her armor by 1. This arsenal trick may be taken multiple times, its effects stack with itself and the armor training class feature.

Group Summons

The armorist may summon (or boost, if she is capable) multiple pieces of equipment at once, +1 per 2 armorist levels she possesses (minimum 1). The armorist may summon or boost multiple pieces of equipment on the same creature or onto multiple creatures, but the armorist must still be touching the creature or creatures to affect them. The armorist may grant different benefits to each summoned or boosted piece of equipment, but still spend a spell point for each summon or boost.

Heroic Equipment

The armorist adds sacrificial (+1) and selfless (+2) to the list of special abilities she can add to her summoned and bound armors.

Hide Equipment

The armorist’s bound and summoned gear gain the glamered special ability.

Horseman’s Materials

The armorist’s bound and summoned armor gains the jousting and hosteling special abilities. Creatures contained within hosteling equipment are harmlessly ejected when the equipment is dismissed.

Additionally, the armorist can summon or boost equipment for her mount (such as summoning or boosting barding) with the same speed which she may use for her own equipment. The armorist may even create bound equipment usable by her mount (such as barding), although the armorist dismounting counts as the item leaving her hands, causing it to disappear one round later if the armorist does not remount.

Hunter (requires armorist 10)

The armorist adds bane (+1) and defiant (+1) to the special abilities she may add to her bound and summoned weapons and armor/shields respectively.

Imbued Arsenal (requires bound equipment)

The armorist can add her casting ability modifier instead of her Strength or Dexterity modifier to attack rolls when she is wielding a bound or summoned weapon.

Improved Equipment

The armorist chooses one piece of bound equipment she possesses. That piece of equipment gains an additional +1 enhancement bonus, to a maximum total of +11. If she permanently dismisses this piece of bound equipment, she may transfer this bonus to another piece of bound equipment she possesses. She may take this arsenal trick multiple times. Each time it is taken, increase the bonus granted by another piece of bound equipment by 1. She cannot increase an individual item more than once with this arsenal trick.

Improved Materials (requires armorist 6)

The armorist may summon equipment or create bound equipment out of cold iron, silver, or mithral. At 10th level, the armorist may summon equipment and create bound equipment that is made from adamantine or stable shadowstuff. This can also affect ammunition.

Lightning Weapon

The armorist’s bound and summoned weapons gain the crackling special ability.

Morphic Weapon (Su)

When summoning a weapon or a bound weapon, as part of the action required to summon it the armorist may merge that weapon with a limb capable of wielding a weapon as per the Graft Weapon trait of the Morphic Weapon Alteration talent.


The armorist adds the following special abilities to those she may grant to a suit of armor: +20 feet base speed (+1), waterbreathing (+1), 30 feet swim speed (+1), 30 feet climb speed (+1), 30 feet fly speed (maneuverability average, +2), 15 feet burrow speed (+2). She may grant movement-altering special abilities multiple times to the same suit of armor. When granting the same movement type multiple times, multiply the granted speed by the number of times given. The maneuverability of the fly speed increases by one step for every time chosen after the first.

Natural Materials

The armorist may summon equipment or create bound equipment out of darkwood, darkleaf cloth, greenwood, or normal wood treated with the ironwood ritual.

The armorist adds wild (+3) and green-touched (+1) to the special abilities she may add to her bound and summoned armor and shields, and wild fang (+1) to those she may add to bound and summoned weapons.

The armorist may make a natural attack she possesses or her own unarmed strike into a bound weapon, granting it the bonuses associated with being a bound weapon. The armorist may use her boost equipment class feature on unarmored creatures or on natural weapons and unarmed strikes.

Oiled Equipment

The armorist’s bound and summoned armors gain the creeping and slick special abilities.

Ranged Summons

The armorist may summon (or boost, if she is capable of doing so) equipment directly onto a willing ally anywhere within 60 feet to which she has both line of sight and line of effect.

Normal: The armorist must be touching a target to summon equipment directly onto them.

Rigorous Equipment

The armorist’s bound and summoned gear gains the impervious special ability.

Shadow Armory (Sp)

The armorist gains the Shadow Stash Dark sphere talent, even if she does not possess the Dark sphere. She may use her armorist level as her caster level for this ability if it is higher.

She may take this arsenal trick twice, which upgrades her spell-like ability to have the effect of two purchases of Shadow Stash.

Share Armory [Gen. HB]

The armorist may cause a piece of summoned or bound equipment to appear on or in the possession of one of her Leadership sphere cohorts. The cohort must be within 25 feet + 5 feet per two armorist levels. The cohort may be treated as the armorist for the purposes of maintaining the bound equipment in its possession.

Share Bond

The armorist may cause a piece of summoned or bound equipment to appear on or in the possession of a Conjuration sphere companion that she has summoned. The companion must be within 25 feet + 5 feet per two armorist levels. The companion may be treated as the armorist for the purposes of maintaining the bound equipment in its possession.

Additionally, if she possesses the Variable Armaments feat, she may apply the benefits of any equipment tricks granting additional weapon special ability options to those available to her companion.

Shifting Weapon

The armorist’s bound and summoned weapons gain the transformative and adaptive special abilities. She may take this arsenal trick twice. Doing so grants her bound and summoned weapons the greater transformative special ability.

Skillful Implementation (requires armorist 10)

The armorist’s implements gain the erudite special ability.

Space-Bending Equipment

The armorist’s summoned and bound armors gain the collapsible special ability. The armorist adds intercepting (+1) to the list of special abilities she can add to summoned and bound shields, and adds phasic (+2) to the list of special abilities she can add to summoned and bound weapons.

Store Magic

The armorist adds spell stealing (+3), and spell storing (+1), to the list of special abilities she may grant their bound and summoned weapons, and spell storing (+1) to the list for its summoned and bound armor. The armorist can store her own spells or sphere effects into weapons with spell storing as part of the process of summoning them.

Author's Note: You may only store a spell or sphere effect as part of summoning a weapon once per round (even if you could summon more than one weapon per round).

Wand Implementation (requires armorist 5)

The armorist’s implements gain the wand-chambered special ability. Only implements that can be wielded gain this benefit. The armorist can add wand turret (+2) to the list of special abilities it can add to summoned and bound armor.

Wearable Implements (requires armorist 6, bind implement class feature) [BaP]

When the armorist binds an implement, she may choose to bond with a specific piece of clothing, worn accessory, or jewelry as a “wearable implement” instead of a weapon, shield, or suit of armor. A wearable implement is slotless and does not take up a magic item slot.

Wearable implements grant all their normal benefits as an implement while worn and also grant the wearer a benefit to one skill, chosen when the wearable implement is bound. Whether by its latent magic, unique design, or useful form, a wearable implement grants the Skill Focus feat in the chosen skill, unless the armorist already has Skill Focus in those skills.

Example: An armorist binds a pair of boots, which serves as a Time sphere implement and grants the armorist a bonus on Acrobatics checks due to her increased alacrity while wearing them. The chosen skill does not impact a wearable implement’s normal effects but is a good roleplay tool to justify why a wearable implement grants this bonus.

Windborne Equipment (requires armorist 6) (Ex) [BaP]

The armorist adds cyclonic (+2) and seeking (+1) to the list of special abilities she can add to bound and summoned weapons. The armorist does not provoke attacks of opportunity when making a ranged attack with a weapon with either the cyclonic or seeking special abilities.

Armor Training (Ex)

Starting at 3rd level, an armorist learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever she is wearing armor, she reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (minimum 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by her armor by 1. Every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th) these bonuses increase by +1, to a maximum –5 reduction of the armor check penalty and a +5 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed.

In addition, an armorist can also move at her normal speed while wearing medium armor. At 7th level, an armorist can move at her normal speed while wearing heavy armor.

Boost Equipment

Beginning at 10th level, instead of summoning equipment, the armorist may touch a piece of magical equipment and spend a spell point to increase its enhancement bonus by half the bonus she may grant to summoned equipment (minimum +1). This has the same duration as summoned equipment and causes the item to count as summoned equipment for the purpose of arsenal tricks. This requires a standard action to boost equipment being wielded by another, but can be done with the same action cost as summoning equipment if the armorist is already touching or wielding the piece of equipment. The armorist must be able to summon a type of equipment (weapons, shields, or armor) in order to boost a piece of similar equipment.

Just as with summoned equipment, a boost cannot raise a piece of equipment’s enhancement bonus higher than +5, but can be traded for special abilities. Boosting an item a second time replaces the first boosting, and pieces of bound equipment cannot be boosted.

Quick Summons

At 15th level, the armorist may summon or switch equipment onto herself as an immediate action or free action.

Infinite Arsenal (Su)

At level 20, the armorist no longer needs to spend a spell point to summon equipment, and the duration of summoned equipment and boosted equipment increases to 1 hour per class level.

Favored Class Bonuses

Aasimar: Deal +1/2 bonus damage to evil outsiders when using a bonded weapon. This bonus damage bypasses DR/good, as appropriate. Other damage dealt as part of the attack does not automatically go through DR/good.

Dwarf: +1 hardness for summoned and bound equipment. If this raises an item’s hardness above 20, adamantine’s penetration quality only bypasses 20 points of the object’s hardness.

Elf: +1/4 to all critical confirmation rolls made with bound weapons. This does not stack with the Critical Focus feat.

Gnome: +1/4 bonus to the armorist’s caster level with the Creation sphere.

Goblin: +1/2 bonus damage on a successful critical hit with any bonded weapon. This damage is applied after the normal critical hit damage has been applied to the damage roll.

Half-elf: +1/6 of an arsenal trick.

Half-orc: +1/8 of a new piece of bound equipment.

Halfling: Reduce the summoning time of 1 piece of bound equipment per 4 levels taken to a swift action. If the time required to summon that piece of bound equipment is already a swift action, this instead reduces it to a free action.

Human: For every 4 times this is selected, gain a new exotic weapon proficiency.

Merfolk: Gain +1/6 of an arsenal trick.

Orc: Deal +1/2 bonus damage when sundering objects or equipment with a bonded weapon.

Tiefling: +1/2 bonus damage to good outsiders when using a bonded weapon. This bonus damage bypasses DR/evil, as appropriate. Other damage dealt as part of the attack does not automatically bypass DR/evil.

Armorist Feats

The following feats are particularly appropriate or useful for armorists.

Extra Arsenal Trick

Prerequisite: Arsenal trick class feature.

Benefit: Gain an arsenal trick for which you meet the prerequisites. You may take this feat multiple times. The effects stack.

Extra Magic Talent

Prerequisite: Basic Magic Training or casting class feature.

Benefit: Gain an additional sphere or a talent from a sphere you possess. You may take this feat multiple times. The effects stack.

Extra Spell Points

Prerequisite: Spell pool.

Benefit: Your spell pool total increases by 2. You may gain this feat multiple times. The effects stack.

Sphere Focus

Prerequisite: Casting class feature.

Benefit: Choose a sphere. You gain a +1 bonus to saving throw DCs for all abilities from that sphere. You may take this feat multiple times. The effects do not stack. Each time it is gained, apply this benefit to a different sphere.


The following are archetypes the Armorist can take.


Blasters can summon special weapons known as arm cannons to fire destructive blasts.

Bloodbinder [CS]

Bloodbinders specialize in blood-based weaponry.


Bonewrights learn to sculpt weapons and armor from bodies.


Collectors specialize in claiming specific gear and using the Warp sphere to store their equipment.


Darkshapers are capable of controlling a shadow limb that they can use for various purposes.

Ferrous Emissary

Ferrous emissaries manifest their powers in the form of a sentient weapon.

Inventioneer [CS]

Inventioneers specialize in creating technician inventions.

Lingchi Warrior

Lingchi warriors can create a battlefield filled with weapons they can pull out to use.

Living Weapon

Living weapons can summon armor of pure magic, allowing them to focus on their weapons.

Martial Armorist [CS]

The Martial Armorist blends magic and martial power together to create a more uniquely capable combatant

Soaring Blade

Soaring blades can use telekinesis to attack foes at range.

Spirit Blade [CS]

Spirit blades can learn martial techniques and transform themselves into a weapon.

Symbiotic Knight

Symbiotic knights form bonds with amorphous creatures to protect themselves.

Vajrahasta [CS]

Vajrahasta are capable of summoning weapons of pure lightning.

Void Wielder

Void wielders summon unique and dangerous blades that trap the souls of enemies.


Wardens are guardians of nature who can tap into the power of spirits.


Warleaders are mounted combatants who can direct entire groups of warriors.


Whitesmiths are particularly good at enhancing the gear of their allies.

Class Equipment

The following magical items are especially appropriate for armorists.

Armorist’s Toolkit [TS:WAT]

Aura faint Creation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 2,500 gp; Weight 4 lbs.

This large cloth bag looks superficially similar to a bag of holding, and can store up to one cubic foot of material in a normal space. A creature with the summon equipment ability can spend one spell point as a full-round action to use this bag to summon one non-edible, non-magical, and non-living piece of mundane equipment worth 5 gp or less, such as a ladder, a rope, or a set of dice, into their hand (or the square next to them).

All items created in this way are standard items of their type; you cannot, for example, create an exceptionally long, curved ladder that neatly avoids every obstacle on a wall. Additionally, the items must exist within the rules of the game; the armorist’s toolkit cannot summon ‘original’ items that a player could not obtain elsewhere. Equipment that requires multiple parts appears with all of those parts at once. These items exist for the same duration as the user’s summoned equipment (usually one minute per armorist level) and are both obviously magical and obviously temporary, such that no merchant will ever buy them. The bag’s user may expend one spell point when an item created with this toolkit would normally disappear to reset that item’s duration and keep it in existence longer.

Construction Requirements
Craft Apparatus, Creation sphere (Divided Creation [mass], Expanded Materials (material), Forge (alter), Practiced Creation), creator must have the summon equipment ability; Cost 1,250 gp

Expanded Arsenal [TS:WAT]

Aura faint War; CL 5th
Slot slotless; Price 12,500 gp; Weight 2 lbs.

This dull iron medallion is easy to affix to almost any piece of gear, and teleports itself onto any piece of summoned armor in order to remain visible. While worn by a creature with the arsenal trick class feature, an expanded arsenal provides the benefits of one armorist arsenal trick, chosen when this item is created. A creature can only benefit from one expanded arsenal at a time, and does not benefit from any arsenal trick they do not meet the prerequisites for. Equipping an expanded arsenal requires a full-round action.

Construction Requirements
Craft Apparatus, War sphere, creator must know the arsenal trick being used; Cost 6,250 gp