5000 BBY/Legends

The following events took place in 5000 BBY.


  • The Unification Wars come to an end, with the Koros system united under Empress Teta's rule.[1]
  • Marka Ragnos dies, prompting a duel between the rival Sith Lords Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow, who both seek to succeed Ragnos. As Ragnos's spirit looks on, Sadow emerges victorious and is anointed the new Dark Lord of the Sith.[8]
  • The Great Hyperspace War—a galactic conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire—erupts when two young hyperspace scouts, Gav and Jori Daragon, accidentally make contact with the Sith.[1]
  • The Manderon Period ends.[1]
  • Sadow instigates the Great Hyperspace War in hopes of conquering the Republic, invading major Republic worlds such as Coruscant and the Koros system along the Daragon Trail hyperlane.[1]
  • Holocron of King Adas is lost on the planet Ashas Ree following the death of its owner, Lord Garu.[9]
  • Sadow's forces are ultimately driven back when his forces are revealed to be largely illusions, and Sadow flees back to the Sith Empire, where he is confronted by Ludo Kressh.[1]
  • Sadow escapes after destroying Kressh's fleet just ahead of a Republic fleet pursuing him, and ultimately finds refuge on the moon of Yavin 4.[1]
  • The Sith starship Omen crashes on the remote planet Kesh, stranding its crew as the Lost Tribe of Sith, while its sister ship Harbinger is thrown into the future and arrives around 41 ABY.[10]
  • Supreme Chancellor Pultimo orders an invasion of the Stygian Caldera to wipe out the remains of the Sith Empire.[1]
  • A Din supernova occurs in the Moddell sector, forming the Din Pulsar. (Approximate date)[1]
  • Csilla undergoes a great ice age, blanketing its surface with glaciers and forcing the Chiss species to move underground. (Approximate date)[11]
  • The symbol of the Academy of Carida is carved into the moon of Carida, earning it the name of the Mascot Moon. (Approximate date)[12]
  • Reaper's World is colonized approximately around this time.[13]


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Jedi fighting Sith.




Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 The Essential Atlas
  2. The Essential Atlas establishes the endpoints of this era as 7000 BBY and 5000 BBY.
  3. The Essential Atlas confirms the Manderon Period ends in 5000 BBY, while The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia states the Old Sith Wars start with the beginning of the Great Sith War in 4000 BBY.
  4. Galactic History on The Old Republic's official website (article) (backup link) dates the Tho Yor Arrival, as described in Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi 0, to the year BTC 32,800 of the calendar based on the date of the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant. Since the difference between that calendar and the Galactic Standard Calendar—based on the date of the Battle of Yavin—was 3,653 years per the reasoning here, the Tho Yor Arrival must have taken place in the year 36,453 BBY of the latter dating system. Therefore, the difference between the Galactic Standard Calendar and the dating system based on the Tho Yor Arrival that is featured in Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void must be 36,453 years.
  5. Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia places the Treaty of Coruscant, which served as the zero point of a calendar adopted by the Galactic Senate following the conclusion of the Great Galactic War per Galactic History on The Old Republic's official website (article) (backup link), in the year 3653 BBY of the Galactic Standard Calendar, which was based around the date of the Battle of Yavin. Thus, the difference between the two dating systems is 3,653 years.
  6. The New Essential Chronology establishes that the zero point of the calendar introduced by Tarsus Valorum was the Ruusan Reformation. The book places that event in the year of 1000 BBY of the Galactic Standard Calendar—which was based around the date of the Battle of Yavin—therefore establishing a difference of one thousand years between the two dating systems.
  7. Per the reasoning here, the Battle of Yavin, the zero point in the Galactic Standard Calendar per The New Essential Chronology, can be placed in 35:3:8 under the Great ReSynchronization dating system, thereby confirming the placement of the division between each Galactic Standard Calendar year as the third month in the Great ReSynchronization year. Thus, there is a two-month, seven day gap between the two dating systems, with the first two months of a GrS year being the last two of the preceding Galactic Standard Calendar year, and there is a total difference of 35 years and 2 months between the two systems.
  8. Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith
  9. Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties on Hyperspace (backup link) (original site is defunct)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Crosscurrent
  11. The Unknown Regions
  12. "The Hearing" — Dark Empire Sourcebook
  13. "Elusive" — No Disintegrations
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith 0
  15. 15.0 15.1 The New Essential Chronology
  16. Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Fall of the Sith Empire
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Tales of the Jedi – The Fall of the Sith Empire 3
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Tales of the Jedi – The Fall of the Sith Empire 4
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Tales of the Jedi – The Fall of the Sith Empire 5
  20. Secrets of Tatooine
  21. 21.0 21.1 Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith 5
  22. Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
  23. Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith 1
  24. 24.0 24.1 Lost Tribe of the Sith: Precipice
  25. Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith 2
  26. Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith 3