Arden Lyn

"I awoke to find that twenty-five thousand years had gone by—all I knew and all I loved curdled into history then dismissed as myth. Not even dust remains of those who were dear to me. I have outlived planets, and the very constellations are scrambled and strange. I am alone in a way none of you can possibly imagine."
―Arden Lyn[6]

Arden Lyn was a female Human and master of Teräs Käsi who belonged to the Followers of Palawa. In 24,500 BBY, this Dark Side Adept became the lover of Xendor and, upon the advent of the First Great Schism, his right hand in the Legions of Lettow. When Xendor was killed during the conflict, Lyn ascended to leadership of the Legions of Lettow until Jedi Grand Master Awdrysta Pina confronted her on Irkalla. Lyn killed Pina with a powerful Kashi Mer talisman, but the Jedi Master stopped Lyn's heart before being destroyed, sending the martial artist into a Force trance.

24,496 years later, in 4 BBY, at the end of the Great Jedi Purge, Lyn was reawakened by three of Darth Sidious's Inquisitors: Antinnis Tremayne, Ameesa Darys, and Grand Inquisitor Laddinare Torbin. After fighting off Tremayne and killing Darys, Lyn was maimed by Torbin, who spared her life so that she could serve Sidious as an Emperor's Hand. Lyn did so for a while, spurred on by the Sidious's promise that he would resurrect Xendor from the dead. When she finally came to accept that Sidious had been lying, she turned rogue, and aided Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin in his attempt to abduct Sidious. The endeavor failed, and Lyn was forced to flee. Sidious eventually hunted down and killed Lyn.


First Great Schism[]

Arden Lyn and Xendor

Arden Lyn and Xendor

A Follower of Palawa[2] born during the early days of the Galactic Republic,[7] the female Human Arden Lyn was a master of the Teräs Käsi martial art.[2] The Followers of Palawa were noted for mastering a technique for falling into a deep Force trance, allowing them to sleep for decades without aging. In 24,500 BBY,[1] after her investment as a Steel Hand of Palawa, she went to the world of Pelgrin to learn her fortune from the Oracle. It told her that she would have to go to Ossus, the home of the Jedi Order, where she would meet a man with a clever mind and a fair face, and learn from him. When she arrived, she was welcomed by the Jedi as a fellow student of the Force, and joined them. Lyn however, was dissatisfied with the Order embracing the philosophy of the Caamasi people. While studying on Ossus, she met Xendor, a Kashi Mer exile who wanted to learn about Teräs Käsi, and they secretly conversed, each teaching the other. They became lovers. At first, Xendor merely wanted to set up another academy to study other Force traditions. When the hierarchs refused, he and Lyn left the Order and founded their own academy on Lettow, with other Jedi[6] and Followers of Palawa[8] later accompanying them. Relations between the Order and Xendor and his disciples, who called themselves the Legions of Lettow, deteriorated, and war was the result.[6]

The Jedi and the Legions of Lettow formed armies, with Xendor being the General and leader of the Legions, and Lyn his right hand.[6] Together, the two of them wreaked havoc during the First Great Schism as they waged war against the Jedi Order.[2] During the Battle of Columus, Xendor was slain by[6] Jedi Grand Master[9] Awdrysta Pina.[6] Following Xendor's death on Columus, Lyn ascended to the leadership of the Legions of Lettow.[1] However, she knew that there was no longer a chance of victory, so they fled. Subsequently, she was tracked down by Pina, who followed her to Irkalla. They dueled until Pina disarmed Lyn of her sword, and she used a powerful Kashi Mer talisman that Xendor gave her, to focus all her rage, her grief and her love of Xendor to shatter Pina's katana blade, and drive its pieces into his body, fatally wounding him, bringing joy to her.[6] However, Pina used the technique of morichro to stop Lyn's heart before he died.[2]


ArdenLyn SWGamer

Arden Lyn, Emperor's Hand

Due to her possession of the Kashi Mer talisman[2] and possibly with the help of Palawan techniques,[1] Lyn survived Pina's attack by falling into a Force trance.[2] At some point, an unidentified party discovered Lyn's body, and constructed a tomb, in which it was interred.[6]

Approximately 24,496 years later, in 4 BBY,[6] during the Galactic Empire's reign at the end of the Great Jedi Purge, her decomposed body was located by Emperor Palpatine's Jedi hunters, the Inquisitors[2][10] Antinnis Tremayne, Ameesa Darys, and Grand Inquisitor Laddinare Torbin in the Unknown Regions. They located the Kashi Mer talisman near her body, and as they brought the artifact into Lyn's proximity she was reawakened, her body rejuvenated. Lyn believed the Inquisitors to be the ones who had killed Xendor many years prior, so she attacked them.[2]

She severely injured Tremayne and killed Darys before Torbin cleaved off her right arm. Defeated, Lyn was at the Inquisitors' mercy, but although Tremayne wanted her killed, Torbin believed that the Emperor might find some use for her rare martial-arts skills.[2] He was also impressed by her use of the dark side of the Force,[8] so he spared Lyn's life.[2]

Palpatine, who was also the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, did indeed have great use for Lyn, and promised to bring Xendor's spirit back from the netherworld of Chaos if she chose to serve him. She agreed, and Sidious had her severed arm replaced with that of an ancient pre–Old Sith Wars era Juggernaut war droid.[2][11] For several years, Lyn served as the Emperor's Hand, believing that she was the only one to hold such a title. In reality, although Lyn was one of the first to be given the title, Sidious employed many other dark side adepts as "Hands."[4] Lyn also operated under the authority of Sidious' apprentice, Darth Vader,[12] and acted as his right-hand woman in matters pertaining to Teräs Käsi.[13] Meanwhile, Lyn served the Empire by training Sidious' Byss Mages and Sovereign Protectors,[2] and at some stage began working as Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin's agent on Imperial Center.[14] Eventually, she came to realize that the Emperor had no intention of coming through on his promise to resurrect Xendor. As a result, following the destruction of the Death Star at Yavin, when Sidious tasked her with tracking down and destroying key figureheads in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Lyn used her new freedom to turn rogue.[2]

The Zaarin insurrection[]

Arden Lyn and Zaarin

Arden Lyn and Demetrius Zaarin

Lyn enlisted students to her cause, training them with the intent of eventually turning them against the Emperor.[2] At least three were identified. One of her students was the notorious gaderffii-wielding Hoar, a Tusken Raider from Tatooine who was acclaimed as the greatest fighter of his people as well as a member of the Tusken splinter group Grave Tuskens. She instructed him in the arts of Teräs Käsi, and he in turn fought to defeat her enemies, hoping to gain her favor. Also amongst her recruits were the Gamorrean Thok, whose competitive nature was appealed to when faced with the prospect of battling members of the Alliance, and when he, per Gamorr tradition, served her after she bested him in a close battle after she freed him from prison. Her third student was a Force-sensitive stormtrooper known only as 17786, whose identity was largely a mystery other than being the offspring of Grand Admiral Nial Declann.[5] Among Lyn's targets was the Jedi-in-training Luke Skywalker, the son of Darth Vader, who was at that time struggling against the temptations of the dark side. Lyn sought to capitalize on Skywalker's inner conflict while planning to destroy him.[12] When the Followers of Palawa, still in existence during the Imperial Period, were attacked on Bunduki by an Imperial detachment led by the Dark Jedi Yun, Lyn entered the fray, attacking both the Palawan monks, with whom she had some old scores to settle, and the Imperial forces.[15] Secretly, however, she had intended to use her students to overthrow Sidious. However, her plans failed before they could come to fruition, as Mara Jade, another Emperor's Hand, reported on her activities to the Emperor, forcing her alongside Thok and 17786 to go into hiding (Hoar had left the group by this time after he disobeyed a direct order to kill Skywalker).[5]

Lyn was later contacted by Grand Admiral Zaarin, himself planning a coup against the Emperor, who hoped that the master of Teräs Käsi would catch the Emperor off-guard during his planned coup of the Empire.[4] Over Imperial Center, Zaarin's forces disabled the Emperor's Imperial-class Star Destroyer Majestic, which was then boarded.[16] Lyn used her powers to abduct the Emperor,[14] although the conspirators' gambit was eventually foiled due to the arrival of Imperial forces,[10] amongst them Inquisitor Tremayne.[8] With the arrival of Vice Admiral Thrawn and his flagship, the Vanguard, Zaarin's forces were forced to flee Imperial Center.[16] As Lyn fled in the wake of the botched coup, she was pursued by Tremayne, who was still resentful over his loss to her years prior. She began focusing on finding the Kashi Mer talisman that had afforded her earlier success, and had allowed her to cheat death.[2]

Exile and death[]

At some time before or after Sidious' death during the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Lyn met and fell in love with the Dark Jedi Durrei, who was part of a "Restored Empire" under Supreme Commander Ennix Devian.[17] In 9 ABY, Durrei had been tasked with reclaiming the Kashi Mer relic.[17][18] Once the talisman was in his possession, Devian no longer saw any use for Durrei. He betrayed him and Lyn to his old sparring partner and Lyn's nemesis, Antinnis Tremayne.[17]

A year later, Darth Sidious was resurrected through the use of clones.[1] The reborn Dark Lord of the Sith took revenge on Lyn,[4] killing her conclusively in 10 ABY.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Arden Lyn JTL

Lyn was a master martial artist.

A destructive individual, Lyn and her lover Xendor wreaked havoc and tumult throughout the galaxy during the First Great Schism. After her reawakening by the Inquisitors, Lyn's mind was highly unstable, and she had been driven insane. When Darth Sidious recruited her to his cause, he appealed to her love for the long-dead Xendor, promising to bring him back to life. Although initially swayed by Sidious's words, Lyn eventually came to the realization that the Emperor had tricked her, and at the first opportunity, turned on him.[2] Lyn was also adept at recruiting students to her cause, as she demonstrated after turning rogue. When faced with a specific opponent to hunt down and confront, Lyn looked for weaknesses to exploit.[12]

Powers and abilities[]

"You are a pitiful fighter."
―Arden Lyn[3]

Arden Lyn in action

As a master of Teräs Käsi, Lyn wielded the powers of the Force with malevolence. Her powers were heightened through the use of a Kashi Mer talisman, which allowed her to destroy a Jedi Master. Her skills served her well when faced with Force-adept opponents, such as the Inquisitors, as she was able to fight off three of them at once, even killing Inquisitor Darys in the process.[2] In addition to her Teräs Käsi skills, Lyn was able to harness sound energy, conjuring powerful sonic shock waves.[2][3] Lyn often used her Force powers and martial arts skills in conjunction with her prosthetic droid arm, which she could use to shoot bolts of energy.[3] She was apparently skilled enough to, along with her students Thok and 17786, subdue and capture Darth Sidious himself.[19]

Lyn's other powers included Battlemind, Force valor, Force grip and push, and Force healing. Lyn could also speak, read, and write Bunduki, as well as Old Galactic Standard. She could also repair items and disable various devices.[2] It was suggested by Jedi Master Tionne Solusar, when writing about Lyn during the Second Galactic Civil War, that Lyn's study of Palawan trance techniques allowed her to survive Master Pina's morichro attack at the end of the First Great Schism.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

"With this game, aside from Leia there was definitely a drive to get another strong female character. That was part of getting Arden Lyn off the ground."
Camela Boswell, LucasArts employee, on the creation of Arden Lyn for Masters of Teräs Käsi[13]

Production art of Arden Lyn, depicting her without her prosthetic arm

Arden Lyn first appeared in the 1997 video game Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi. Of the playable combatants in the game, she was one of the two original characters, alongside Hoar. The character of Lyn came about when the game developers felt that there was a need to introduce a strong female character in Masters of Teräs Käsi.[13] She was voiced in-game by Edie Mirman. Some of Arden Lyn's story was introduced in Masters of Teräs Käsi: Prima's Official Hints and Tips, and this was in turn expounded upon in The Emperor's Pawns, written by Abel G. Peña and Juan Schwartz with Pablo Hidalgo. Although the statements in the strategy guide had been vague, Peña decided to establish that Lyn originated in the early years of the Jedi, and placed the character's early life 25,000 years before the events of the Star Wars films. In deepening her character, Peña looked to her name, and believed that it resembled the words "harden" and "ardor." Combining the two, he decided to make Lyn a "passionate woman with a hard heart." The article also tied Lyn's story into that of the computer game Star Wars: TIE Fighter, by linking her to Admiral Zaarin's coup attempt. Furthermore, Peña touched on the content of Masters of Teräs Käsi itself, which features iconic Star Wars characters, and Lyn, seemingly facing off in a fighting tournament across disparate worlds. This was explained as being part of Lyn's mission to hunt down Alliance figureheads during the war.[20]

The original manuscript for Peña and Daniel Wallace's Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals, entitled Dirty Dozen: The Imperial Grand Admirals, stated that Lyn was aided in her abduction of Palpatine by her pupils, and that Zaarin's overall plan included killing the Emperor, which the conspirators were close to doing before being stopped. These references were cut from the final article, although Lyn was still mentioned.[19]

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia states that Lyn was at first confronted by Tremayne, and then later hunted down by Torbin, which clashes with the events described and detailed in The Emperor's Pawns.

Masters of Teräs Käsi also contains a non-canon ending for Lyn, in which she defeats Darth Vader, standing triumphantly over his body.

Art of Arden Lyn included with The New Essential Guide to Characters and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia shows her with blue hair, as does art of the First Great Schism included with The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural and Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia, but her hair is black in all other appearances.



Leader of the Legions of Lettow[1]
Xendor[1] c. 24,500 BBY[1]

Notes and references[]