BB-8 on the Run
BB-8 on the Run is a canon young readers book written by Drew Daywalt and illustrated by Matt Myers. Set during Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the book follows BB-8 during his time on Jakku prior to meeting Rey. BB-8 on the Run was published on September 1, 2017 by Disney–Lucasfilm Press.
Publisher's summary[]
When BB-8 is separated from his master, Poe Dameron, on the lonely desert planet of Jakku, he has no choice but to keep rolling. It's all up to him to get a top-secret map to the Resistance so they can find Luke Skywalker and save the galaxy from the evil First Order.
It's scary to have a big job when you're just a little droid on your own. But BB-8 isn't alone for long. As he speeds across the sand, BB-8 meets all kinds of strangers who need his help. Should he do good things, as Poe always told him, or will that get in the way of his mission?
See how everyone's favorite little astromech droid makes friends and foils enemies in this funny and exciting new Star Wars adventure!
- ISBN 9781484705087; September 1, 2017; Disney–Lucasfilm Press; US hardcover[1]
- ISBN 9781760501273; November 1, 2017; Hardie Grant Publishing; Australian hardcover[3]
Cover gallery[]
SWCO 2017: First Look at Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi Covers and More Reveals from Lucasfilm's Writers Roundtable Discussion on (backup link)
Astronaut Cady Coleman, New 'Science and Star Wars' Sneak Peek, and Your Star Wars Show Fan Art! on (backup link)
Here Are All the New Star Wars Books Coming on Force Friday II on (backup link)
Notes and references[]
Explore all of Wookieepedia's images for this article subject.
External links[]
BB-8 on the Run on Disney's official website (backup link)
BB-8 on the Run on Hardie Grant Publishing's official website (backup link)