
"The Empire's data network reports an Imperial fleet has recently been dispatched to that system. It appears to be a trap of some kind."
―AP-5 warns Chopper of the Imperial blockade over Berzite[2]

Berzite was a planet in Wild Space's Yost system that, in 3 BBY, was blockaded by the Galactic Empire in anticipation of rebel activity. As the rebel Phoenix Cell searched for a location for their new base, they initially declared one of Berzite's moons as a viable option until the astromech droid Chopper and his new ally AP-5 alerted them of the Imperial blockade there.


Berzite was a planet[3] with at least one moon. It was located in the Yost system,[2] lying in Wild Space and within the area designated U-8 on the Standard Galactic Grid.[1]


The Forgotten Droid thumb

Chopper and AP-5 collaborated to alert Phoenix Cell of the Imperial presence over Berzite.

In 3 BBY,[4] the Galactic Empire blockaded Berzite with six Star Destroyers. As the rebel Phoenix Cell searched for a secure world to house a new base, they cross-referenced old Republic and Lasat star maps and found that Berzite's moon was a suitable option. However, the rebel cruiser-carrier did not have enough fuel to make the journey. Thus, the rebel team known as the Spectres traveled to Horizon Base to steal the necessary fuel.[2]

There, the astromech droid Chopper was separated from the team and stowed away aboard an Imperial cargo ship. Chopper befriended the inventory droid AP-5, who helped to commandeer the vessel. Upon hearing that the rebels planned to station their base on Berzite's moon, AP-5 warned them that the Empire had recently blockaded Berzite in anticipation of their move. Phoenix Cell ultimately staged their base on[2] the planet Atollon instead.[5]

Behind the scenes[]


Berzite concept art by Sean Burke.

Berzite first appeared in a hologram in "The Forgotten Droid,"[2] the nineteenth episode in the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. The episode premiered on March 16, 2016.[6] Although not identified in the episode,[2] Berzite was named in the accompanying episode guide. The design of Berzite's holographic appearance was a retextured asset of a previously existing model of the planet Lothal. The illustration was completed by concept artist Sean Burke by March 25, 2015.[3]



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