Chaf family

The Chaf family was a ruling family of the Chiss Ascendancy nation that opposed the Mitth family but was not enthusiastic about the Irizi family, which sought to ally itself with the Chaf.[3] A Chaf task force was determined to capture a massive starship hailing from Lesser Space, the region of space beyond the Unknown Regions. However, Mitth Syndic Thrass and a human female stole the starship and crashed it. Senior Commander Afpriuh was a member of the Chaf.[2]

Around 18 BBY,[4] after the Chaf patriarch allied his family with the coordinator of the Grysk warlike species "Jixtus," he received several Grysk warships while the patriarch supplied fuel, supplies and a safe harbor to Jixtus's vessels. The warships left their harbor for the Chiss planet Schesa, where all Grysk warships of Jixtus's fleet prepared to destroy Senior Captain Thrawn's fleet on the planet Sunrise. Unfortunately for Jixtus—and the Chaf—all Grysk warships were destroyed by Thrawn's forces, leading to an investigation of the Chaf patriarch's dealings with Jixtus which resulted in him stepping down.[2]

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Behind the scenes[]

The Chaf family was first mentioned in the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, the first book of The Ascendancy Trilogy by Timothy Zahn.[1] With the appearance of Senior Commander Afpriuh, the family's members first appeared in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good, the second book of The Ascendancy Trilogy.[3]


Notes and references[]

External links[]

  • Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars) on Twitter (post): "When the #ThrawnAscendancy trilogy begins, you'll be going beyond the galaxy far, far away.... into a new world of stories. Take a look at the Dramatis Personae along with helpful info about the Chiss Ascendancy, both included inside #StarWar #ChaosRising." (backup link)
Families of the Chiss Ascendancy
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