Corellia Times

"Working for the Corellia Times is the culmination of a life-long dream."
Finn Shallo[2]

The Corellia Times, or Corellian Times, was a NewsNet[1] and newspaper based in Coronet on Corellia before and during the Galactic Civil War.[2]


Corellia times building

The Corellia Times building in Coronet

The Corellian Times was a Corellian news agency and one of the major financial NewsNets. Its main focus was on covering business and financial news and reporting.[1] However, the newspaper also covered more traditional topics, such as criminal affairs,[2] social events,[4] or galactic exploration.[5]


During the last decade of the Old Republic,[6] the Corellia Times reporter Horace Korr covered the kidnapping and murder of Felicia Covington on Rori.[3]

During the Imperial Period, the Galactic Empire supported the Corellia Times in order to limit the publication of its non-Human rival, the Herglic Trading Journal, another major financial NewsNets.[7]

During the Galactic Civil War, some of its employees were Finn Shallo,[2] Hol't Deb Orah,[4] Ista Kezever,[8] Jural,[5] Halden Wes,[9] Vani Korr,[10] and Marles Jacobe.[11]

After the Battle of Yavin, the Corellia Times covered the Life Day events in Dearic, Wayfar, and Doaba Guerfel.[4] In the meantime, Vani Korr investigated the criminal organization known as the Meatlumps and wrote the article "Who are the Meatlumps?," which was published in the Corellia Times.[10] Around the same time, Ista Kezever published "The Broken Viewscreen, or How to Save a Picture Forever," an article about the repair of viewscreens.[8] Marles Jacobe later covered the Battle of Restuss, on Rori.[11]

In 1 ABY, Corellia Times covered the relocation of the Gowix Computers company from Corellia to Corulag.[12]

Behind the scenes[]

The Corellia Times was first mentioned in the "Galaxywide NewsNets" section of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, being spelled Corellia Times as well as Corellian Times.[1][12] The 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies later expanded the history of the newspaper, using also both spellings.[5][10]



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