Corellian system/Legends

"The Corellian Sector is made up of a couple of dozen star systems, but the most important star system in the sector is the Corellian star system. And the most important planet in the Corellian star system in the Corellian Sector is Corellia."
Han Solo[12]

The Corellian system, the most important in the Corellian sector, contained five inhabited worlds collectively referred to as the Five Brothers. Corellia, Selonia, Drall, Talus, and Tralus were all believed to have been transported through hyperspace to their orbits by the Celestials, utilizing the ancient Centerpoint Station, in around 100,000 BBY. All five planets contained an enormous planetary repulsor buried beneath the surface. Corellia, Selonia, and Drall orbited the system star Corell, while Talus and Tralus were in the unusual position of orbiting each other, while the dual-planet system orbited Corell. At the point where Talus and Tralus's gravity canceled out lay Centerpoint Station. The Corellian system was part of the Core Worlds of the Galaxy, and it is probable that all the Five Brothers were Core Founders.

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