EV-9D9 was a sadistic EV-series supervisor droid who supervised the droids in Jabba the Hutt's palace.

Although it is not known when she came to work there, EV-9D9 was a supervisor droid under the Baron Administrator, Lando Calrissian, for Cloud City. The droid kept a low profile while working there so she could pursue her ambitions unnoticed. EV-9D9 was just one of the malfunctioning EV-series supervisor droid abominations created by MerenData and was one of the few droids who escaped capture when the EV-series was to be destroyed after owners of the droids found out their cruel nature. While at Cloud City EV-9D9 added to herself a third eye just next to her left eye, which could "see" the droid equivalent of pain, which manifested as jumbled, incoherent signals. She had a pain simulator and a sadomasochistic personality, which was caused by an accidentally installed MDF motivator, taking great pleasure in the pain of droids.
Because of the role she played in Cloud City and the sadistic ideas she possessed, EV-9D9 was able to torture and destroy a quarter of the droids in Cloud City, including most of the 12-4C-41 traffic control droids stationed there. However, she was accidentally discovered and quickly exposed by her subordinate Sarl Random and forced to flee. She partially damaged the generators that held the city afloat and set a ship to automatic pilot as a distraction as she stole the Iopene Princess, a large Mining Guild ship. Despite the fact that security gave chase, she escaped.[4]

Interrogator droid EV-9D9
After spending a short time working at the GoCorp repulsor plant, EV-9D9 came to work for Jabba Desilijic Tiure, and rose to the rank of droid supervisor quickly and ruthlessly, overseeing all Jabba's droids. She kept a laboratory deep in the bowels of Jabba's Palace, where she built grotesque droids from extra parts that existed only to feel pain. During her years spent there she added several upgrades to herself so that she could feel more of the droid equivalent of pleasure while watching the coolant from dismembered droids pour out of them. She also employed her droid assistant 8D8 to burn and torture helpless victims such as a GNK power droid and a courier droid.
In 1 ABY,[5] EV-9D9 recruited a spacer to help her to deal with Jabba's beast master Malakili. After the spacer accomplished several tasks, Malakili accepted to give her back the shock rods she needed to maintain discipline among her droids.[6] EV-9D9 later sent the spacer to infiltrate the Valarian Depot to retrieve droid disciplinary devices stolen by the Valarian Syndicate. The spacer sliced a binary load lifter to load EV-9D9's cargo in a shuttle, and then killed the shuttle's pilot, Rando M'Kabe. The spacer finally reprogrammed the shuttle for an automated flight to Wayfar where the cargo was retrieved by EV-9D9.[7] EV-9D9 eventually gave a last task to the spacer: find and destroy four droids who escaped Jabba's Palace. The spacer tracked down the R3-series astromech droid R3-B57, the B1-Series battle droid BD-34 and the RA-7 protocol droid RA-316 to the Darklighter cache. According to EV-9D9's punitive instructions, the spacer planted pain bolts to the droids before destroying them. Another droid, LIN-34, was exfiltrated by Ay'Nat pirates but their yacht was destroyed in the Tatooine system by the spacer.[8] In recognition for his work, EV-9D9 gave the spacer the head of a R2 unit that was wanted by both Imperial Commander Barrezz and Rebel Captain Bastra.[9]
EV-9D9 assigned jobs to C-3PO and R2-D2 when they arrived at the Palace in 4 ABY.[3] However, she soon discovered that Lando Calrissian had infiltrated the palace and ensured that there would be good jobs for the droids by removing competitors. She reasoned that he had tracked her down and was using the droids to get revenge, but this was untrue; Lando's presence was a coincidence.[4]
Around the time of Jabba's death, she was tracked down by 12-4C-41, a Traffic Control droid from Cloud City. Forwun removed EV-9D9's limbs and let loose her grotesque droid creations to destroy her, but not before removing her third eye and pain simulator so she couldn't even relish the pain of her own destruction.[4]
Behind the scenes[]

Concept art by Ralph McQuarrie
In Return of the Jedi, EV-9D9 was voiced by the film's director, Richard Marquand.
In the video game Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, EV-9D9 was on Endor, where she was one of the game's bosses.
In the Return of the Jedi radio adaptation, EV-9D9 was voiced by Yeardley Smith.
In Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids, EV-9D9 is misspelled as "EV99" in a list of example droid designations alongside other well-known designations, including C-3PO.
- Star Wars Missions 10: Showdown in Mos Eisley (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars Missions 11: Bounty Hunters vs. Battle Droids
- Star Wars Missions 12: The Vactooine Disaster (Mentioned only)
- "A Bad Feeling: The Tale of EV-9D9" — Tales from Jabba's Palace
"Lando Calrissian: Idiot's Array" on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available) (Mentioned only)
- Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided
- Star Wars: Demolition
- Return of the Jedi radio drama — "Tatooine Haunts"
- Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi novelization (and unabridged audiobook) (First appearance, in book)
- Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi junior novelization
- Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Non-canonical appearance)
- Return of the Jedi 1 (colorized in Star Wars: Episode VI — Return of the Jedi)
- Star Wars Manga: Return of the Jedi 1
- Return of the Jedi radio drama — "Prophecies and Destinies" (Mentioned only)
- The New Rebellion (Mentioned only)
- The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial (Mentioned only)
Non-canon appearances[]
"Skreej" — Star Wars Tales 10
- William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return: Star Wars Part the Sixth (and audiobook)