212th Attack Battalion/Legends
The 212th Attack Battalion was a well-known Grand Army unit of clone troopers under the leadership of Clone marshal commander Cody and Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. As its name suggests, the 212th specialized in invasions, frontal attacks, besiegements and other offensive scenarios. Therefore, they often acted as the main offensive force in major battles, such as spearheading the Republic's deployment on Geonosis, sieging the Umbaran capital city and invading Utapau.
Troopers assigned to the 212th were distinguished by the orange markings on their Phase II battle armor. Composed of smaller units such as Ghost Company, the 2nd Airborne Company, Parjai Squad, and Foxtrot Group, the overall 212th Battalion was attached to the 7th Sky Corps.
Throughout the Clone Wars, the clone soldiers of the 212th fought in numerous major battles across the galaxy and participated in the Republic attack on the planet Utapau in 19 BBY. During this battle, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine—the public persona of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious—issued Order 66 and sentenced the entire Jedi Order to summary execution. Like most of the Clone Army, Commander Cody and the 212th troopers obeyed the order, and unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate General Kenobi. Shortly afterward, the Republic was reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, a New Order under the absolute rule of the newly-anointed Emperor Palpatine. The 212th, along with the rest of the remaining clone units, served as the basis of the Stormtrooper Corps.

Commander Cody and General Kenobi, leaders of the 212th
Though commanded by Commander Cody, the 212th Attack Battalion was also led by High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, who developed a friendship with the battalion commander during the Clone Wars. The 212th was a well-known and effective battalion which would often be sent to participate in major battles during the Clone Wars. The 212th were often deployed alongside the 501st Attack Battation in missions and battles across the galaxy.
During the Battle of Christophsis, Commander Cody and the 212th aided Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. After being breached unexpectedly by droid forces, it was soon revealed that one of their brothers was a traitor. Cody helped Rex hunt down the traitor who was none other then Slick.[5] During the Separatist counter attack, the 212th Battalion, along with Torrent Company, helped beat back droid forces.
In the Battle of Teth, the battalion, led by Cody, went with Kenobi to aid Anakin Skywalker and the remainder of Torrent Company which had been overrun by droid forces, and later defeated the droid forces under command of Asajj Ventress.[6]

Members of the 212th in battle
In the Battle of Ryloth, Ghost Company helped Kenobi eliminate several proton cannons to allow ground invasion forces to land. After encountering starved gutkurrs, the squad created a diversion while Kenobi and troopers Waxer and Boil helped the general destroy the cannons, allowing the Acclamator assault ships to land and initiate the invasion. Republic troops would later march to the capital city of Lessu, liberating the planet from Separatist enslavement.
In the Second Battle of Geonosis, General Kenobi, Cody and the 212th were assigned to lead the central charge upon landing. They were the first to land on Geonosis, while the 501st and Ki-Adi-Mundi's battalion were forced to land before reaching their landing zones and rendered them unable to provide support. When Kenobi's gunship crashed behind enemy lines, Cody sent Waxer and Boil to retrieve Kenobi and return with the wounded Jedi Master. The 212th, though vastly outnumbered and forced onto the defensive, lined up their gunships and AT-TEs in a circle formation and used them as gun emplacement platforms to hold the encircling droid forces at bay. The 212th were able to hold out against the Geonosians and their droid forces, albeit with significant casualties, until Generals Skywalker's 501st and Ki-Adi-Mundi's forces finally arrived with air support.[7] Due to sustaining numerous casualties, the 212th would not participate in the following attack on the Geonosian capital.

A clone trooper of the 212th Attack Battalion in standard armor.
In the Battle of Umbara, General Kenobi and the 212th spearheaded the Republic ground attack, going straight for the Umbaran capital while the 501st provided support by eliminating enemy supplies. Obi-Wan called on General Pong Krell, who was the interim commander of the 501st in Skywalker's absence, to help aid the siege through various means, such as destroying an Umbaran airbase. While the majority of 212th forces sieged the Umbaran capital itself, Krell ordered a platoon led by Waxer to search the forests for enemy guerrillas disguised in 501st armor. When they fought against the disguised clones, they discovered Krell had lied to them after Captain Rex from the 501st was the first to realize when noticing so many casualties on both sides. Waxer had been fatally wounded but was able to tell Rex that Krell gave the order. The survivors of the platoon joined the 501st in attacking and capturing, at great cost, the traitor, General Krell. Later, the main forces of the 212th successfully took down the capital and dispatched squadrons to destroy the remainder of Separatist forces on Umbara, including the droid battalion which was en route to attack the Umbaran airbase captured by the 501st, effectively ending the Battle of Umbara.
The 212th was sent to Sarrish in an attempt to neutralize Separatist forces on the planet. Although the 212th initially managed to push back the enemy, the Separatist's superiority in numbers and their geographical advantage gradually forced back the 212th forces, instigating heavy casualities in the process. Clone commando Gregor, was determined Missing in Action after trying to rescue his squadmates who were pinned down by enemy fire during the battle.
On Cato Neimoidia, General Kenobi, Commander Cody, and the elite Squad Seven breached Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray's fortress and secured vital data that began the hunt for Darth Sidious.

Members of the 212th participate in the Battle of Utapau
When General Kenobi was tasked with tracking down and eliminating the Separatist Supreme Commander, General Grievous, he took two battalions with him to the Utapau system—the 212th and the 211th Battalion. Cody's commandos stormed Grievous's stronghold on the tenth level of Pau City, and kept his droid forces at bay while Kenobi faced the General himself in single combat. The clones would take heavy casualties in the battle due to the superior numbers of droids, but would eventually gain the advantage, and later destroyed all the droid forces stationed on the planet.
Obi-Wan defeated Grievous, and Cody returning Obi Wan's lightsaber which was lost in the battle, the last loyal action taken by the Clone Commander towards his Jedi General before Darth Sidious transmitted Order 66. Cody directed an AT-TE walker to open fire on Kenobi, sending him to his apparent death hundreds of feet below. The clones went on to destroy the remaining battle droid forces on Utapau, and, as per the new Emperor's orders, subjugated the planet.
Known battles[]
- Battle of Teth
- Battle of Christophsis
- Battle of Ryloth
- Second Battle of Geonosis
- Battle of Umbara
- Attack on Obi-Wan Kenobi's fleet
- Battle of Moorjhone
- Battle of Sarrish
- Battle of Coruscant
- Battle of Utapau
Units within the 212th Attack Battalion[]

An AT-RT driver of the 212th Attack Battalion.
2nd Airborne Company[]
The 2nd Airborne Company made huge drops from high altitudes, with specialized armor and a specialized helmet to do so.
Ghost Company[]
Ghost Company, a reconnaissance squad, notably helped General Kenobi during the Battle of Ryloth, destroying gun emplacements and allowing the main invasion to occur.
Parjai Squad[]
Parjai Squad is a part of the 2nd Airborne Company.
Foxtrot Group[]
Was an elite clone commando group led by Gregor. It was dissolved during the Battle of Sarrish.
The 212th was known to field Nu-class attack shuttles, LAAT gunships, AT-AP, AT-RT and AT-TE walkers, all with orange markings.
Behind the scenes[]
The 212th Attack Battalion first appeared in the twenty-second chapter of the Star Wars: Clone Wars television series,[8] which aired on March 22, 2005.[9] It was first identified in "Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic," an eight-page reference article written by Karen Traviss and Ryan Kaufman for the 84th issue of Star Wars Insider,[10] published by IDG Entertainment on September 26, 2005.[11] In the 1983 Marvel comic Star Wars (1977) 68, Fenn Shysa mentioned that 212 Mandalorian Protectors participated in the Mission to Norval II during the Clone Wars.[12]
Non-canon appearances[]
"Kowakian Monkey-Lizard" on LEGO's official website (backup link) (original link is obsolete) (Posted on StarWars.com(url=video/view/000885.html) not verified!)