Grand Army of the Republic

"As my first act with this new authority, I will create a Grand Army of the Republic to counter the increasing threats of the Separatists."
―Sheev Palpatine[1]

The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), also known as the Great Army of the Republic, the Republic Army, the Grand Army, the Galactic Army, or simply the clone army, was the army branch of the Republic Military throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. At the time of the Battle of Geonosis, the Galactic Republic activated hundreds of thousands of clone troopers to fight the Separatist Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In addition to human clones, all grown from the bounty hunter Jango Fett's genetic template, the GAR also had Jedi and other non-clone leadership as well as regular conscripted soldiers, though they formed the minority of soldiers in the Grand Army.

During the waning years of the Republic, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas contacted the government of Kamino to commission the creation of a clone army, convinced that the galaxy would be consumed by war. As thousands of star systems joined the Separatist movement, the Galactic Senate invested wartime powers in Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. As a result, the Grand Army of the Republic was formally established, comprising thousands of clone soldiers with millions more being developed in Kaminoan facilities by the start of the Clone Wars. The Jedi Knights, having served as peacekeepers for a thousand years, became Jedi Generals when the Senate called on the Jedi Order to lead the Grand Army against the enemies of the Republic.

For three years, the Grand Army fought on all fronts across a war-torn galaxy, from the campaigns in the Outer Rim Territories to a Separatist attack on the Republic capital of Coruscant. Through the machinations of Palpatine, revealed to the Jedi as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who was behind the war and deceiving both sides, the clones were ultimately forced to turn against their Jedi leaders, slaughtering them throughout the galaxy and inside the Jedi Temple as directed by Order 66.

After Palpatine declared himself Emperor of the Galactic Empire, the Grand Army of the Republic was absorbed by the New Order and reorganized into the Imperial Army, allowing the remaining clone troopers to serve as the first generation of stormtroopers before being deemed financially unsupportable as there was no significant threat to the galaxy and were decommissioned, and replaced by conscripted soldiers instead.



"200,000 units are ready, with a million more well on the way."
―Lama Su[1]
212th Battalion

Clone troopers comprised the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the Clone Wars.

Clone troopers served as infantry units in the Grand Army of the Republic.[15] In addition to the rank-and-file soldier, the Grand Army consisted of numerous specialists, including environment-based units like clone cold assault troops and clone SCUBA troopers. Other variants units like clone ordnance specialists and clone trooper pilots were specially trained for specific functions, such as bomb diffusion and flight, respectively. ARC troopers and clone commandos were considered elite units in the Grand Army due to their exceptional skills and specialized training.[16] Occasionally, due to accelerated aging, the Republic's clone troopers were reinforced with non-clone conscript squads.[17]

The Grand Army of the Republic possessed various military vehicles to support its ground forces. The principal battle tank of the Grand Army was the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer. The AT-TE's six legs provided the walker with increased stability, but reduced the vehicle's overall speed.[18] As mobility was a key factor in the Grand Army's effectiveness, the military was outfitted with BARC speeders in order to provide the clones with increased operational range, speed, mobility, and firepower that were otherwise unavailable to foot soldiers.[19]

Unit structure[]

Clone Quantities by Division and Rank
Troopers Sergeants Lieutenants Captains Commanders Marshal Commanders Total
Grand Army of the Republic 2,949,120 327,680 81,920 20,480 5,120 80 3,384,320
Systems Army 294,912 32,768 8,192 2,048 512 8 338,432
Sector Army 147,456 16,384 4,096 1,024 256 4 169,216
Corps 36,864 4,096 1,024 256 64 1 42,304
Legion 9,216 1,024 256 64 16 0 10,576
Regiment 2,304 256 64 16 4 0 2,644
Battalion 576 64 16 4 1 0 661
Company 144 16 4 1 0 0 165
Platoon 36 4 1 0 0 0 41
Squad 9 1 0 0 0 0 10

Unit Structure (Excluding Officers)[]


"So if you're a captain, and I'm a Jedi, then technically I outrank you, right?"
"In my book, experience outranks everything."
―Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano and Clone Captain Rex[26]

At first, color was used to denote the rank of Grand Army clone officers. This system was intended as a benefit for non-clones on the battlefield, as well as clones whose helmet displays malfunctioned. It fell out of use, however, as the Jedi encouraged the clones to express their individuality. As a result, the clone army gradually adopted a new system in which they customized their armor with unique color schemes and markings.[16] Non-clones and non-Jedi could also serve as Republic officers in the Grand Army such as Hodnar Borrum.[27]

Jedi ranks[]

Heroes of the Republic RotS

Jedi Generals were in command of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Standard ranks[]

Clone ranks[]




"Think of it. A Grand Army of the Republic. A show of strength and power like the galaxy has never seen. All stemming from you. How many men can claim such a legacy?"
―Darth Tyranus, to Jango Fett[41]
Kamino Facility

The soldiers in the Grand Army of the Republic were bred in the cloning facilities of Kamino.

The Grand Army of the Republic, shortened to the GAR,[5] or referred to as the Republic Army, was originally conceived by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, who had foreseen the galaxy becoming consumed in war. Despite his removal from the ranks of the Jedi High Council,[42] whose other members rejected his ideas, Sifo-Dyas contacted the planet Kamino. The Kaminoans, a species that specialized in the science of cloning, were under the impression that Sifo-Dyas represented the interests of the council. In truth, their communication was kept secret. Unaware of this deception, the Kaminoan cloners accepted the Jedi's commission to create a clone army for the Galactic Republic.[43]

Sifo-Dyas did not live to witness the completion of his army. An unwitting pawn of the Sith, Sifo-Dyas was murdered by the Pyke Syndicate[43] at the behest of a man named "Tyranus"[44]—actually the former Jedi Master Dooku, the fallen Jedi turned to the dark side of the Force and eventually became apprenticed to the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.[45] Sifo-Dyas was unknowingly betrayed by his friend Dooku, who orchestrated his death.[43] However, Dooku would later claim Dyas had willingly worked with him to create the clone army before the betrayal.[44] After the death of Sifo-Dyas, the Sith secretly took over the project[43] and selected the human bounty hunter Jango Fett to serve as the genetic template of the clone army.[46]

In addition to growth acceleration and behavioral modification, an inorganic bio-chip was installed into the brain of every clone trooper at the early stage of their development. Sifo Dyas, who thought of the chip, intended for it to be a safeguard against rogue Jedi, but following his death, the chips were retooled by Sidious and Tyranus. The official reason behind the implant was to ensure that the clones would be more docile than their aggressive genetic donor.[47] Posing as a Jedi, Tyranus presented the retooled chip to Prime Minister Lama Su and Doctor Nala Se, and deceived them into believing Sifo-Dyas's intention. Unknown even to the Kaminoans,[48] the inhibitor chips that were retooled by Sidious and Tyranus, were to ensure that the clones fulfilled their role in the annihilation of the Jedi Order in accordance with Order 66.[49] The clones would serve as the Jedi's army,[50] however, they were also an integral part in the Sith's plan for galactic domination.[15]


"Do you like your army?"
"I look forward to seeing them in action."
"They'll do their job well. I'll guarantee that."
―Jango Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi[1]

As a result of the clone troopers' accelerated growth, the first two hundred thousand soldiers were completed within a decade[1]—approximately ten years after the Battle of Naboo[51] and twenty-two years before the Battle of Yavin.[12] By then the galaxy stood on the brink of war,[1] as predicted by Sifo-Dyas,[43] due to a group of secessionist star systems and powerful corporations. Seeking independence from the Galactic Republic, they combined their resources to form the Confederacy of Independent Systems,[52] an act which the Republic refused to recognize.[1]

Grand Army of the Republic

Within ten years of their creation, the first clone trooper battalions were ready to serve the Galactic Republic.

Vowing to preserve the unity of the thousand-year Republic, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine attempted to negotiate the Separatists' return to the Republic with the aid of the Loyalist Committee and the Jedi Council. Around the same time, the Galactic Senate was divided in their response to the Separatist Crisis. Some senators advocated for the passage of the Military Creation Act, which would enable the Republic to organize a military force to defend it. Other senators such as Padmé Amidala opposed the bill under the belief that it would provoke a full-scale war between the Republic and the Separatists.[1]

The matter was ultimately settled when the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered both the Kamino-produced clone army and the largest army of battle droids that the Separatists constructed on the planet Geonosis. Convinced that the senators would never authorize the creation of a military on their own before the Separatists attacked the Republic, Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks called on the Senate to empower the Supreme Chancellor with the authority to end the crisis of the Separatist movement[1] through the Emergency Powers Act.[53] Scared of the Separatists attacking with their battle droids,[54] the Senate enthusiastically supported Binks' proposal; accordingly Palpatine accepted the mandate and announced the formation of the Grand Army of the Republic.[1]

Clone Wars[]

Across the frontlines[]

"What's the point of all this? I mean, why?"
"I don't know, sir. I don't think anybody knows. But I do know that someday this war is gonna end."
"Then what? We're soldiers. What happens to us then?"
―Rex and Fives following the Umbara Campaign[39]
Clone Army Charge

At the time of its introduction, the Grand Army of the Republic represented the future of galactic warfare.

After a decade of development and training, the first generation of clone troopers was called into action. Placed under the leadership of Grand Master Yoda, the Grand Army of the Republic made its debut in the Battle of Geonosis, engaging the droid army with the element of surprise on their side. Clone troopers fought side by side as they repelled the Battle droids from the battlefield, ultimately annihilating the entire droid army, the Grand Army claimed victory in the greatest battle of the Clone Wars—so-named for the clones who composed the Republic's armed forces.[1]

Throughout the conflict, the Grand Army of the Republic was deployed across the galaxy in order to put an end to the rebellion of the Separatists. The Jedi Knights assumed direct command over the clone troopers, becoming Jedi Generals of the Grand Army. As the Clone Wars progressed, more clone troopers sacrificed their lives out of loyalty to the Jedi and the Supreme Chancellor.[15] While the clones had been engineered to serve as soldiers in the Grand Army, they were also encouraged by the Jedi to develop their own distinct identities, consequently resulting in a wave of greater individuality and creative-thinking that spread through the clone ranks. As such, special unit markings and color patterns became increasingly common within the Grand Army.[16]


Over three years, the Grand Army clashed with the Separatist Droid Army during the Clone Wars.

The Grand Army of the Republic fought on all fronts for three years.[15] One particular soldier—Clone Captain Rex[55] of the elite 501st Legion[56]—became a legend amongst the troops, becoming considered the hero of the Grand Army.[55] While clone troopers formed the backbone of the Republic's military might,[15] non-clone servicepeople, such as the Wookiee warriors of the planet Kashyyyk[57] and the military defense forces of Roon, also fought for the Republic during the conflict. In fact, a full company of those Roonian soldiers were absorbed into the ranks of the Grand Army's 212th Attack Battalion for the Battle of Abrion Bridge, where Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Commander Cody, and Roonian Commander Mekedrix led a combined force of clone troopers and Roonians in a bloody battle.[58] Another non-clone member of the Grand Army was an explosives expert named Skelly, who was the lone Republic soldier to walk away from the Battle of Slag's Pit.[59]

Execute Order 66[]

"How widespread is this?"
"Ahsoka, it's all of us. The entire Grand Army of the Republic has been ordered to hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights."
―Ahsoka Tano and Rex — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[50]

As the end of the war drew near, clone troopers continued to see action from Coruscant to Kashyyyk[15] and Utapau. Following the deaths of Darth Tyranus, which was orchestrated by Sidious when he betrayed and caused the death of his apprentice in the Battle of Coruscant, and General Grievous in the Battle of Utapau, the Separatists were all but defeated. However, by then the Jedi Council discovered the Supreme Chancellor's true identity—Sheev Palpatine and Darth Sidious were one and the same; the leader of the Galactic Senate was the enigmatic Sith Lord who secretly instigated the war and controlled both sides in the war, as well as was deceiving both sides.[3]


The Grand Army turned against the Jedi Order after receiving Order 66 from the Supreme Chancellor.

Realizing they had been deceived, several masters on the council moved swiftly to arrest the Chancellor before he could destroy the Jedi Order and the Republic, but their efforts ultimately ended in failure. Using this incident to frame the Jedi Order for treason, Sidious declared that all Jedi were now enemies of the state.[3] It was then that the Sith unleashed their secret weapon—the Grand Army of the Republic. Sidious broadcasted Order 66 to the clone troopers who were spread throughout the galaxy. The order activated the clones' secret programming as a result of the inhibitor chips in their brains, conditioning the clones to believe that the Jedi were traitors to the Republic that needed to be executed.[50]

The clones complied with Order 66 without question, turning their weapons on the Jedi and executing them across numerous worlds. At the same time, the Jedi Temple on Coruscant was attacked by the 501st Legion led by the former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who had betrayed the Jedi and joined the Sith as Sidious' new apprentice, Darth Vader.[3] The Jedi were caught off guard by their Troopers betrayal, but only a handful survived. With the the Jedi Order virtually destroyed and the Grand Army under the Chancellor's control,[60] Sidious proclaimed himself Emperor of the newly established Galactic Empire.[3] Ultimately, the Grand Army of the Republic was an asset that enabled Sidious to establish a Sith dictatorship over the galaxy.[15]


"You and your kind brought peace to the galaxy. Why would you lower yourself to fight with traitors? Where is your loyalty?"
"My loyalty was to the Republic, not your Empire."
"I serve the order you put into place, Captain."
Brom Titus and Rex[61]

The early Imperial Army consisted of clone troopers who once fought for the Galactic Republic.

As the formation of the Empire marked the end of the Galactic Republic, the Grand Army of the Republic became the basis of the Imperial Military—the armed forces of the Emperor's new government.[62] Accordingly, the Republic clone troopers transitioned into Imperial stormtroopers.[63] With vast portions of the galaxy unconquered, the Empire embarked on a massive militarization program to eliminate the remaining Separatist holdouts, enforce the Emperor's authority, and expand the Empire's growing dominion.[62] With the end of the Clone Wars, however, the Empire questioned the continued usefulness of the clones. The production of clone troopers was a "cost prohibitive" enterprise, according to Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin who believed that order could be maintained by a less expensive force of conscripted soldiers.[60]


Human conscripts supplanted genetically engineered soldiers in the Empire's stormtrooper ranks.

Over time the clones' skills deteriorated with the accelerated speed of their aging process, leading the Empire to prefer human recruits and conscripts over cloned soldiers.[63] By and large, clones were removed from combat duty and instead given the task of managing various Imperial projects. By this time many clones felt bitter and horrified at their actions during Order 66, even though it was out of their control.[64] Clone Captain Rex went on to join the Phoenix Cell of the early rebel movement during the Galactic Civil War.[65]

During a mission to retrieve munitions from a crashed Separatist supply ship on[66] the planet[67] of Agamar, however, Rex and his allies, two of which were the Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus and his Padawan, Ezra Bridger, found a surviving Separatist holdout commanded by a ST-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid named General Kalani. Taking another member of their team, Garazeb Orrelios, captive, Kalani forced the Clone Captain and Jedi to fight a final battle of the Clone Wars to finally prove which faction was superior. Rex found himself determined to win the contest against his old enemies, but Bridger stopped the Clone Captain from killing Kalani when they reached the command center, having realized the clones, Jedi, and battle droids had all lost the war. The Padawan questioned who truly had won the conflict, and Orrelios then pointed out that the Empire had and that an Imperial force was arriving on Agamar. Though Rex was initially reluctant to join with the battle droids, Bridger convinced Kalani to fight the Empire alongside them.[66]

Ezra reasoning with Rex and Kalani

Ezra Bridger surmised that both the Grand Army of the Republic and the Separatist Droid Army lost the Clone Wars.

Rex did agree to join with the Separatists. Thus, the rebels and droids planned to delay the Empire's advance, giving them a chance to escape aboard Sheathipede-class transport shuttles. Once the rebels and droids stationed themselves in the hangar, Rex remarked that he was serving one last day in the Grand Army, and, after Kalani noted that he had never attempted such a desperate plan, Rex joked that it was the reason the Republic Military had always won. Kalani rebutted this, noting that there had been Republic loses during the conflict, before their combined forces engaged the Imperial walkers and stormtroopers. To take out one of the All Terrain Armored Transports, Bridger and Jarrus deflected blaster bolts into proton bombs, giving the rebels and droids their chance to flee. Though one of the battle droids' shuttles was taken out, the rebel's Sheathipede shuttle and the one containing Kalani and several B1 battle droids escaped the planet. Once off-world, both factions spoke via a hologram, and Rex and Kalani both agreed they had now all won the Clone Wars. Satisfied that the conflict was over, Kalani and his droids parted ways with the rebels, believing they would likely lose the war against the Empire.[66]

Few clones continued to serve in the stormtrooper ranks after the Battle of Yavin; ISB Commander Alecia Beck believed Sergeant Torrent to be one of the last Kamino-produced clones who were still in service to the Imperial Military.[68] During the time of the First Order, the Grand Army was still referenced in military circles, with Kylo Ren belittling Armitage Hux's troops, suggesting a clone army would be a stronger force.[69]


Armies and corps[]


The Grand Army of the Republic was arranged in various formations.

The Grand Army of the Republic was composed of ten Systems Armies that each contained two Sector Armies.[20] One such Systems Army was the Third Systems Army.[70] The first six Sector Armies were reserve commands, the next six were northern quadrant, and the remaining eight were southern quadrant units. Sector Armies included the 1st Sector Army, the 4th Sector Army, the 6th Sector Army, the 7th Sector Army, the 8th Sector Army, and the 12th Sector Army.[20]

Subsequently, the GAR consisted of many corps, which included the 7th Sky Corps of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Marshal Commander Cody,[3] the flame trooper corps,[5] the 9th Assault Corps,[71] the 21st Nova Corps under Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi and Clone Marshal Commander Bacara, the 41st Elite Corps under Jedi General Luminara Unduli and Clone Commander Gree,[3] the 87th Sentinel Corps which specialized in urban warfare,[56] the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps under Jedi Generals Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, and Stass Allie alongside Clone Commander Neyo, and the 327th Star Corps under Jedi General Aayla Secura and Clone Commander Bly.[3] The 9th Assault Corps was large enough that another corps, the 41st, could be organized under it.[71]

Legions and divisions[]

"I'll divide the 501st, make a new division under Ahsoka's command."
"Unfortunately, Ahsoka is no longer a part of the Grand Army of the Republic."
"We'll promote Rex to Commander and have him lead the new division. Ahsoka can go with him as an advisor."
―Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[72]

The 501st Legion served under Jedi General Anakin Skywalker throughout the Clone Wars.

Additionally, legions within the GAR included the 481st Legion,[73] the Third Legion,[74] and the famed 501st Legion that served Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano alongside Clone Captain, later Commander, Rex,[75] with Appo also arising to the rank of Clone Commander in time.[3] The elite 187th Legion was led by Master Windu.[76] Divisions varied in size, and could be organized under legions or even small-level formations such as battalions. Divisions included the 181st Armor Division,[56] the 224th Clone Division,[77] and the 332nd Division of the 501st Legion.[72]

Brigades, regiments, and battalions[]

"Remember, General Krell, the entire invasion depends on your battalion."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Pong Krell[78]
TCW Waxer platoon stops firing

The 212th was a battalion in the Grand Army.

A brigade within the GAR included the Special Operations Brigade, which was the special forces branch of the Grand Army of the Republic.[6] A tank brigade served in the 501st.[79] Further down the hierarchy of military formations were regiments, which included a regiment led by Clone Commander Tacks, a regiment which served in the First Battle of Geonosis,[80] and a scout regiment that was dispatched to the Wild Space planet Teth.[26]

Battalions in the GAR included the 302nd Battalion, which was staffed by Commander Theo, Captain Sparks, and Captain Raptor,[81] the 9th Engineering Battalion,[82] the 13th Battalion[83] which was led by Jedi General Jaro Tapal and a Clone Commander,[84] the 41st Scout Battalion led by Jedi General Yoda and part of the 41st Elite Corps,[56] the 104th Battalion under the command of Jedi General Plo Koon and Clone Commander Wolffe,[22] the 187th Battalion led by General Windu,[85]the 212th Attack Battalion under Marshal Commander Cody and within the 7th Sky Corps,[3] the 442nd Siege Battalion,[86] the Carnivore Battalion within the 501st,[87] the battalion led by General Ki-Adi-Mundi and Clone Commander Jet,[88] a battalion commanded by Jedi General Depa Billaba and Clone Commander Grey as well as a subsequent battalion after the first was destroyed,[89] the 501st's Execute Battalion,[87] the One-Eighty-Fourth Attack Battalion led by Jedi General Jor Aerith and Clone Commander Crane,[90] Rancor Battalion led by Clone ARC Commanders Blitz, Colt, and Havoc.[30]

Garrisons, squadrons, companies, smaller divisions, and batteries[]

"Green Company, prepare to repel the enemy."

A garrison within the GAR was the Outer Rim garrison led by Jedi General Ima-Gun Di and Clone Captain Keeli.[92] Additionally, squadrons in the Grand Army were a SPHA-T squadron that served on Geonosis,[93] the Lightning Squadron under the command of Clone Commander Ponds,[94] and a tank squadron that participated on Felucia.[34] A battery of tanks served in the army as well.[79]

Captain Rex and his clone troopers on Teth

Torrent Company was a sub-unit of the 501st Legion that fought on Christophsis and Teth.

Companies within the ground forces of the Republic were Sivad's company,[36] the 332nd Company[95] within the 501st Legion,[75] Ghost Company of the 7th Sky Corps,[96] Green Company of the 41st Elite Corps and led by Green Leader,[91] a company under Clone Commander Monnk,[97] a company of the 327th Star Corps,[98] a company under Jedi General Josk Nivar and then Jedi General Tualon Yaluna,[99] Red Company of the 41st Elite Corps,[100] Tango Company led by Clone Lieutenant Trap,[101] and Torrent Company that was under the 501st Legion.[26] The 212th Recon Division, overall led by Cody, was part of the 212th Attack Battalion.[56]

Platoons, squads, and training units[]

"I left my squad when they needed me. I was scared. I was… wrong."

Platoons within the GAR included the 41st Ranger Platoon within the 41st Elite Corps,[56] a platoon led by Rex of the 501st Legion,[21] a platoon with cold-weather gear also within the 501st,[103] and a platoon led by Platoon leader Waxer from the 7th Sky Corps.[39]


Delta Squad was a team of elite clone commandos trained for special operations.

Squads within the Grand Army were a squad what included the trooper Charlie,[102] a squad led by Clone Commander Fil,[104] First squad from the 501st Legion,[103] an over strength 501st squad under the command of Rex,[105] the Wolfpack squad of the 104th,[36] a squad led by the trooper Heater,[102] a squad led by General Ki-Adi-Mundi within the 21st Nova Corps,[3] a droid squadron under orders from R2-D2,[106] Rostu Squad from Depa Billaba's second battalion,[107] a squad led by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker from the 501st.[26] During the First Battle of Geonosis, Yoda led a squad within his larger regiment[1] before commanding a small squad[108] from the diplomatic service on Rugosa.[109]

Training units included the 322nd,[110] Bravo Squad,[30] the Clone Youth Brigade,[110] and Domino Squad.[30]

Other units[]

"This next one goes out to the Mud Jumpers of the 224th, slugging it out on Mimban. Keep your heads down and your seals tight, boys."
―Hologram VJ — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[37]

Military security on the Republic capital was provided by the clone shock troopers of the Coruscant Guard.

There were other units of varying formation size that were also part of the Grand Army of the Republic. These units included the Calm Tree, Snow Wolves, and Wildfire teams of the 501st.[111] Another unit was the Coruscant Guard[3] and its diplomatic service subunit.[112] Alongside the planet's garrison,[79] a security force on Kamino was led by Jedi General Shaak Ti and a Clone Captain.[47]

Other units included a unit led by Jedi General Chiata and a Clone Commander,[84] the unit led by Jedi Generals Tiplee and Tiplar alongside Clone Commander Doom,[113] a unit led by Jedi General Halsey and Clone Commander Trauma,[114] a unit that was commanded by Jedi Commander Leh'ahnyo Vas and their master,[5] a unit led by General Quinlan Vos,[3] the Mud Jumpers from the 224th Division,[77] a clone security force on Orto Plutonia,[103] a unit that protected the Rishi Station,[37] a military team within the 501st,[115] and a squad of the Grand Army led by Clone Sergeant Slick.[116]

Vehicles and machinery[]

"We need more firepower! Send in the walkers!"
―Anakin Skywalker[31]
Battle of Malastare

The All Terrain Tactical Enforcer was the main battle tank of the GAR.

The majority of the army's arsenal was constructed by Rothana Heavy Engineering, which was a subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards, a company that had been opposed to the Confederacy for years by the start of the Clone Wars.[33] As the ground forces of the Republic military, the Grand Army used a wide range of vehicles to achieve various objectives. For artillery, the Grand Army utilized the AV-7 Anti-vehicle Artillery Cannon,[117] the Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser,[118] and the Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport.[3]

For transportation of clone troopers and cargo, the Grand Army utilized AA-9 Freighter-Liners based on Coruscant.[119] Indeed, Grand Army forces were also deployed into operations by vehicles like the Low Altitude Assault Transports[3] and Nu-class attack/transport shuttles of the Republic Navy.[120] The Jadthu-class landing ship, too, would see use as a Republic lander.[121] The army also made use of several types of speeders, including the BARC speeder,[19] the 74-Z speeder bike,[122] the CK-6 swoop bike,[123] and the Infantry Support Platform.[124] Underwater operations made use of the One Man Submersible Devilfish.[97] A type of sea ship also saw use during battles on the water.[58]

Cazne ruins

The All Terrain Reconnaissance Transport was used for missions like scouting, securing or patrolling territory, and frontline battles.

The Republic's ground forces also used walkers, repulsorcraft, and wheeled vehicles such as the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer,[18] the All Terrain Open Transport,[3] the All Terrain Reconnaissance Transport,[125] the All Terrain Armored Transport,[126] the All Terrain Attack Pod, the Juggernaut A5[127], the HAVw A6 Juggernaut,[3] the TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank, the RTT-04 armored troop transport,[128] and the RX-200 Falchion-class assault tank.[129] The AT-FRC Force Reconnaissance Walker was used by ARC troopers for recon.[130]

Weapons and equipment[]

"Minimal destruction with blasters and droid poppers only. No rockets or detonators. Check your aim."
Clones maridun

The DC-15A blaster carbine was a standard-issue weapon that clone troopers used throughout the Clone Wars.

For infantry weapons, the Grand Army of the Republic had a selection of blasters, grenades, and projectile launchers. For blasters, the army made use of the DC-17 hand blaster,[26] the DC-17m blaster rifle,[56] the DC-15A blaster carbine, the DC-15A blaster rifle,[1] the DC-15LE blaster rifle, the DC-15x sniper rifle,[131] the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon,[109] the BT X-42 heavy flame projector,[115] the T-7 ion disruptor rifle,[56] the DC-12U beam rifle,[97][132] and the Valken-38x sniper.[56] Also in use was the 773 Firepuncher rifle, which became a favorite of Republic snipers.[133]

The M3 Bulwark Blast Shield was a type of physical shield that could be worn by a clone trooper as a defensive barrier from enemy fire.[113] Clone riot troopers stationed on Coruscant wore a type of riot shield, which they wielded alongside a baton, the TZ-97 "Zapper" Shock Baton, in their policing actions.[134]


A type of heavy repeating blaster cannon operated by the Republic

The types of grenades used were the Class-A thermal detonator,[78] its magnetic variant,[135] and the N-20 Baradium-core thermal detonator.[136] Under the command of the Jedi, the Grand Army utilized Electro Magnetic Pulse grenades to disable droids and other machines without risking organic collateral damage.[96] For melee combat, the clones within the army uses M8 combat knives as simple melee weapons. The army utilized ascension guns,[30] mortars,[39] and missile launchers,[109] such as the RPS-6 rocket launcher[78] and RPC-2 Rocket Launcher.[137] By the final days of the war, the E-Web heavy repeating blaster cannons was used by the Republic,[60] with another heavy repeating blaster also being used at earlier points.[113]

Behind the scenes[]

The Grand Army of the Republic first appeared in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, the second installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy.[1] LEGO introduced a clone speeder that has yet to appear in any canon sources.[138]


Non-canon appearances[]


Galactic Republic Army
Judicial Forces[139]
(At least 32[139]22 BBY[1])
22[12]19 BBY[13] Imperial Army[3]
(19 BBY[13]5 ABY[140][141])

Notes and references[]