
"The Halcyon starcruiser is the jewel of the Chandrila Star Line. Onboard the 100-cabin Corellian MPO-1400 model starcruiser, you'll voyage to the far reaches of the galaxy in legendary comfort and style. Recently refurbished and reoutfitted, the starcruiser combines modern conveniences with the romance of the age of exploration."
―Chandrila Star Line[2]

The Halcyon was a Corellian passenger MPO-1400 Purgill-class star cruiser operated by Chandrila Star Line.



A cross-section view of the bow of the Halcyon.

The Halcyon was a passenger liner owned by Chandrila Star Line.[2][6] Being an MPO-1400 model,[2][19] manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, and belonging to the family of Purrgil-class starcruisers, the Halcyon was distinguished as the "jewel" of the cruise liner company.[2]

The Halcyon was propelled by an array of 13 engine units, whilst also possessing a ventral hanger bay, similar to that of the infamous line of Star Destroyers of the Galactic Empire.[8] The vessel possessed a pair of docking rings, along the port and starboard sides of its spine, in addition to two of both sides of its bow, which were designated for Launch Pod Docks. The docks onboard, equipped with airlocks, would accept the passengers of the multiple Launch Pods from a planet-bound terminal, as they rendezvous with the Star Cruiser.[2] Another set of docks, referred to as Transport Docks, were designated for transport shuttles docking with the starship. During 34 ABY, transport shuttles belonging to the Batuu Transport Company would service the passengers aboard the Halcyon, by taking individuals to the Batuu hub of Black Spire Outpost during denoted excursion periods.[20]


The romantic age of exploration[]


The ventral surface of the Halcyon starcruiser

The ship was commissioned in 241 BBY.[13] Its construction was overseen by Shug Drabor[12] at the Santhe Shipyards in Coronet City on Corellia.[1] The vessel underwent its maiden voyage to Batuu.[19] Within its tenth year of operation, the ship was rescued from Nihil pirates by Nib Assek and her Padawan Burry. The ship's Lightsaber Training Pod was built in their honor.[12]

In 230 BBY,[21] the Halcyon assisted in towing Starlight Beacon through hyperspace to help in the Dalnan evacuation.[4]

Clone Wars[]

During the Clone Wars, the ship was the site of a skirmish between Republic and Separatist agents. Jedi General Anakin Skywalker engaged in a lightsaber duel against Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress.[12]

Imperial Era[]

Following its formation, the Galactic Empire seized control of the ship, stripped the interior of much of its opulence, and used it as a retreat for Imperial officers.[16]

New Republic Era[]

During the age of the New Republic, the Halcyon was restored to its original design.[16]

A neo-Imperial crisis[]


First Order stormtroopers aboard the Halcyon

By the time of the Battle of Batuu, the ship was commanded by Captain Riyola Keevan, and a note posted in Oga's Cantina in Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu advertising a mechanic position on board the starship directed all applicants to contact Keevan. The job listing stated that applicants would need experience working on MPO-1400s and that the ability to speak Shyriiwook would be beneficial.[18]

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Behind the scenes[]

The Halcyon is the setting of the immersive Disney hotel Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser at the Walt Disney World Resort. It was first revealed at D23 Expo 2019.[5] It was designed by Christian Alzmann.[22] The starcruiser first appeared in the 2022 junior novel The High Republic: Mission to Disaster, written by Justina Ireland.[4]


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