Javelin (Vengeance-class)

The Javelin was a Vengeance-class dreadnought that served in the navy of the Galactic Empire and its short-lived successor, the Dark Empire.[1] In 10 ABY,[2] the Javelin was one of three Vengence-class warships that participated in the Dark Empire's invasion of the poorly defended New Republic Core Worlds. Although the Imperial assault was initially successful, Imperial forces quickly began to turn on one another in a mad frenzy known as the Imperial Mutiny. As part of that conflict, the Javelin was destroyed when its captain rammed it into a Torpedo Sphere that guarded[1] the Chasin system[3] astronomical object Chasin.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Javelin was mentioned in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a 2012 reference book written by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart.[1]


Notes and references[]