Joss Adren
- "Whoa, you guys seeing this?"
- ―Joss Adren, to Mikkel Sutmani[2]
Joss Adren was a human[1] male individual who, alongside his wife Pikka, worked as a contractor aboard the Starlight Beacon during the space station's construction. He was a project manager who specialized in getting large projects completed successfully.[5] When the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic responded to a distress signal from the Hetzal system, which was under threat by debris from the Great Hyperspace Disaster, Adren and his wife volunteered their help, traveling aboard the Third Horizon to the star system. Adren and Pikka piloted a Republic Longbeam cruiser, accompanied by the Jedi Vectors of Jedi Knights Nib Assek, Mikkel Sutmani, and Te'Ami.[2]
In 232 BBY,[7] Joss Adren and his wife were packing their belongings and preparing to depart from Starlight Beacon. He thought back about his work on that station and was proud, but was ready to leave and move on to other things. He noticed his wife studying a datapad and she told him about a power anomaly she had discovered. Joss accompanied his wife as they made their way through the corridors of the space station to check out the issue. They were stopped when they ran into a group of visiting dignitaries led by Shai Tennem. The Adrens declined an invitation to join the group and continued to the site of the power anomaly. Using a memorized map of the station, Joss made his way to Conduit 398-GX14 where he discovered a poorly seated wire had caused a resistor hub to burn out. He realized this was causing a blockage that was preventing energy from passing. He tried to reach inside the conduit to repair it, but was unable to reach due to the size of his hands. He explained the fix to his wife and put his hand on her arm to assist her in locating and fixing the issue. After fixing the power issue, he kissed his wife and made his way to the hangar to board the Third Horizon. As they traveled through hyperspace, Joss talked to a crew member of one of the Longbeam cruisers that was carried on the Emissary-class cruiser. When the Admiral put out a request for assistance with dealing with a system-wide mass casualty event in the Hetzal system, Joss joined his wife and went to volunteer.[5]
After the Battle of Kur, Adren and his wife returned to Starlight Beacon. They were summoned to a debriefing led by Chancellor Soh to discuss the Adrens' actions during the battle. The group of dignitaries were impressed by Joss' piloting and wanted to know if the tactics he performed during the fight could be adopted for wide-spread use. After reviewing a hologram of the battle, Admiral Kronara questioned the Adrens to see why they alone among the non-Jedi pilots had been able to effectively react to the Nihil ship's micro-jumps during combat. Joss tried to suggest that it was either the Force or his innate piloting skills but the council didn't believe him. He finally revealed that his wife had sliced the security systems on the Longbeam's operational code and he used that access to have the thrusters of the ship uncoupled from their computer controls. This allowed him to use them independently which greatly increased the maneuverability of the ship. He was admonished by RDC officials who stated the he could have damaged the ship but Joss responded that he was confident in his piloting skills. The Adrens were dimissed and returned to their quarters on the Starlight Beacon.[5]
Joss was upset at being poorly treated during the meeting, and decided to get something to eat. Before he could leave, Admiral Kronara came to their door and asked if he could come in. The officer explained that the Republic was not convinced that the Nihil threat was gone and the RDC was putting together a special task force to hunt them down. He requested the Adrens join the group. To Joss' surprise, his wife declined stating they had a vacation planned to Amfar. She agreed to join the task force after a two week holiday. Joss was not sure about the new assignment, but was happy to be working together with his wife.[5]
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Personality and traits[]
Joss Adren had blond hair, dark skin, and brown eyes.[4]