K79-S80 Imperial Troop Transport

"There's a convoy of Troop Transports heading northwest."
―Garazeb Orrelios[8]

The K79-S80 Imperial Troop Transport (ITT), also known as the RTT or Recon transport but more commonly just the Imperial Troop Transport, was a boxy repulsorcraft troop transport used by the Galactic Empire. Developed by Ubrikkian Industries, it was used to either move Imperial stormtroopers in, or to move prisoners out. Despite not being designed for combat, the Imperial Troop Transport was fitted with a dorsal twin laser turret and two forward turrets or mounted guns. The design of the ITT changed slightly over the course of the Empire; a version used from 3 ABY onwards featured mounted forward cannons instead of turrets.


Imperial Troop Transporter

Stormtroopers loading cargo on an Imperial Troop Transport

The ITT was a long, box-shaped repulsorcraft troop transport with a plating of gray metal.[18] It measured 8.7 meters long by 3.5 high by 4.5 wide,[6] and weighed 20,600 kilograms.[5] Its maximum speed was 150 kilometers per hour.[5]

Because of its repulsorlift engine, a hovering ITT emitted a distinct noise that made it recognizable from a distance.[14] Two pilots and a commanding officer rode in the vehicle's cab,[8] the bow of which was equipped with a transparisteel viewport, while up to six individuals rode on the sides of the vehicle in exposed racks, the doors of which were auto-locking.[6] The front of the transport differed between the two models; one version featured a protruding cab and two forward laser turrets on either side, while the other lacked the protruding cab and featured mounted forward-facing cannons instead of turrets.[3] The ITT also contained a hatch in the mid-section of the vehicle that led inside.[19]

Although not designed as an infantry fighting vehicle, the ITT was still armed with two forward laser guns, and a single dorsal laser turret.[3] Thanks to its ample firepower, the transport could deter most attackers.[6] However, insertion of a foreign body in the barrel of an ITT's laser gun would cause it to explode upon firing.[8] Ultimately, the Trexler 906 Armored Marauder was developed to serve as a more combat-oriented ITT model. Considered an upgrade when it came to combat operations, it featured more powerful weapons systems and thicker armor.[20]

ITTs could be carried into battle by Low Altitude Assault Transport carriers.[21]



The Imperial Troop Transport could also hold cargo.

The primary function of the Imperial Troop Transport was to move stormtroopers between important locations in times of conflict.[3] A single transport could carry at least one squad of such troops.[14] Likewise, ITTs were also used to forcibly relocate prisoners,[6] including farmers whose land had been seized by the government.[3] On at least one occasion, an ITT's side racks were used to transport food supplies.[8]


"Sir, someone's unlocked the prisoners on Transport 3."
―A transport driver to Yogar Lyste[8]

Imperial clone troopers spill out of a K79 in search of Thrawn.

The Imperial Troop Transport was designed for the Galactic Empire by Ubrikkian Industries.[1] Around 15 BBY,[22] two squads of Imperial clone troopers were deployed to search for an attacking alien, secretly the Chiss Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn," on[23] a Wild Space planet[24] upon disembarking from an ITT. The troopers failed to find Thrawn, who stole one of the soldier's armor to sneak aboard the Star Destroyer Strikefast[23] as part of his plan to join the Empire.[24] Eight years after the end of the Clone Wars, the Empire deployed several ITTs on Gorse to track a transporter crewed by Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, and Skelly, three individuals who had attempted to kill the Imperial Count Denetrius Vidian. Although the Troop Transports successfully located and attacked their target, the rebels still managed to escape thanks to the use of explosives and some risky maneuvers performed by Syndulla.[18]

In 3272 LY, an Imperial unit stationed on Lothal used an ITT to transport a supply of meiloorun fruit bought in the nearby city of Kothal. The young Ezra Bridger, a street urchin affiliated with the rebel group known as the Spectres, attempted to steal meilooruns from the transport, but was spotted by stormtroopers while inspecting the fruit. Shortly thereafter, Supply Officer Yogar Lyste used three ITTs to attack the farm of Morad Sumar. The farmer, his wife, and an Aqualish employee were subsequently captured and put in one of the ITTs' compartments, but were rescued by Bridger and his partner Garazeb Orrelios.[8]

In 3 ABY, the refined model was used on Tatooine to transport stolen weapons and troops when they were intercepted by Kay Vess.[25]

ITT Mandalorian

Stormtroopers disembark from a ITT that lacked front turrets in 9 ABY.

At least one of these transports was used at the Battle of Jakku, the last stand of the Empire.[17] The Imperial Troop Transport's refined model was later utilized by Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant, as part of his battalion of stormtroopers on Nevarro was deployed from a transport to confront the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin and his allies[16] in 9 ABY.[26] The remnant also owned a Trexler 906 Armored Marauder,[27] the ITT's more combat-ready upgrade,[20] and kept it within its Nevarro base.[27]

Behind the scenes[]

The Imperial Troop Transport originated in Star Wars Legends, where it was more commonly known as the Reconnaissance Troop Transporter. It first appeared as a 1979 toy from Kenner Products, and in a story booklet that came with the toy. It was the first Star Wars toy released that did not first appear in a film.[28] The Mandalorian television show introduced a similar troop transport to the ITT that lacked the protruding cab, though the official Databank on used images of both on its entry for the ITT, stating they were the same.[3]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]