Mandalorian black market conspiracy
- "I established the black market for the people. […] The war is disrupting trade across the galaxy. The profits from the black market are being used to purchase humanitarian supplies for Mandalore. Think of it as a new tax in the interest of national security."
"It's a tax for your benefit, prime minister. Where are these humanitarian supplies you speak of?" - ―Almec and Satine Kryze argue[1]
During the Clone Wars, New Mandalorian Prime Minister Almec initiated a conspiracy to use the black market to smuggle supplies onto Mandalore, lining his own pockets in the process.[4]
- "Destitution leaves little room for faith. My actions allowed the people hope in your leadership. The supplies I bought on the black market kept you in power."
- ―Almec reflects on the conspiracy[5]
When the Clone Wars broke out, the New Mandalorian Government declared that their world, the Outer Rim world Mandalore, would remain neutral.[6] Under the leadership of Duchess Satine Kryze, Mandalore became the leader of the Council of Neutral Systems.[4] Unfortunately, Mandalore's neutrality left it isolated from both the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy. Prime Minister Almec and several of members of Mandalore's secret service contacted smugglers and established a black market.[7]
Tea smuggling[]
Several Moogans under Tee Va bribed a Customs official to import tea. They then diluted the tea with slabin to increase their profits. The Moogans sold the tea to Siddiq's shipping company, who bribe Sundari's school superintendent to allow the tea to be served to the children. Unfortunately, the tea's slabin caused an outbreak among the school's students. Duchess Satine and Senator Padmé Amidala investigated the outbreak. Together, they were able to convince Mandalorian Guard Captain Patrok Ru-Saxon to aid them in shutting down the Moogans' operations. After firefight, the Moogans and their compatriots were arrested and the tea was destroyed.[4]