
"I mean who in the Chaos has such an abundance of nyix that they can waste it on jewelry? And then offer it for such an absurdly low price?"
Councilor Xodlak'uvi'vil[2]

Nyix, also known as blue spinpria, was a silver metal found throughout the Unknown Regions and the rarest known metal in that region. It could be used to create nyix-alloy, a tough alloy utilized in starship hulls. The Chiss Ascendancy possessed only three mines of pure nyix, while the metal could also be found on the planet nicknamed "Sunrise." Haplif of the Agbui orchestrated a civil war that devastated much of the planet under orders from "Jixtus" of the Grysk Hegemony, taking control of its nyix mines. He later utilized nyix and brooches taken from Sunrise to lead several families from the Ascendancy into believing that the Agbui possessed an otherwise unclaimed nyix mine without knowing of the metal's potential, hoping to draw the families into a conflict over the mine that would lead to a civil war within the Chiss.[2]

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