- "They have podracing on Malastare. Very fast, very dangerous."
- ―Qui-Gon Jinn[1]
Podracing was a dangerous, sometimes lethal, racing sport performed by repulsorcrafts known as podracers, which were small, one-man crafts propelled by large engines. Popular on planets such as Malastare, Kergans, Theron, Cantonica, and Tatooine, individuals who competed in these games were also known as podracers.[1] Racers would perform multiple laps on a particular race track, moving at dangerous and, at times, deadly speeds. Races could then be projected in entertainment establishments throughout the galaxy.[2]
Podracers needed to have extremely fast reaction times to compete. It was a sport generally partaken in by aliens. The human slave Anakin Skywalker believed himself to be the only human capable of podracing.[1] In 32 BBY,[3] he was the only member of the species who participated in podraces around the Mos Espa region.[1] During the Galactic Civil War, by the time of the skirmish on Hradreek, rumors of humans winning podraces were heard of in the Outer Rim systems.[4]
During the Trade Federation Invasion of Naboo, Anakin Skywalker won the Boonta Eve Classic on Tatooine, upsetting the heavy favorite, Sebulba, and securing his freedom from a life of slavery. Betting on the races was a popular pastime with many of the watchers on Tatooine, and it was through Qui-Gon Jinn's bet with Watto, a bet that Skywalker would win the race, that Skywalker was freed.[1]
The planet Ankhural formerly had a podracing track, but it was abandoned. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, the 61st Mobile Infantry hid from the Galactic Empire there.[5]
In the Anoat sector, during the Iron Blockade, the Ivax Syndicate oversaw podracing and other activities.[6]
Podracing was outlawed by the New Republic due to its dangerous nature. Despite this, the sport was still practiced on certain remote worlds such as Batuu.[7]