Sabotage of First Order OreDiggers

During the Cold War, Paige and Rose Tico mounted a mission to sabotage a fleet of mining bombers affiliated with the First Order in an attempt to liberate their homeworld Hays Minor. On a speeder bike, they approached a compound under the command of Captain Wolstenholme and used a device to cut through the outer wall. Once inside, Paige Tico hurled insults at a group of First Order Snowtroopers and fled on her bike. As the troopers moved to apprehend the elder Tico sister, Rose Tico tampered with the navigation and weapons systems of the bombers before regrouping with her sister and exiting the compound.[1]

The destruction of the bombers drove the First Order's mining operations to a halt. However, it only took three days for the Order to replace its destroyed resources and resume mining. This devastated the Tico sisters, who left their homeworld soon after at their parents' urging. In response to what they deemed a terrorist attack, the First Order blockaded the system, eventually leading to Hays Minor's devastation.[1]

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