Sith Wars/Legends

The Sith Wars of the 3600s BBY[2] were a galaxy-wide struggle between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, which had vowed revenge against the Republic after the Sith defeat in the Great Hyperspace War of 5000 BBY.[3] Sith resurgence in later millennia resulted in the Old Sith Wars, which likewise ended in a Republic victory in 3950 BBY.[5] Under Sith Emperor Vitiate, the Empire launched the Great Galactic War on the Republic in 3681 BBY, and while the two factions negotiated a ceasefire with the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant in 3653 BBY, a Cold War persisted until around 3640 BBY.[3]

The Republic and the Empire returned to battle with the outbreak of the Galactic War,[3] and while Vitiate abandoned his empire to oversee the Eternal Empire conquest of the galaxy,[6] the Eternal Alliance defeated the Eternal Empire,[7] allowing the Republic and the Empire to continue their struggle with a third Galactic War.[4] In that war, Darth Malgus came into conflict with Emperor Darth Vowrawn and the Dark Council, as well as the Alliance Commander, who had sided with the Republic.[8]

After the Sith Wars of the 3600s, continuing militarism in the Axis reinvigorated old tensions in the region, instigating the Seventeenth Alsakan Conflict.[2]

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Behind the scenes[]

The Sith Wars were first mentioned, albeit indirectly, in the 2004 Obsidian Entertainment video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.[1] The struggle first appeared in the 2009 webcomic The Old Republic, Threat of Peace Act 1: Treaty of Coruscant,[9] and was first identified in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare, written by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart.[2]

As opposed to the wars between the Jedi and the Sith depicted in Star Wars Legends media, Star Wars creator George Lucas stated that there has never been a war between the two groups.[10]


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Notes and references[]

History of the Jedi Order

Force Wars · Unification Wars · First Great Schism · Recusal
Second Great Schism · Hundred-Year Darkness · Great Hyperspace War · Gank Massacres · Third Great Schism · Great Sith War
Mandalorian Wars · Jedi Civil War · First Jedi Purge
Great Galactic War · Cold War · Galactic War
Third Galactic War · New Sith Wars · Republic Dark Age
Ruusan Reformations · Great Jedi Purge · New Jedi Order
Yuuzhan Vong War · Lost Tribe of Sith emergence · Sith–Imperial War
Second Imperial Civil War/Third Jedi Purge

History of the Sith

Incursion of Korriban · Reign of the Ax · First Sith Empire · Invasion of Korriban · Korriban civil war · Sith Empire expansion · Second Great Schism · Hundred-Year Darkness · Reign of Dathka Graush · Sith Empire · Great Hyperspace War
Post–Great Hyperspace War counterinvasion · Sith exodus · Reconstituted Sith Empire · Old Sith Wars (Great Sith War · Jedi Civil War · Dark Wars/First Jedi Purge/Sith Civil War)
Sith Wars (Great Galactic War · Cold War · Galactic War · Third Galactic War)
Fourth Great Schism · New Sith Wars (Sith civil war · Republic Dark Age)
Order of the Sith Lords (Grand Plan) · Lumiya's Sith · Lost Tribe of Sith · Lost Tribe of Sith emergence
One Sith · Sith–Imperial War · Second Imperial Civil War

Eras of galactic history

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Kymoodon · Pius Dea · Ductavis · Rianitus
Subterra · Manderon · Post-Manderon · Old Sith Wars
Inter-Sith Wars · Draggulch · Great Peace · Clone Wars
Imperial · Post-Imperial
