Sluis Van Shipyards

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The Sluis Van Shipyards were a series of orbital shipbuilding complexes stationed over the planet Sluis Van.


The facility was considered to be the best of its kind in the Outer Rim Territories. However, because the Sluissi found shipbuilding to be akin to a form of art (in addition to their rather ponderous system of bureaucracy), they were also considered to be one of the slowest shipyards in the galaxy.

The shipyards were at one point built up to encompass an entire world, similar to the Kuat Drive Yards Orbital Array and Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards of later millennia.

Orbit Dock V-475

Orbit Dock V-475.

During the early years of the New Republic, the Sluis Van Shipyards included Sluis Van Orbit Dock V-475, a Rendili StarDrive space dock.

During the opening campaigns of the Thrawn crisis, the shipyards were the site of a major Imperial ship-theft raid that involved fifty-one mole miners stolen from Lando Calrissian's mining facility Nomad City on the extremely hot but ore-rich planet of Nkllon. Through a series of coordinated attacks, Thrawn had engineered a large number of New Republic Defence Fleet's capital ships to be at the shipyards for repairs. Having concentrated them in one place, he used the miners as makeshift boarding craft to cut into the hulls of the ships and insert boarding parties of stormtroopers and spacetroopers. The plan was initially set to be a success due to the surprise from the unorthodox tactics.

The raid was thwarted through the timely actions of Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, who realized Thrawn's plan and used Lando's override codes to simultaneously activate the drills of the mole miners. This depressurized the ship's bridges and killed most of the standard stormtroopers while Wedge Antilles and the pilots of Rogue Squadron killed the spacetroopers. Though forced into retreat, Thrawn was satisfied that the New Republic's victory had been a costly one.[6]

In the years after the Thrawn crisis, the yards would continue to prosper.



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