
"Perhaps you are here to sell something. Something that  might be a little hard to sell elsewhere. Many people come here looking for Lady V's help in moving things that they otherwise cannot. If it something that the Lady deals with she might be willing to take it off of your hands."
―Sneg the Hand, to a spacer[1]

Sneg, nicknamed Sneg the Hand, was a male Devaronian junk dealer who lived on the planet Tatooine during the Galactic Civil War. After the Battle of Yavin, he worked as a junk dealer in Lady Valarian's Lucky Despot cantina in Mos Eisley. The Devaronian used to buy any kind of second-hand weapons for the use of the Valarian gang from travelers visiting the Lucky Despot.[1] In 1 ABY,[2] Lady Valarian had a special interest in hand-to-hand weapons and tasked Sneg the Hand to provide her with such weapons.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Sneg the Hand was a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts,[1] prior to its closure on December 15, 2011.[3] Sneg was added to the game with the release of the "Publish 7,"[1] on March 17, 2004.[4]



Notes and references[]