
This article is about the planet. You may be looking for the company.

«True, Sunrise was an entertaining exercise in subjugation and destruction, but as you can see it was quite costly. Perhaps I'll simply enslave the Garwians and Vaks, lest I discover too late their worlds also have hidden resources. Agbui persuasion isn't limited to destruction, after all."
"Indeed, […] It was quite clever, using the nyix the Agbui confiscated from Sunrise to corrupt your targeted Chiss officials. Fortunately, we were able to thwart that ploy."
"Only temporarily.»
―Jixtus and Senior Captain Thrawn[1]

Sunrise, as it was named by the Chiss species, was a planet located in the Unknown Regions Sunrise system. The world was covered by mountains, forests, and rivers, as well as a compound located near a nyix metal mine. Sunrise was home by a group of sentients, the The Magys's people, who followed a matriarchal figure, The Magys. A poorly developed world, the Unknown Regions location was difficult to enter and find, as the people that inhabited it died and joined the beyond, an energy that bound all life, and prevented starships from entering the planet.[1]

At some point prior 18 BBY,[3] the Grysk operative "Jixtus" found Sunrise, and sent the Agbui telepathic species to create a civil war between two factions of the planet's inhabitants. The war ended in widespread devastation of Sunrise, and in The Magys and two hundred refugees fleeing to the Paccosh homeworld of Rapacc. There, The Magys and her people met the Chiss Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn," who visited Sunrise with The Magys shortly after.[1]

Afterward, the Grysks fought Chiss over Sunrise with several gunboats and a Battle Dreadnaught, which was destroyed by the Chiss heavy cruiser Grayshrike and the Nightdragon man-of-war Vigilant. Jixtus's forces did not give up, however, and after the Grysk operative allied himself with the Kilji government of the Kilji Illumine, sent the Kilji picket cruiser Hammer to the Sunrise system, where it orbited Sunrise with a Grysk vessel. After defeating both vessels, and freeing Sunrise from Grysk enslavement, Thrawn assembled a fleet over Sunrise, which fought Jixtus himself, who brought all his warships to retrieve The Magys. Unfortunately for him, his forces were defeated, and Sunrise was freed.[1]

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