- «That's a bad combination, Ar'alani. Half of them see Jixtus deliberately provoking the Nine and Forty and trying to goad them into fighting among themselves, while the other half are starting to wonder if the Kilji offer of additional warships might just be the lesser evil.»
- ―Supreme Admiral Ja'fosk, to Admiral Ar'alani during the Chiss Ascendancy crisis[3]
A Syndic was a high-ranking official and a member of the Nine Ruling Families of the Chiss Ascendancy who served in the Chiss Syndicure. A family's Syndics formed their delegation to the Syndicure, and were led by a Speaker.[1]
Syndics were the third-highest political rank within a Chiss family, situated above Patriels and below Speakers.[1]
In some families, the role of Syndic Prime existed at times as an intermediate between Syndic and Speaker. Such a role was not publicly known, unless the Patriarch or Speaker chose to disclose it. Mitth'urf'ianico held the role of Syndic Prime of the Mitth family before being promoted to Patriarch upon the death of Mitth'oor'akiord.[2]
One of Syndics' responsibilities was delivering messages to the military on behalf of the Syndicure regarding members of their family.[1]
- Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising (and audiobook) (First appearance)
- Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good (and audiobook)
- Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil (and audiobook)
Notes and references[]
External links[]
Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars) on Twitter (post): "When the #ThrawnAscendancy trilogy begins, you'll be going beyond the galaxy far, far away.... into a new world of stories. Take a look at the Dramatis Personae along with helpful info about the Chiss Ascendancy, both included inside #StarWar #ChaosRising." (backup link)
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