The Shadow Syndicate
This article is about the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game.
You may be looking for the criminal organization.
The Shadow Syndicate is the fourth expansion of the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game, released on September 22, 2009. It adds more than 200 new playable cards and more than 20 new loot cards to the game, bringing the total number of cards in the game to more than 1,400. The new loot cards include the Air-2 racing swoop and the ability to combine several loot items and create the AT-AT house. The new playable cards feature vehicle units that can:
- Grant additional movement bonuses to deliver units to battle quicker
- Move multiple units at once
- Redeploy units from one quest to another to either save potentially doomed units or reinforce others
- Play during combat to help your defending units
In addition, this expansion introduces new Expertise Trait Cards to the game. Unit cards with the new Expertise trait, such as the Leia Organa card, increase combat stats over time and allow players to acquire other benefits as they reach certain thresholds in their stats.
The story mode of this set, represented in scenarios, puts the players in the service of both an illicit Rebel swoop-racing operation led by Dash Rendar, and the sinister Prince Xizor as he attempts to steal Rebel prizes for his own benefit. With increasing pressure on trade routes from the Empire, the Rebels are using swoop racing to hide their movements of much-needed military vehicles from the Empire. Intent to discover the new Rebel tactic, the Emperor has tasked the Falleen Prince Xizor to uncover the Rebel activities. Using tips from his Black Sun agents, Xizor's attention focuses on the team of star driver Kimmi Chyler, who has hired legendary Corellian freelance smuggler Dash Rendar to provide transport. Knowing their cover to be exposed, Dash and Kimmi make a valiant break to deliver the new vehicles to the Rebels before Xizor and his Black Sun minions can seize the shipment for themselves.
Card list[]

Nautolan: a new playable avatar species
- Battlemind
- Control the Force
- Force Jump
- Force Protection
- Force Repulse
- Guardian of Justice
- Guardian of Peace
- Honor Life
- Instrument of Meditation
- Telepathy
- Honor Life
- Weapon of Defense
- Councilman's Robe
- Fourth Generation Lightsaber
- Grand Healer's Robe
- Jawa Ion Pistol
- Multipocket Belt
- YLK-37R Nova Courier
- Evasive Action
- Flow of the Force
- Force Blinding
- Sacrifice
- Simple Solution
- Wookiee Defense
- Angry Wookiee
- Ewok Dancer
- Flash Speeder
- Jawa Technician
- Logray
- Luke Skywalker
- Singing Mountain Huntress
- Singing Mountain Sentinel
- Sister Chastina
- V-35 Courier
- Wookiee Sentry
- Youngling
- Evasion
- Gunner Strike
- Pathfinders
- Reckless Stimulation
- Reckon Mission
- Scrounging Mission
- Secure Landing Zone
- Spec Force Training
- Task Force Assault
- Weapons Drill
- Wilderness Fighting
- Wraith Op
- Alliance Needler Carbine
- Medic's Belt
- Rebel Insignia Hologram
- SpecOps Field Agent Pack
- Survival Knife
- Y-wing
- Acquisition Run
- Dropship Deployment
- Field Promotion
- Overland March
- Scan-Com Intel
- Urban Combat
- 8th Division Brigadier
- 8th Division Lieutenant
- 8th Division Staff Corporal
- Airen Cracken
- Alliance Admiral
- AV-21 Landspeeder
- C-3PO
- Leia Organa
- Rebel Cadet
- SpecOps Major
- T-47 Airspeeder
- Wedge Antilles
- Blockade
- Crack Down
- Enforcement
- Fire Support
- Imperial Intelligence
- Internal Affairs
- Investigation
- Rule by Fear
- Sleeper Agents
- Surveillance
- Tarkin Doctrine
- Vader's Fist
- Belt of the Spy
- Imperial Insignia Hologram
- Model 22T-4 Hold-Out Blaster
- Scout Trooper Gloves
- Shock Trooper Leggings
- Stalker
- Alpha Strike
- Bombing Run
- Brainwashing
- Breakthrough
- Interrogation
- Superior Numbers
- 419th Infantry Brigadier
- 419th Infantry Commander
- 419th Infantry Corporal
- 419th Infantry Logistics Officer
- 419th Infantry Major
- Admiral Okins
- Aratech 74-Z Speeder Bike
- Black Hole Stormtrooper
- General Nevar
- Ysanne Isard
- Alter the Force
- Battle Meditation
- Force Bolt
- Force Storm
- Give In to Your Anger
- Know Victory
- Manipulate the Force
- Power of the Dark Side
- Sith Alchemy
- Sith Apprentice
- Telekinesis
- Whirlwind
- Belt of the Sith
- Curved-Hilt Lightsaber
- Dark Apprentice Robe
- Devastator
- Imperial Guard TIE Interceptor
- Robes of the Storm Caller
- Chain Lightning
- Dark Temptation
- Deadly Sight
- Force Leap
- Force Tempest
- Path of Anger
- Darkwalker Guardilol
- Darkwalker Systol
- Darkwalker Technick
- Darth Vader
- Lava Skiff
- Lord Nyax
- Nightsister Patrol Leader
- Nyax Fanatic
- Nyax Servant
- Nyax Visionary
- Sith Speeder
- Trienial
- Best Deal Ever
- Conspicuous Consumption
- Power Spirit
- Rising Spirit
- Single File
- Tusken Hospitality
- Witch Blade
- Chance Cube
- Small Pocket Belt
- Standard Boots
- Swoop Helm
- Tusken Cycler Rifle
- White Thranta Katana
- YT-1300 Light Freighter
- Repo Man
- Runaways
- A Speeder for Me
- Tusken Recon
- Card Up Your Sleeve
- Corellian Gambit
- Double Deal
- Dread Strike
- Improv
- Lethality
- Take Cover
- Bantha-II Cargo Skiff
- Dash Rendar
- Guri
- Kimmi Chyler
- Lonay
- Swoop Gang Enforcer
- Swoop Gang Punk
- Swoop Gang Rogue
- Xizor
- XP-38 Landspeeder
- Zephyr-G Swoop
Fixed Cards[]
- Ben Kenobi's Book
- Black Sun Attack
- Mos Espa Race
- Under Cover
- Agrilat Swamp Circuit
- Kor Vella Ambush
- Rebel Sympathizer
- Sore Looser
- Bothan Traitors
- Bureau Mission
- Lok Marathon
- Sabacc Revenge
- Gang Warfare
- Hunt Down and Destroy the Jedi
- Narmle Memorial Rally
- Jedi Sneak
- Bacta Kit
- Rebel Assault Chestplate
- Lightsaber Duelist's Ring
- Anakin's Helmet
- Bothan Bola Carbine
- Immense Gemstone Necklace
- Smuggler's Delight
- Stinger
- Virago
- Chyler's Swoop
- Outrider
Promo Cards[]

Luke Skywalker avatar
- Jix
- Arden Lyn
- Maximilian Veers
- Luke Skywalker
- Han Solo
- Darth Vader
- Leebo
- Jawa Sandcrawler
- Zan Pike
- It's a Trap!
- Barabel Hunter
- Mirax Terrik
- Zu Pike
- AEG-77 Vigo Gunship
- The Shadow Syndicate Choose A Loot
Loot cards[]
- Air-2 racing swoop
- AT-AT Blueprint
- AT-AT Head
- AT-AT Statuette
- Breakthrough
- Cybernetic Arm
- Death Star Hologram
- FG 8T8-Twin Block2 Special Podracer
- Galactic Hunter Painting
- Jabba's Roasting Spit
- Klorri-clan battle shield
- LCD screen
- Malfunctioning Moisture Vaporator
- Mustafar Diorama
- Naboo Signaling Unit
- Nightsister Feather Backpack
- Scurrier Pet
- Starship Hangar
- Varactyl Armor
- Welcome House Sign
- XJ-6 Airspeeder
- Theater Poster: A Forbidden Love
- Luke Skywalker Statuette
- Lightsaber Techniques Painting
- Emperor's Royal Guard Greeter
- TIE Fighter Chair
- Trench Run
- Ceremonial Travel Headdress
- Senate Guard Greeter
List of notable artists who provided original art for the fifth game set.
- Drew Baker
- Kerem Beyit
- Derrick Chew
- Miguel Coimbra
- Chris Dien
- Jason Engle
- Mark Evans
- Lucas Graciano
- Adam Gillespie
- Tomasz Jedruszek
- Buddy Jiang
- Tom Ho
- Kuang Hong
- Austin Hsu
- Michel Koch
- Michael Komarck
- Chris Ng
- Efrem Palacios
- Sean Pando
- Arnaud Pheu
- John Stanko
- Darren Tan
- Charles Urbach
- Ben Wootten
- Kieran Yanner
Explore all of Wookieepedia's images for this article subject.
SOE is proud to announce the fourth expansion for The Star Wars Galaxies™ Trading Card Game, The Shadow Syndicate! on the official Star Wars Galaxies website (original site is defunct)
New TCG Expansion: The Shadow Syndicate on (original site is defunct)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ SW Galaxies TCG: The Shadow Syndicate on (backup link archived on September 26, 2009)
External links[]
Star Wars Galaxies metaseries |
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