Trade Federation fleet/Legends

"There's the blockade."
―Ric Olié[1]

The Trade Federation fleet was the corporate fleet of the Trade Defense Force.


"Forgive me, Lord Sidious, but, as my advisers have pointed out, the redistribution of our vessels carries with it considerable financial risk. To begin with, there is the cost of fuel. Then, with so many ships allocated to an embargo, a disruption in trade in the Mid and Outer Rims for however long the blockade is maintained. Finally, there is no telling how our investors might react to the news. […] We are, after all, Lord Sidious, a commercial enterprise, not a navy."
"Even after all I have engineered on your behalf you fail to grasp that by allying with me you are investing in the future. But no matter. Does it not occur to you that your most valued investors are in a position to reap great profits from your knowledge of what is about to happen? Would they not profit from learning that the Xi Char, the Geonosians, and other unionized insectoids have turned their pincers and claws to the manufacture of weapons? Might you not balance your precious budget by gaining from other shipping companies what revenue the Trade Federation risks losing?"
―Nute Gunray is convinced to prepare the blockade of Naboo by Darth Sidious[3]

The defense fleet consisted of capital ships such as heavy munition cruisers and missile frigates. They made heavy use of droid crew, including OOM pilot battle droids, infantry battle droids of various types, and droid starfighters, but they also carried cadres of sentient personnel, often humans, including their commanders and TDF officers, and other personnel such as scout pilots and companies of troops.[2]

After the Invasion of Naboo, the Trade Federation was forced to hand over warships to the Galactic Republic's Judicial Forces, leading to Federation ships and crews serving in the Republic-led Second Battle of Zonama Sekot.[2]

In the years before the Clone Wars, the Trade Federation subsequently regained a military force, including missile frigates of pre-Naboo design which fought in a picket role at the First Battle of Geonosis, and large new cruiser and destroyer designs using Lucrehulk-class core ships as command modules.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

The Trade Federation Defense Fleet plays an important role in Rogue Planet, where it is implied that it traditionally provided the military protection for Trade Federation cargo haulers. In Cloak of Deception, however, no mention made of the separate defense fleet, and the LH-3210 freighters Revenue and Acquisitor are depicted as armed, shielded, and protected by their own battle droids and starfighters in the period before the invasion of Naboo. It was the captain of one of these armed freighters, Daultay Dofine, who went on to command the invasion fleet at Naboo.


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