Unifying Force/Legends
This article is about the concept of the Force. You may be looking for the novel.
- "The Unifying Force bind the stars and planets in space and time. Through this Force, a Jedi can sense the past and future."
- ―Sabla-Mandibu[1]

A Jedi adherent to the Unifying Force philosophy
The Unifying Force was a view of the Force, accepted by a minority[2] of Jedi throughout ages. The Unifying Force was thought to be present in all shining stars, surrounding and penetrating them, thus connecting all universal things. It was one of the four primary aspects of the Force according to some teachings, along with the Living Force, the Cosmic Force, and the Physical Force.
The Jedi who followed this theory believed the Unifying Force relied on their understanding and was attuned to space around them. The Unifying Force was believed to have neither the light nor the dark side. The light and dark sides were instead conceptualized in a metaphorical way, treating all beings equally. Followers of the Unifying Force always kept their eyes open for future possibilities. In the end, it resulted in them trying to fulfill a destiny rather than focusing on the present, which was one of the main tenets of the Living Force philosophy.
Visions of the future were of particular significance to Unifying Force supporters. Yoda was one of the most adamant proponents of heeding visions of the future, though he did not adhere to many of the other views common with the Unifying Force. Many of these Jedi believed a similar philosophy focusing on the flow of time as a whole, ignoring primary use of the Living Force. Voices for the latter espoused a philosophy of "live for the moment" and heavily relied on their instincts. Yoda later espoused beliefs closer to the philosophy of the Living Force when training Luke Skywalker on Dagobah.
Ironically, Emperor Palpatine, known as Darth Sidious, also supported this belief in the Unifying Force.[2] He agreed that there was only one Force: the only difference worthy of note was that the Sith saw the Force as a means to an end while the Jedi saw it as an end in itself. This view was also supported by Vergere, who taught Jacen Solo that there was no light side or dark side of the Force—only the Unifying Force.[3] Vergere also told Solo that "the Force was everything, and everything was the Force"; that the Force did not have sides and never took sides.[2] Lord Kaan used the term "twilight" to describe an idea that the Force was not split into light and dark sides during a portion of the Ruusan campaign.[4] Also similar and often confused with this understanding of the Force is the Potentium heresy.[2]
However, the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis disagreed with this belief. His own studies of the Force had revealed to him that there was a clear and obvious distinction between the light and dark sides.[5] Similarly, Luke Skywalker came to reject the Unifying Force theory after the Second Galactic Civil War, a war which was caused in great part by one of the most prominent followers of this theory.[6]
This view of the Force should not be confused with the beliefs of such traditions as the Je'daii Rangers or Jensaarai however. Traditions like these understood the Force as Light and Dark, yet drew power from both aspects.[7][2]
- Knights of the Old Republic 6 (Mentioned only)
- Darth Plagueis (and audiobook) (Mentioned only)
- Cloak of Deception
- Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace novelization (and unabridged audiobook) (First mentioned)
Dooku Spotted in Gree Enclave — HoloNet News Vol. 531 #54 (original site is defunct) (Mentioned only)
- MedStar II: Jedi Healer (Mentioned only)
- "Lone Wolf: A Tale of Obi-Wan and Luke" — SkyeWalkers: A Clone Wars Story
- The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force (First appearance)
- The Dark Side Sourcebook
- Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
- Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Jedi Academy Training Manual
- The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force
- Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side
- Nexus of Power