Vader - Dark Visions 2

Vader - Dark Visions 2 is the second issue of the canon comic book miniseries Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions. It was written by Dennis "Hopeless" Hallum, illustrated by Brian Level, and published on March 27, 2019 by Marvel Comics.

Publisher's summary[]

To command an IMPERIAL DESTROYER is a coveted position. But with such great responsibility comes grave consequences if you fail your mission. How far will one officer go to spare himself from the judgment of DARTH VADER?

Plot summary[]

Darth Vader is the Empire's most powerful warrior, mercilessly enforcing
peace and order throughout the galaxy. Killer, monster, savior—what is
the true legacy that the Dark Lord has left behind for those unfortunate
enough to cross his deadly and destructive path?

A rebel spy narrowly escapes capture from Commander Tylux aboard the Star Destroyer, Bellicose. Although Tylux initially sees the spy's escape as failure, his crew convince him that the TIE pilots did an excellent job and that they will still gain a significant amount of intel from Rebel Alliance computers. The commander agrees and gives the order to send a message that their mission was a success.

Tylux officer

Commander Tylux aboard the Bellicose

The commander soon receives word back that Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, is on his way to personally retrieve the captured spy. Worried about what Lord Vader might do when he learns they did not capture the spy, Tylux remembers a moment years ago where he witnessed the punishment for failure enacted by Lord Vader back when Tylux was a Lieutenant.

In a panic, the commander orders the ship to chase after the spy in order to capture him for Lord Vader. The Bellicose breaks away from the rest of the fleet, searching for the Rebel spy within a nearby asteroid field. The other officers aboard the ship are worried about sustaining too much damage from the asteroid field but are quickly quietened once the commander finds the Rebel vessel on the scanners.

The spy sees the Star Destroyer to his complete surprise and orders his droid, Exo, to move their ship or face being destroyed by the Imperial cruiser. The spy is soon followed by a number of TIE Fighters who are ordered not to destroy the ship, but disable it so the spy can be captured. To Tylux's delight, the spy's ship suffers a direct hit. Corned by the TIE fighters, the spy flees into a sandstorm on a nearby planet as a desperate attempt to escape.

Worried again about what Lord Vader may do to him, the commander orders the TIE pilots to continue down to the planet and capture the spy, despite his staff repeatedly warning him of the dangers the fighters will face if they enter the sandstorm. regarding what damage the sandstorm could cause to the pilots as they try to land.

The pilots struggle to see, as the officers predicted, and as the spy's engines overheat, so do those of the TIEs. The spy makes his way back out of the planet's atmosphere, hoping for the TIEs to follow him. The TIEs finally give out and the spy turns his ship around and picks off the Imperial ships as they sit there. Tylux further panics and orders the cruiser to follow the spy as he attempts to escape again, dragging the Star Destroyer even deeper into the asteroid field.


The Bellicose attempts to follow the spy

The spy comes across a Exogorth and flies directly towards the mouth as Tylux commands the Star Destroyer to follow the spy. The cruiser barely fits into the beast's mouth as the spy opens fire on the back of the creature's throat, creating an escape route for himself. The beast is ripped apart by the Star Destroyer as they continue their pursuit of the small fighter. Although the ship is now in range of the tractor beam, the system is down and there are mass power surges throughout the ship. It is revealed that a number of Mynocks are tearing out wires and other important equipment.

The commander orders to raise the shields to full power but they have already been downed by the Mynocks. Five Rebel cruisers come out of Hyperspace and left speechless, Tylux orders the crew to abandon ship. The Rebel cruisers fire upon the Star Destroyer and later, as the ship is about to be fully destroyed, Tylux sees Lord Vader approaching him; reminding him that failure is unacceptable.



Cover gallery[]

Cover A

Cover A

Cover A, unlettered

Cover A, unlettered

Cover B

Cover B




Notes and references[]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions (2019) #2 on Marvel Comics' official website (backup link)
  2. Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions takes place after the formation of the Rebel Alliance, as it appears in this issue, but prior to the destruction of the Death Star, as it appears in Vader - Dark Visions 3. Star Wars: On the Front Lines dates the formation of the Rebel Alliance to 2 BBY, and Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the destruction of the Death Star to 0 BBY, meaning that Star Wars: Vader - Dark Visions takes place some time prior.

External links[]