Weigh Station Karambola
- "All I'm saying is, who names a weigh station after themselves, you know?"
- ―Sardis Ramsin[1]
Weigh Station Karambola was a space station owned by Fastid Barancul Karambola. Lando Calrissian met with Vice Grand Administrator Prita Sven in the tenth-level solarium den of Weigh Station Karambola, but was dragged away by L3-37.
- "I mean, this is the last stop, so to speak."
- ―Sardis Ramsin[1]
Located in a distant region of the galaxy, Weigh Station Karambola was nevertheless visited by a wide range of smugglers, bounty hunters, and other criminals. It was owned by the well-mannered Crolute Fastid Barancul Karambola, who had named it after himself. The station had multiple levels, the tenth of which held a solarium den.[1]
- "However, it's imperative we exit this weigh station immediately and head to the Farfax system."
- ―L3-37, to Lando Calrissian[1]
Lando Calrissian visited Weigh Station Karambola during the Imperial Era, meeting with Vice Grand Administrator Prita Sven in the tenth-level solarium den. His conversation was interrupted by the supposed bounty hunter Sardis Ramsin, who was punched aside by Karambola after insulting him. Before Calrissian could resume speaking to Sven, his droid companion L3-37 pulled him to the side, wishing to leave for the Farfax system. L3-37 took Calrissian out of the solarium and back to their starship, the Millennium Falcon, departing in search for the Mesulan Remnants Belt.[1]
Behind the scenes[]
Weigh Station Karambola first appeared in the 2018 canon novel Last Shot, written by Daniel José Older.[1]