
"That's the last of them, Bokar. These two are dead. Still no sign of Fel."

Yuln was a humanoid Sith who served Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire during the Second Imperial Civil War. In 137 ABY, Yuln and another Sith, Bokar, were dispatched to the planet Agamar to search for surviving enemy forces following a clash between Sith forces and an allied group of Imperial Knights and Jedi. Three days after the attack on Agamar, Yuln and Bokar were slain by Imperial Knight Azlyn Rae and Jedi Master Rasi Tuum, respectively.


"And many Jedi and Imperial Knights died, Yuln, proving they are weaker than we Sith."
"Sith perished as well, Bokar."
"Weaklings! Better they be culled from the ranks of the One Sith!"
―Bokar and Yuln[1]
Rae kills Yuln

Yuln is impaled by Azlyn Rae's lightsaber on Agamar.

Yuln, a humanoid Sith, served in Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Krayt's Sith Order during the Second Imperial Civil War. In 137 ABY, Sith–Imperial forces traveled to the planet Agamar,[1] intending to capture or kill exiled Emperor Roan Fel. After the battle, Yuln and fellow Sith Bokar were sent to Agamar's surface to search for Fel and eliminate any of his surviving Imperial Knights and Jedi allies.[1]

Three days after the attack on Agamar, as the two Sith were searching for survivors of the battle, Yuln informed Bokar that all the remaining Jedi and Imperial Knights were dead. The two Sith began arguing over the strength of the Sith, Jedi, and Imperial Knights who perished during the battle. They were interrupted by Jedi Master Rasi Tuum, who slew Bokar, as Yuln was impaled and killed by Imperial Knight Azlyn Rae's lightsaber.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Yuln's body was covered in red and black Sith tattoos, with three piercings over a scar that extended from the corner of the Sith's mouth. Yuln had black hair. When Bokar interpreted the deaths of so many Jedi and Imperial Knights on Agamar to mean that the Sith were superior to both orders, Yuln pointed out that Sith had also died.[1]


The Sith carried a double-bladed lightsaber and donned gray armor.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Yuln was introduced by writer John Ostrander and penciller Jan Duursema in the first issue of the Extremes story arc, part of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series. The issue was released by Dark Horse Comics[1] on May 26, 2010.[2]


Notes and references[]

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