1 Kings 22 Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

1And they dwelt three years and there was no war between Edom and Israel. 2And it was in the third year, and Yushaphat, King of Yehuda, came down to Akhab, King of Israel. 3And the King of Israel said to his Servants: “You know that Ramath Gelad is ours, and how long are we still, for we should take it from the hand of the King of Edom?” 4And he said to Yushaphat: “Go with me for battle to Ramath Gelad!” And Yushaphat said: “I am going as you are, and my people are as your people, and my horses as your horses!”

5And Yushaphat said to the King of Israel: “Inquire today now the word of LORD JEHOVAH.” 6And the King of Israel gathered the Prophets, about four hundred men, and said to them: “Shall I go to Ramath Gelad for battle, or shall I stay?” They said to him: “Go up and LORD JEHOVAH is delivering them into your hands, Oh King!” 7And Yushaphat said: “Is there not here a Prophet of God that we will inquire of him?” 8And the King of Israel said to Yushaphat again: “There is one man of whom we will ask the answer of LORD JEHOVAH, and I have hated him, because he does not prophesy good concerning me, but only evil; Mikah is his name, son of Yamla.” And Yushaphat said: “The King should not speak in this way.” 9And the King of Israel called one Eunuch and said to him: “Quickly! Mikah, son of Yamla!” 10And the King of Israel and Yushaphat the King of Yehuda were sitting, each man, on his throne, and wearing multicolored clothing in the entrance of the gate of Samaria, and all the Prophets prophesied before them. 11And Tsedeqia, son of a Canaanitess, made for himself horns of iron, and said: “Thus says LORD JEHOVAH: with these you shall gore the Edomites until you finish them!” 12And all the Prophets prophesied thus and they were saying: “Go up to Ramath Gelad and conquer, and LORD JEHOVAH delivers them into your hands, oh, King!”

13And the Messenger who went to call Mika said to him: “Behold, the words of the lying Prophets are good from one mouth concerning the King. Let your word be like the message of one of them and you speak good also.” 14And Mikah said: “Living is LORD JEHOVAH, but the thing that LORD JEHOVAH says to me, that I shall speak.”

15And he came to the King and the King said to him: “Mikah, shall we go to Ramath Gelad for battle, or shall we stay?” He said to him: “Go up, and conquer, and LORD JEHOVAH shall hand them over into your hands, oh, King!” 16The King said to him: “How many times have I charged you that you will not speak to me, except only the truth in the name of LORD JEHOVAH?”

17And Mikah said: “I have seen Israel scattered on the mountains as sheep without a Shepherd, and LORD JEHOVAH said: “They have no Master. Let them return each man to his house in peace.”

18And the King of Israel said to Yushaphat: did I not say to you that he does not prophesy about me good, but only evil?”

19And Mikah said: because of this, hear the answer of LORD JEHOVAH: “I saw LORD JEHOVAH sitting on his throne, and all the host of Heaven standing beyond him at his right and at his left. 20And LORD JEHOVAH said: “Who will seduce Akhab and he shall go up and he shall fall in Ramath Gelad?” This one spoke in this way and that one spoke in that way. 21And a spirit went out and stood before LORD JEHOVAH and said: “I will seduce him!” LORD JEHOVAH said to him: “With what?” 22And he said: “I shall go out and I shall be a spirit of lying in the mouth of all of his Prophets!” He said to him: “You seduce and you are able. Go out and do so!” 23And now, behold, LORD JEHOVAH has put a spirit of lying in the mouth of all of these your Prophets, and LORD JEHOVAH has spoken evil concerning you!”

24And Tsedeqia son of a Canaanitess came near and struck Mika on the cheek and said to him: “Where passed The Spirit of LORD JEHOVAH from me and has spoken in you?” 25Mikah said to him: “Behold, you will see in that day when you have gone into a bathroom within an inner chamber to hide yourself.” 26And the King of Israel said: “Take Mika and hand him to Amon the Governor of the city and to Yoash son of the King! 27And say, ‘Thus says the King: throw this one into the house of prisoners and feed him bread to keep him alive and give him water to drink to keep him alive until I shall come in peace.’” 28And Mikah said: “If you will return in peace, LORD JEHOVAH has not even spoken by me!” And he said: “Hear, people, all of you!”

29And the King of Israel went up, and Yushaphat, King of Yehuda, to Ramath Gelad. 30And the King of Israel said to Yushaphat: “I shall disguise myself, also I shall enter into battle, and you wear your clothing.” And the King of Israel was disguised and he went into battle. 31And the King of Edom commanded his thirtytwo Captains of chariots, and he said: “You shall not fight with small neither with great, but only with the King of Israel!” 32And when the Captains of the chariots saw Yushaphat, they thought that he was the King of Israel, and they turned aside after him to fight with him, and Yushaphat cried out. 33And when the Captains of the chariots saw that he was not the King of Israel, they turned away from him.

34And one man had shot at him with a bow perfectly, and he struck the King of Israel between the joints of the breastplate, and he said to his charioteer: “Turn your hand and take me from the camp, for the pains of death have come to me!” 35And the battle prevailed in that day and the King was standing in the chariot against Edom, and he died in the evening. And the blood of his wound ran into the hollow of his chariot. 36And a Herald called in the camp when the sun had set, and said: “Go, each man to his town and each man to his land!”

37And the King died and entered Samaria, and they buried the King in Samaria. 38And they washed the chariot in Ramtha of Samaria, and they washed his armor, and dogs licked his blood, according to the word of LORD JEHOVAH which he had spoken. 39And the rest of the words of Akhab and everything that he did, and the house of ivory that he built, and all the cities that he built, behold they are written in the book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel. 40And Akhab fell asleep with his parents, and Ekhazyah his son reigned after him.

41And Yushaphat, son of Asa, became king over Yehuda in the fourth year of Akhab, King of Israel. 42And Yushaphat was a son of thirty and five years when he was made king, and he reigned twenty and five years in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother was Aruba, daughter of Shelkhi. [43] And he walked in all the ways of Asa his father, and he did not turn aside from them and did what is beautiful before LORD JEHOVAH. 43However, he did not remove the high places, and the people were sacrificing again and laying incense on the high places. 44And Yushaphat made peace with the Kings of Israel.

45And the rest of the accounts of Yushaphat and all his heroism that he did and that which he battled, behold, are written in the book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Yehuda. 46And he removed the rest of the fornication which remained in the days of Asa his father from the land.

47And there was no King remaining in Edom. 48And Yushaphat made ships for Tarshish to go to Uphir for gold, and they did not go because the ships were broken in Eetsinugbar. 49Then Ekhazyah son of Akhab said to Yushaphat: “My Servants will go with your Servants in the ships”, and Yushaphat was not willing. 50And Yushaphat fell asleep with his parents, and he was buried with his parents in the city of David his father, and Yoram his son became king after him.

51And Ekhazyah, son of Akhab, became king over Israel in Samaria in the seventeenth year of Yushaphat, King of Yehuda, and he reigned over Israel two years. 52And he did evil before LORD JEHOVAH and walked in the ways of his father and in the ways of his mother, and in the ways of Yorbaam, son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin. 53And he worshiped Baal and he bowed to him, and he provoked anger before LORD JEHOVAH God of Israel, as his father had done