Ezekiel 48 Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

1And these are the names of the tribes from the end of the North on the side of the road of Khethrun that is in the entrance of Khamath and of Khetsar Ainan, and the border of Darmsuq that is in the North that is upon the side of Khamath; this is the East side of the Sea of Dan 2And opposite the border of Dan from the east wind and unto the west wind of Ashayr 3And opposite the border of Ashayr from the east wind and unto the west wind of Naphtali 4And opposite the border of Naphtali from the east wind and unto the west wind of Menashe 5And opposite the border of Menashe from the east wind and unto the west wind of Rubil 6And opposite the border of Rubil from the east wind and unto the west wind of Ephraim 7And opposite the border of Ephraim from the east wind and unto the west wind of Yehuda

8And opposite the border of Yehuda from the east wind and unto the west wind there shall be a division that you dedicate; the width twenty and five thousand and the length like one of the portions, and from the east wind and unto the west wind shall be The Holy Place within it 9The division that you dedicate to LORD JEHOVAH: the length, twenty and five thousand, and the width, ten thousand

10And a division of Holiness shall be for the Priests to the North, twenty and five thousand, and the width, ten thousand, and to the West, ten thousand, and to the East, ten thousand, and the South, twenty and five thousand, and the holy place of LORD JEHOVAH shall be within it 11And it will be for the Priests who are sanctified from the sons of Tsadoq, for they kept my observances and they have not strayed as the children of Israel have strayed, and like the Levites have strayed 12And they shall have a division from the division of the land, The Holy of Holies, in the border of the Levites 13And the Levites next to the border of the Priests: the length, twenty and five thousand, and the width, ten thousand, and all their space, twenty and five thousand, and the width, ten thousand 14They shall not sell any of it and they shall not exchange it, and they shall not do away with the first fruit of the land, because its holiness is of LORD JEHOVAH

15And five thousand that is left next to the entrance, twenty and five thousand. The place is for the city, for the inhabitants and for the suburbs, that the city will be within it 16And these are the measurements toward the north wind: four thousand and five hundred; and to the east, four thousand and five hundred, and to the south, four thousand and five hundred, and to the west, four thousand and five hundred 17And the suburbs of the city will be to the north, two hundred and fifty, and to the south, two hundred and fifty, and to the east, two hundred and fifty, and to the west, two hundred and fifty 18And what is left next to the dedication of Holiness: ten thousand to the east, and ten thousand to the west; it shall be next to the dedication of Holiness, and its harvest food shall be for those who work for the city 19And he who works for the city shall be enlisted from all the tribes of Israel 20The whole division is twenty and five thousand by twenty and five thousand, and set the division of Holiness apart from the inheritance of the city

21And what is left shall be for the Ruler of the city, and from the dedication of Holiness and from the inheritance of the city to the border of the east, twenty and five thousand, and to the West, twenty and five thousand, to the border of the west, next to the division of the Ruler, and the dedication of Holiness and the Sanctuary of the house shall be within it 22And some of the inheritance of the Levites, and some of the inheritance of the city, the portion of the Ruler, will be in the city between the border of Yehuda and the border of Benyamin

23But the rest of the tribes from the East wind and unto the west wind of Benyamin 24And opposite the border of Benyamin from the east wind and unto the west wind of Shemon 25And opposite the border of Shemon from the east wind and unto the west wind of Issakar 26And opposite the border of Issakar from the east wind and unto the west wind of Zebulon 27And opposite the border of Zebulon from the east wind and unto the west wind of Gad 28And opposite the border of Gad, from the south wind, shall be the border of Tamar unto the waters of Maribath Qadish, his inheritance unto the Great Sea 29This is the land that you shall divide an inheritance to the tribes of Israel, and these are their divisions, says THE LORD OF LORDS

30And these are the exits of the city from the north wind: the measurement, four thousand and five hundred 31And the gates of the city by the names of the tribes of the children of Israel: on the north, three gates: one of Rubil and one of Yehuda and one of Levi 32And on the east, the measure is four thousand and five hundred, and three gates: one of Yoseph and one of Benyamin and one of Dan 33And on the south, the measure is four thousand and five hundred, and three gates: one of Shemon and one of Issakar and one of Zebulon 34And on the west, the measure was four thousand and five hundred, and three gates: one of Gad and one of Ashayr and one of Naphtali 35And around it eighteen thousand, and the name of the city is from the days LORD JEHOVAH named it