Jeremiah 28 Peshitta Holy Bible Translated
1And it was in that year in the beginning of the kingdom of Tsedeqiah, King of Judea, in the fourth year, in the fifth month, KhananYah, son of Azor, the lying Prophet who was from Gebun, said to me in the house of LORD JEHOVAH, before the eyes of the Priests and before the eyes of all the people: 2“Thus says LORD JEHOVAH of Hosts, God of Israel, ‘I have broken the yoke of the King of Babel 3Two years from now I shall return to this place all of the implements of the house of LORD JEHOVAH that Nebukadnetsar King of Babel took from this place and took them to Babel 4With Yokania, son of Yoaqim, King of Judea, and all the captivity of Judea that went to Babel, I will return them to this place, says LORD JEHOVAH, because I have cut off the yoke of the King of Babel!”
5And Jeremiah the Prophet said to KhananYah the lying Prophet before the eyes of the Priests and before the eyes of all the people who stand in his house of LORD JEHOVAH 6And Jeremiah said, “Amen! May LORD JEHOVAH do so! May LORD JEHOVAH establish the word that you prophesied, to return the implements of his house of LORD JEHOVAH and all the captivity from Babel to this place! 7However, hear this answer that I speak before you and before all this people 8The Prophets who have been before me and before you from antiquity also prophesied against many lands and against great kingdoms for battle and for evil and for slaughter 9A Prophet who prophesies peace, whenever the word of the Prophet has come to pass, that Prophet is recognized whom LORD JEHOVAH sent in truth”
10And KhananYah the lying Prophet took the collars from the neck of Jeremiah the Prophet, and he shattered them 11And KhananYah said before the eyes of all the people: “Thus says LORD JEHOVAH, ‘So I shall break the yoke of Nebukadnetsar King of Babel two years from now, from the neck of all the nations!’” And Jeremiah the Prophet went on his way
12And the word of LORD JEHOVAH came unto Jeremiah the Prophet after KhananYah the lying Prophet had broken the collars from the neck of Jeremiah the Prophet 13"Go and say to KhananYah the lying Prophet, ‘Thus says LORD JEHOVAH: ‘Make the collars of wood that you broke a yoke of iron in their place’ 14Because thus says LORD JEHOVAH of Hosts, God of Israel: ‘A yoke of iron I have put on the neck of all these nations to work for Nebukadnetsar, King of Babel, and also I have given the animals of the wilderness to him to work for him’ 15And Jeremiah the Prophet said to KhananYah the lying Prophet: “Hear KhananYah! LORD JEHOVAH has not sent you, and you have made this people to trust on falsehood’ 16Because of this, thus says LORD JEHOVAH: ‘Behold, I cast you from the face of the Earth. This year you die because of the evil you have spoken before LORD JEHOVAH
17And KhananYah the lying Prophet died that year in the seventh month